'Cause You Need To Know!
First Edition SY 2025 - September 14, 2024
The Bank Window Closes On October 1st.
ASASP Sick Leave Bank Closing Soon.
The deadline to join your union Sick Leave Bank is quickly approaching. October 1st will be here before you know it. You are not automatically enrolled when you become a Unit II or Unit III employee. You must complete the necessary sick leave bank paperwork on our website and submit it to ASASP office manager Veronica Matherne. Once you enroll you are enrolled in the bank until you decide to disenroll, in other words you do not have rejoin each year.
If you do not enroll NOW you will not be eligible to enroll again until July 1, 2025. Nobody really wants to have to use the bank, but just like car, health, or home insurance you don't want to have something happen and find out that you're not covered. Basically, you are insuring your paycheck by joining.
Joining the bank only costs members a donation of three sick leave days. If or when an event in your life requires you to be out of work to heal, you will have the peace of mind that you can care for yourself and not worry about your paycheck being impacted. This is a most invaluable union benefit that you cannot afford not to have.
Happy Birthday September Babies and Happy Belated Birthday August Babies!!!
Negotiations Are Not For The Faint At Heart.
PGCPS Luis Morales and ASASP David Dzidzienyo Lead Negotiators
Negotiations are currently underway and have been now since June, once we finally came to agreement on the ground rules. There have already been about eight bi-weekly sessions. Each session runs about two and a half hours and includes up to ten members from the House Administration and up to ten ASASP team members.
We will keep you abreast of upcoming sessions, including our next session which is scheduled for Wednesday, September 19, 2024. Any reached agreements, changes, delays or interruptions that arise will be shared with you all, as this ASASP administration is working hard to get you the very best work conditions and pay possible. Have a blessed weekend!
Jeffery Parker, Executive Director ASASP
Your ASASP Board of Directors and Staff
The Board of Directors
Thank you for your membership, support and dedication to the education of our young people. Feel free to reach out to the board to share concerns, we are here to serve!!
Jeffery J. Parker, Executive Director
Brian Galbraith, President
Mr. David Dzidzienyo - Membership Specialist
Dr. E. Carlene Murray - Memberships Specialist
Ms. Veronica Matherne - Office Manager
1300 Caraway Court #204
Largo, Maryland 20774
Your ASASP Board of Directors - Fifteen (15) Representatives
Mr. Brian Galbraith - President
Mr. Danny Miller - Vice President
Ms. Michelle Towles-Monroe - Secretary
Ms. Felicia Colbert - Treasurer
Ms. Kristy Miller - Board Member (Unit 3 Seat)
Ms. Dana Brown - Board Member (Unit 3 Seat)
Ms. Dee-Onn Everette - Board Member (Unit 3 Seat)
Ms. JeVivvien Ray - Board Member (At Large Seat)
Ms. Nichelle Williams - Board Member (At Large Seat)
Ms. Jewel Preston - Board Member (Elementary Principal Seat)
Ms. Tisa Morgan - Board Member (Middle School Principal Seat)
Dr. Ronald Hollis – Board Member (High School Principal Seat)
Ms. Crystal Bright-Mundell (Elementary Assistant Principal/Wing Coordinator Seat)
Mr. Thomas Childs - Board Member (Secondary Assistant Principal Seat)
Ms. Summer Carter - Instructional Supervisor (Instructional Supervisor Seat)
A Word from our National Affiliate