Prairie Elementary December News
From Principal Kristen Jones
December 2024 Events
12/06: 8:10 am Building Assembly Kicking Off Theme: Empathy
12/09: 6 pm Prairie Pawsitive Impact & Spirit Squad Committees at SMSD Board meeting
12/11: 4pm Prairie Mathletics Competition in gym
12/18: 9:30 am: 6th Grade DARE Graduation for families in the gym
12/18: Dress Like Your Favorite Winter Character
12/19: Festive Spirit Day
12/19: 5pm Prairie Choir performance at the Kansas City Zoo
12/20: All School PJ Day, 8:10 am All School & Family Sing along in gym
12/20: Winter Parties based on early dismissal grade level schedules
12/20: Early Dismissal at 12:30
12/21-1/06: Winter Break
1/03: Teacher Workday
1/06: Students return
Tis the season for passing around illnesses! The current guidance from the Johnson County Department of Health and Environment is as follows:
- Covid and RSV- Exclude until both are true: symptoms are getting better and no fever for 24 hours without aid of medication. Upon return to normal activities, take additional precautions over the next 5 days.
- Influenza (physician diagnosed)- Exclude for 5 days following onset of illness. If fever persists for more than 5 days, continue exclusion until 24 hours fever free.
- Strep throat and scarlet fever- Exclude for 24 hours following initiation of antimicrobial therapy; if not receiving therapy exclude for 10 days following onset of symptoms.
To protect your student and prevent the spread of disease, please keep your student home when any of the following conditions are present:
- Temperature of 100 degrees or greater
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Severe sore throat or pain with swallowing
- Severe headache
- Severe cough
- Undiagnosed rash or skin lesions or sores that are weeping or draining
- Any suspected or doctor-diagnosed contagious disease
Students may return to school when they have been free from fever (without medication), vomiting, or diarrhea for 24 hours. If in doubt about sending your child to school, or if you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out!
Amy Allen, BSN, RN
Prairie Elementary School Nurse
Dec. Spirit Days & Special Events
Dec. 18th: Dress Like Your Favorite Winter Character
Dec. 19th: Festive Spirit Day
Dec. 20th: PJ Day for ALL!
- Join your child in the gym at arrival for our All-School Sing Along that will begin at 8:15 (6th graders are creating the slides!)
- We still have lunch and specials on this day, so each grade level will choose to hold their Winter Party at the time that works best for their schedule. Classroom teachers will be in touch with families about the plans for the grade level.
- 12:30 Dismissal
Attendance Reporting & Policy Reminder
Attendance Policy Reminder:
When a student has reached 7 absences during the school year, the parents will be sent a reminder letter from the school office. After 10 absences, documentation will be required for all future absences. It is required for each subsequent absence/tardy for illness and appointments the student bring a doctor’s note documenting the reason for the absence.
Lost & Found Items will be on tables in the entryway 12/16-12/20
We met our Food Drive Goal! Over 1,200 items! 6th Gr Leadership Team at Work!
DARE Program through Prairie Village Police Dept
D.A.R.E. Motto: Teaching Students Skills about Decision Making for Safe and Healthy Living
D.A.R.E. envisions a world in which students everywhere are empowered to respect others and choose to lead lives free from violence, substance use, and other dangerous behaviors.We are fortunate to partner with our PV Police Department to offer this program at Prairie. Officer Marandah Scott is a familiar face around the building and we are proud to have her lead our 6th grade DARE graduation this month! Our families are invited to celebrate with our 6th graders in the gym at 9:30 am on Dec. 18th. In the past, our mayor and Chief of Police were among special guests. SME students will also share personal stories of how DARE has impacted their lives.
Every classroom at Prairie benefits from this program. Here are the number of lessons each grade level has with Officer Scott:
- K-1st Grade: 1 hour for the year divided into 15-minute lessons
- 2nd Grade: 2 hours for the year divided into 30-minute lessons in one month
- 3rd-5th Grades: 3 hours total with lessons lasting 30-45 minutes
- 6th Grade: 1 hour a week for 12 weeks with a graduation before winter break
Prairie Elementary
Location: 6642 Mission Road, Prairie Village, KS, USA
Phone: (913) 993-4400