The Lion's Roar
MAY 2024
Lion Families,
Hard to believe that this is the final newsletter of the '23-'24 school year. I am grateful that I have been given the opportunity to be a part of such an outstanding staff, student body and community. We are fortunate in so many ways here at Oak Hills, and I firmly believe that it starts at home. This year has been filled with remarkable achievements, cherished memories, and invaluable lessons for both our students and our entire school community. I am extremely proud of the dedication and determination that has resulted in success in the classroom, on the field, on the stage, and in the lives of so many. I would like to thank all of you for your continued support and partnership throughout the academic year. It has been a tremendous year, and I am thrilled with the progress and achievements that our students have made.
As we prepare to close out the academic year, I want to remind you of a couple of important dates and events that are coming up:
* Semester testing will be held on 5/20 - 5/22. See the testing calendar below for specific class period testing dates.
* End of the year awards assembly is on 5/14. We will have two different assemblies this year. Our 6th & 7th grade assembly will be at 9:00am on May14th, and the 8th grade assembly will be at 1:00pm on the 14th. If your student is receiving an award, an invitation has been mailed to your home to notify you that your student will be recognized with an award.
* May 6th - 10th is teacher appreciation week. This obviously is a great time for your student to recognize the time, effort, dedication and love that his/her teachers have given over the course of the last 10 months.
I also want to take this opportunity to say that learning doesn't stop when the school year ends. I encourage you to continue to support your child's education over the summer months by engaging in educational activities, reading, and exploring new topics and interests.
Once again, thank you for your support and partnership throughout the academic year. We wish our 8th graders the absolute best as they move on to Lake Creek. They will be greatly missed! I hope it is a safe and enjoyable summer break, and I look forward to welcoming back our 6th and 7th graders in the fall.
Be Lion Bold,
G. Whitehead
5/6 – 5/10 – Teacher Appreciation Week
5/6 – Football Parent Meeting (Oak Hills Cafeteria @ 6pm)
5/8 – Nurse’s Appreciation Day
5/9 - 5/16 – Band Spring Concert (Lake Creek Auditorium @ 6:30pm)
5/10 – 8th Celebration @ Main Event in Tomball
5/12 – Mother’s Day
5/13 – 6th Gr. Choir Pop Show (Lake Creek Auditorium @ 7pm)
5/14 – 6th & 7th Grade Awards Assembly (Oak Hills Gym @ 9:00am)
5/14 – 8th Grade Awards Assembly (Oak Hills Gym @ 1:00pm)
5/14 – Choir Spring Sing (Lake Creek Auditorium @ 7pm)
5/15 – Choir, Band & Dance @ Big Rivers Waterpark
5/15 – Sports Physicals (Lake Creek HS from 3pm-5pm)
5/20 – Semester Testing
5/21 – Semester Testing/Early Release
5/22 – Semester Testing/Early Release
The final week of the semester we will be on an alternate bell schedule on May 20th, 21st , & 22nd . That final week students may be taking an assessment in one or more classes. These assessments are not semester exams but rather will be incorporated into the average of the 4th 9 weeks grading cycle. We know that some may not be here the last week of school. In the event your student will not be able to complete his/her assessment at the regularly scheduled time, we can set up an alternate time for it to be taken. To schedule this, you will need to contact your student’s grade level counselor, and they will take care of making sure that your student has the opportunity to make up any assessments that are missed.
6th Grade Counselor – Amber Pryor (amber.pryor@misd.org)
7th Grade Counselor – Renee Sorrell (renee.sorrell@misd.org)
8th Grade Counselor – Nacole Morgan (nacole.morgan@misd.org)
Parents of our INCOMING 7th and 9th Grade Lions Football Athletes we invite you to attend a very informative parent information meeting this evening at 6:00 pm.
**The SportsYou code for INCOMING 7th Graders: K8F6JDZU
SportsYou is the main source of information for all things pertaining to football. EVERY athlete and at least one PARENT/GUARDIAN need to join ASAP.
“Give me 5 minutes, and then I’ll come talk to you.”
“I’ll return that call tomorrow.”
“It’s Friday, I’m tired. The last thing I want to do is go to that event tonight. I’m going to bail.”
It’s the end of the school year, and we’ve all about had it! So talking about commitment is coming at the perfect time. When we think of parenting with commitment, the first thing to remember is that if we want kids to keep their commitments, we have to keep ours. Especially at this time of year, this can be a tough thing to do. Using the application this month might help — making a plan and then working the plan is likely the best way to make sure you can get done what needs to happen. Sometimes, you or your child will make a commitment that, for whatever reason, doesn’t make sense to follow through on. Since being committed doesn’t mean you stick with something that isn’t healthy for you, there are times when quitting, pivoting, or simply changing your mind is the right thing. When quitting turns out to be the right decision, the next step is to help your child “quit right.” This might mean a conversation between your kid and a coach, teacher, or director that is uncomfortable, but it is the best thing for preparing your child for a future of decision-making, agency, and self-care.
Questions for parents to consider:
• How do you demonstrate commitment?
• What are your “triggers” for not following through on a commitment? How might a plan help you overcome those?
• What can you commit to doing this month that your kids can watch you complete?
Questions to ask your child:
• When is it hard to stay committed?
• How can I help you follow through on commitments?
• What do we need to plan for as we head into summer that you want to stay committed to?
• What things can we commit to doing as a family? What plan can we put into action?
Hello Lion Family!
How is it the end of the year?!?! Here are your end of year and summer reminders! Where did this school year go?
Medications- We do not hold medications over the summer for the next school year. All medication that is not picked up on or before 5/23/2024 will be disposed of! We cannot send medications home with students.
Immunizations- 6th Grade Parents -It is time to prepare for your students upcoming 7th grade year! The State of Texas Immunization Law requires a Tdap (Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis) Vaccine (within the last 5 years) and Meningococcal Vaccine for 7th grade. Students that do not have these vaccinations WILL NOT be given their schedule at schedule pick up.
*If your student has an exemption the original affidavit must be turned into the clinic, not a copy.
We hope you have a happy and healthy summer and see you next school year!
Thank you!
Nurse James & Mrs. Bailey
*Information on exclusions from immunization requirements, provisional enrollment, and acceptable documentation of immunizations may be found in §97.62, §97.66, and §97.68 of the Texas Administrative Code, respectively and online at https://www.dshs.texas.gov/immunize/school/default.shtm
*Instructions for requesting the official exemption affidavit that must be signed by parents/guardians choosing the exemption for reasons of conscience, including a religious belief, can be found at www.dshs.texas.gov/immunize/school/exemptions.aspx . The original Exemption Affidavit must be completed and submitted to the school. The law does not allow parents/guardians to elect an exemption simply because of inconvenience (for example, a record is lost or incomplete and it is too much trouble to go to a physician or clinic to correct the problem). Students may be excluded in times of emergency or epidemic declared by the commissioner of public health.
MISD ATTENDANCE POLICY & Frequently Asked Questions
To view the MISD Attendance Policy and Frequently Asked Questions click HERE
Here are a few tips to consider:
● Have your student arrive at school on time and attend every class period, especially the official attendance-taking period (9:15 AM JH and HS).
● A student who is tardy to class will be subject to the consequences established at each campus in accordance with the possible consequences in the MISD Student Code of Conduct.
● What happens if your student needs to see a doctor/dentist/therapist? If possible, we encourage you to schedule appointments outside of school hours. Obtain and submit a medical note for documentation to provide to your student’s Campus Attendance Specialist. Documentation is needed so the absence will be coded correctly.
● When you receive an absence notification, please follow up with your student and the campus attendance specialist. If you have documentation for your student’s absence, please submit as early as possible (it is recommended to submit within 48 hours). If you believe a teacher has marked a student incorrectly, please have your student reach out to the teacher of the marked period.
Oak Hills Attendance Specialist:
Mrs. Shannon Sedoff
Email: OHJHattendance@misd.org
Phone: (936)276-4315
Fax: (936)276-4301
Website: https://oakhillsjh.misd.org/
Location: 19190 Keenan Cut Off Road, Montgomery, TX, USA
Phone: 936-276-4300
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/oakhillsjuniorhigh
Twitter: @oakhillslions