Transition Plus
Working, Learning, Living full Lives
Consistency Reminders
Along those same lines:
- If there is going to be a change in busing or students missing classes or work sites for some reason please make sure to inform the appropriate individuals- teachers, work coordinators, buses, etc.
- Please continue to do your lesson plans and place them in the shared folder you have with me. I do check them and there are a few people who have not been submitting lesson plans
Mandatory Inservice
Non-licensed staff need to attend
Friday May 19 - either 2-2:30 or 2:30-3 in room 200
Licensed Staff need to attend
Tuesday May 23 8 am in computer lab
Take Care of Yourself
Kelli Skoog, our EAP on-site counselor, will be doing a short presentation on self-compassion on Wednesday at 8 am-8:30 am in room 200.
She will share some strategies for you to help end the school year MPS Strong
Scheduling for 2017-18
Returning student schedules are due to Robby by Friday May 19th.
The 2017-2018 1st semester master schedule is posted to the Licensed Staff/Teacher Folder - Schedules on google drive
Workshop Details -PBL 101 Workshop
Please let me know ASAP if you are interested in this:
PBL 101 is BIE’s foundational three-day onsite workshop. Based on BIE's model of Gold Standard PBL, the workshop provides participants with the skills and knowledge needed to design, assess and manage a rigorous, relevant, and standards-based project. The workshop models the project process. Facilitated by one of BIE's expert National Faculty, the workshop is a balanced blend of direct instruction, video analysis, hands-on work, resource sharing, and peer collaboration and feedback. Participants are actively engaged in project design, with the expectation that every teacher or teaching team will generate a project plan that receives formative feedback from both participants and BIE National Faculty. All participants receive a free copy of BIE's highly regarded PBL 101 Workbook, which is exclusively for PBL 101 participants and not sold separately.
Intended Audience: Pre-approved participants, by invite only
eCompass Course: 91344
Facilitator: Buck Institute Faculty
Time and Location: (choose 1 3-day workshop to attend)
Workshop 1: Monday, June 26th through Wednesday, June 28th from 8am – 3pm 800 West Broadway Ave, Minneapolis, 55411
Workshop 2, 3 , 4 & 5: Tuesday, August 1st through Thursday, August 3rd from 8am – 3pm 800 West Broadway Ave, Minneapolis, 55411
Payment: This is an unpaid opportunity
Learning Targets:
1. I will develop the skills and knowledge needed to design, asses and manage a rigorous, relevant and standards-based project, aligned with the “Gold Standard" design principles.
2. I will participate in “the project process” to better understand the student perspective of Project Based Learning.
3. I will design a project plan, aligned to the “Gold Standard” design principles to use with students.
4. I will engage in the feedback process with both my peers and BIE National Faculty. Relicensure Req: Not Applicable
A Great Resource
It is a Postsecondary Resource Guide: Successfully preparing students with disabilities for the postsecondary environment.