Silverbrook Staff Bulletin
Vol. 11 No. 20 January 17, 2025
Mission: Empowering ALL students to be successful learners
Theme: Building Superlearners!
Thank you to Monica and Angie for signing up to help with lunch and recess. Your presence keeps things running smoothly! - Heather
Shout out to Aaron for salting and shoveling the sidewalk during morning drop off to keep our kids safe! -Heather
Thank you Katie for all the time you put in with one of our students!! Your perseverance helped the student feel supported and ready to come to school. You have such a kind heart! -Judy
Thank you Lance & Sheri for attending a parent meeting. Your support made all the difference and hopefully we will see a positive result! Thank you so much! -Judy
Thank you Jodi L for taking care of the science team materials!! We appreciate the amount of time you put in to help our classrooms run smoothly. Thank you! -Judy
Woot Woot! Heather, your the best! Thanks for doing the staffing while I was out! -Wendi
Thank you to Kayla for meeting me before school to assist in getting a student to school! ~Heather
Thank you Leah for keeping our math team moving forward!
Thank you Neuser for creating a great experience for our students as "Francis Finance"!
Thanks to Philina and Angela for your window cleanup on Wednesday afternoon!
December Behavior Data Snapshot
Total incidents schoolwide in Sept-Dec. 2024: 303
Minors: 200
Majors: 103
Compared to total incidents from Sept.-Nov. 2023: 415
Minors: 297
Majors: 118
Total percentage of students with 0-1 referral to date: 91%
Current breakdown
By grade:
6th grade: 199
5th grade: 104
By gender:
Males: 215
Females: 88
Data trends in December:
Most frequent minor offense: disrespectful behavior (9)
Other frequent offenses: insubordination (7), physical contact (5), disruptive behavior (3)
Most frequent major offense: inappropriate language (4)
Other frequent offense: disrespectful behavior (2)
Most common location: classroom (28)
Other frequent locations: recess area (5), hallway (3)
Breakdown by day (YTD)
Wed (71), Mon (68), Tues (67), Fri (61), Thurs (54)
Inappropriate Language Referrals:
October 2024: 31
November 2024: 24
December 2024: 5
Save the Date! The second annual staff vs. students wheelchair basketball game is scheduled for Friday March 7th. Two years ago, staff who participated had an awesome time. If you are interested in playing, let Lance know. The more, the merrier!
If your club or co-curricular is interested in running the concession stand that night as a fundraiser for the group, let Lance know that, too.
MSO Concert - 1/21/25 - Silver Lining Arts Center
Buses will load at approximately 9:15am. Houses will be called down when the buses arrive. Please wait for your house to be called to load the bus. There will be approximately one bus per house. Students should sit 3 to a seat.
The concert begins at 10:00am, and students will return to Silverbrook at approximately 11:00-11:15am. Students will not be missing keys.
Lunch Plans
Blue, Purple and Yellow will be dismissed from the concert first. They will arrive to Silverbrook and go directly to the cafeteria. Lunch will be on styrofoam trays. Yellow house will sit in the open tables. Please have your students put their cold lunches on the bench before going to the concert.
Red and Orange students will be dismissed from the concert next. They will get their hot lunch on styrofoam trays and eat in house classrooms. We will have recess supervisors helping monitor until 11:27. Depending if it is a D1/D2, music staff will help as well.
As always, if the buses are running late we will adjust. If someone can call the office when the first bus is loading after the concert, that will help us plan for what is needed.
Spikeball is Here!
We have added a spikeball game for each house to be used for indoor recess. Please review the rules from the attached card with the students in your house. Games will be delivered today during the day. It looks like we may need to put them to use on Tuesday.
Report Card Information
Report card information:
1/17 End of Semester
1/22 Grades must be completed and posted
1/23 Melissa prints Report cards and distributes to houses by MM teacher
1/24 Report cards live and report card packets (see below) sent home
1/24 Honor Roll certificates run and distributed by Melissa
1/27-1/29 Gold seals put on certificates (see below)
1/29-2/7 Honor roll ceremonies in house (invite Lance/Heather to join)
Report card packet sent home ON 1/24 consists of:
Cover letter (printed and distributed by Lance)
Report card (printed and distributed by Melissa)
STAR Math Family Report(printed by math teachers)
STAR Reading Family Report (printed by literacy teachers)
Directions for STAR Family Reports:
Print in color
Unclick "Show grade level equivalent"
Make sure "Benchmark Type" is set to District
Honor Roll Gold seals:
Students must meet one or both of the criteria:
Met winter growth goal set by student in math or reading (or both)
SGP of 50 or higher as shown on the STAR growth report in math or reading (or both)
Students on honor roll that qualify: teachers will put gold seal stickers on the honor roll certificate (seals provided from office)
All students that qualify will earn a water bottle sticker (provided by the office)
Upcoming Events:
Monday, January 20 is a Professional Development Day. If you would like to participate in bringing a snack to share, please bring your favorite snack to 5th and Main Monday morning. Plates and napkins will be provided by the Wellness Committee.
Second Step
5th Grade - Unit 3 (Empathy and Kindness ) Lesson 15: Your Solution
6th Grade -Unit 4 (Managing Relationships and Social Conflict), Lesson 21: Why Conflicts Escalate
Some lessons may prompt staff to use a ‘fist to five’ likert scale to indicate understanding, emotional state etc. Please replace the ‘fist’ with ‘zero to five’.
What's Coming Up Next Week!
- PD Day
- All Staff Snacks - Wellness Committee, hosted at 5th and Main
January 21
- MSO - 10:00am
- Workspace
January 22
- Workspace
January 23
- Workspace
January 24
- Silverbrook Forensic Meet
Silverbrook Staff
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1133718240310217/
Family Newsletter: