Jefferson Elementary~ The Bobcat
May 2024
The Bobcat Way
Be respectful
On task and focused
Body and objects are safe
Care for self and others
Always follow directions the first time given
Treat others the way you want to be treated
Speak positive words
Important Dates
Jefferson Families- Be sure to frequently check Seesaw for updates and events in your child's classroom.
North Dakota State Assessments are in full swing! Please make sure your child is getting a good night's rest!
May 2- Jefferson Clinic- (Please call the school if you would like your child to have a doctor's appointment)
May 3- School Lunch Hero Day
May 6-10 Teacher Appreciation Week
May 6- 5:30 -6:30 Kindergarten Round Up
May 8- School Nurse Day
May 8- Grade 3 to Fargo Theater Walk
May 14- Grade 4 to Bonazaville
May 14- 5:30 PTA Meeting
May 22- Fire Truck to Visit Grades K-2
May 22- Fargo North Graduation Walk at Jefferson
May 27- No School
May 29- 1:30 Grade 5 Graduation
May 29- 4:00-6:00 Diversity Day
May 29- 5:30-6:30 PTA End of Year Celebration
May 30- Last Day of Classes
The Fargo South Track and Field Youth Camp
4/2/2024 - Your Child's Anxiety https://cookcenter.info/Apr2Fargo 4/16/2024 - Social Media https://cookcenter.info/Apr16Fargo
5/7/2024 - Effects of Screen Time https://cookcenter.info/May7Fargo
5/21/2024 - Understanding Video Game Addiction https://cookcenter.info/May21Fargo
After a long winter, spring blooms with hope. Parent coaching can be that breath of fresh air that guides you to sunnier days. Parent Coaching is a FREE and CONFIDENTIAL resource provided by your school district that connects you with a coach and content created by therapists. All coaching correspondence is HIPAA protected. Click here to register for on-going support from a coach: https://cookcenter.info/coaching
Long-Range Facility Plan Update
As Fargo Public Schools continues its path of strategic development and improvement, we're excited to share significant updates on our Long-Range Facility Plan. Aimed at guiding our major capital investments for the next five years and beyond, the LRFP is designed to address the evolving facility needs of our district, including new construction, major renovations, and ongoing maintenance.
Read more about the Long-Range Facility Plan in this Feature Column by FPS Director of Facilities James Hand.
Registration for Kindergarten 2024-2025
Kindergarten Registration for Fall 2024 opens online at www.fargo.k12.nd.us/registration on February 1. Your child must be age 5 by July 31, 2024 to attend school in the fall.
Registration is a two-step process:
Complete online registration forms at www.fargo.k12.nd.us/registration. For assistance, please contact your child’s school to schedule an appointment to complete in-person.
Upload or bring the following documents to your child’s school by August 27 to finalize registration.
- Child’s certified birth certificate
- Child’s immunization record with 5-year shots
- Document (i.e. current city utility bill and bank statement) that includes parent/guardian name and current address for verification
If you do not know which school your child will attend, call 701.446.1043 or check online at www.fargo.k12.nd.us/boundarymaps.
If you need help in PowerSchool (Fargo Public Schools online registration software), please call 701.446.1006
Jefferson Elementary
Email: olsone1@fargo.k12.nd.us
Website: www.fargo.k12.nd.us/Jefferson
Location: 1701 4th Avenue South, Fargo, ND, USA
Phone: 701-446-4700