Sea Dragons' Diary
Week of November 4th
Mark your calendars- NO SCHOOL MONDAY, NOVEMBER 11TH- Veteran's Day
Halloween Parade Photo Album 2024
Candy Drive
November Resources
Family Stories Month / Gratitude Month / National Inspirational Role Model Month (National Native American Heritage Month)
Indigenous Virtual Library:
Thanksgiving Virtual Library:
Family Education Bullying and Problem Solving Prevention Parent Workshop Recording:
TK/K/1/2 Vocal Music
TK/K/1/2 Vocal Music
Happy Autumn! We have been having so much fun singing our fall-themed songs in our vocal music class. In music class in October, every TK/K/1/2 student practiced "Danse Macabre," our October-themed classical music piece by Camille Saint-Seans. Ask your student to perform "Danse Macabre" and act out the skeletons and ghosts, including a violinist in the graveyard. If you want to just listen to the music of "Danse Macabre," you can click on this link to the song.
If your student is in TK or Kindergarten, please ask them to sing you their "Pass the Pumpkin" song map that was handed out this week. You can also ask them to sing "Oh My Aunt Came Back," which was included on the same "Ask Me" sheet. Have fun making up new verses to these fun songs!
If your student is in 1st grade, ask your student to sing "Black Cat," and ask them to perform the song map they received this week for "Black Cat." You can also ask them to perform "I'm Alabama Bound," which is included on the same "Ask Me" sheet. Where else can you travel in the song? Feel free to make up your own verse!
If your student is in 2nd grade, we have been singing the spooky song "Old Woman All Skin and Bones." See if your student can surprise you at the end of this song! This month, in honor of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, we have been singing "Shalom Chaverim," our round in Hebrew and English. We also have been singing the very fun circle game song, "Pass the Witch's Broomstick." See if you can play this passing game at home with your student! You can look for all of these songs, including sheet music for the songs, on the "Ask Me" sheet that was handed out this week during music class.
If you have any questions about the TK/K/1/2 vocal music program, feel free to reach out directly to Ms. Koplinka-Loehr at:
We hope you are having fun listening to your students' wonderful singing voices!
Jazz Hands For Autism/We Tell Stories
Jazz Hands For Autism
By Leilani Arbuckle-Lopez
5th Grader from Ms. Fulinara's Class
In recognition of Disability Awareness month, on Wednesday morning, October 23rd, there was an assembly by Jazz Hands for Autism. The people who performed for us were Miss Brandi and Mr. Jordan. Mr. Jordan sang and played the piano and Miss Brandi sung acapella. The pace of the presentation wasn’t too fast and wasn’t too slow. It was just right. And the performers’ enthusiasm was contagious.
My favorite part of the assembly was in the beginning when Miss Brandi was singing “Country Road Take Me Home.” She sang it beautifully as the students listened. Next up was Mr. Jordan’s performance. He played the piano and sung at the same time. At one point, he had the students sing with him. He would sing one part of the song and then the students would repeat that part of the song after him. This continued throughout the whole song. All the students participated and had fun singing with him.
Miss Brandi and Mr. Jordan kept the students engaged with a question-and-answer session. The students asked interesting questions like how old they are, what Disney movies they like, what their favorite type of music is, and Miss Brandi even shared that she had sung Disney songs. They were happy to answer the students’ questions.
This assembly was exciting, engaging and Miss Brandi and Mr. Jordan were welcoming to all of us. Jazz Hands for Autism reminds us of one of our own PRIDE expectations, inclusion, because they include and support people with autism that want to be musicians. The students enjoyed the assembly, and I think some might even be inspired to sing or learn an instrument themselves.
"We Tell Stories" Assembly
"We Tell Stories" Assembly
Parents, we are excited to invite your child to experience “We Tell Stories,” a unique, interactive theatre experience designed to ignite imagination, celebrate diversity, and foster creativity. This storytelling troupe will take students on a journey through global literature, folklore, and mythology, using costumes, props.
From their website: WE TELL STORIES is a multiethnic storytelling troupe with a fourfold purpose.
- To Entertain And Stimulate The Imaginative Instincts Of Any Audience Young At Heart Through The Literature, Folklore And Mythology Of All Times And Cultures;
- To Illuminate The Artistic Processes Involved In The Creation Of Theatre By Crafting An Interactive Environment In Which Actors And Audience May Share A Reciprocal Creativity;
- To Inspire Communication As The Highway Along Which Peace May Travel;
- To Advocate The "Flower Pot" Rather Than The "Melting Pot" Image Of Society--Elucidating An Intercultural Awareness Of The Humanity That Unites Us And The Beauties That Distinguish Us.
After the assembly, spark meaningful conversations with your child by asking:
- What was your favorite story, and why did it stand out to you?
- What did you learn about the importance of storytelling?
We look forward to hearing all about their favorite moments and the lessons they bring home!
*Information prepared by the Lin Howe PTA Equity Committee. Email to get involved.
*Funding for the "We Tell Stories" program provided by the Culver City Education Fund. To donate:
Upcoming Important Dates
November 4-8 - Fall Book Fair
Thursday, November 7 - PTA Meeting at 6pm in Staff Lounge
Friday, November 8 - Wild Child Night! (5th Grade Fundraiser)
Monday, November 11 - NO SCHOOL
Thursday, November 21 - Coffee At The Steps after dropoff
November 25-29 - Thanksgiving Break
Saturday, December 7 - Winter Wonderland Family Fun Night
Next PTA Meeting - Thursday, November 7 @ 6pm
Next PTA Meeting - Thursday, November 7 @ 6pm
- Our November PTA Meeting will be Thursday, November 7th at 6pm in the Lin Howe staff lounge.
- Note: This is the last PTA Meeting of 2024 as there is no December meeting!
- Parking will be available in the district lot from 5:45pm to 8:15pm. If the gate on Irving is not open please use the gate on School St.
- FREE child care (including pizza!) is provided in the cafeteria. RSVP for childcare here:
Help Stock the Staff Lounge in November!
Lin Howe Library
8:30am to 5pm
(open until 6:00pm on Thursday, November 7th before the PTA Meeting!)
All classes will visit during school hours and you may send cash (in an envelope, please) or purchase a gift card by clicking here: GIFT CARDS. A portion of the proceeds go back to the school exclusively for purchasing books for the library.
If you are interested in donating a gift card to make sure every child can get a book during the Book Fair, please purchase a gift card here: GIFT CARDS and when asked, include:
Recipient’s Name: “Student”
Classroom: “Book Fair”
Email: Enter YOUR email address (we will get a copy on our end).
Stop by the Book Fair to see wish lists from our teachers... they would love a book to add to their classroom libraries!
We are looking for cleared volunteers to help during classroom visits as well as during set up (Thursday 10/31 from 9:30-Noon) and tear down (Friday 11/8 from 5-7pm). We are only able to allow cleared adult volunteers - please do not bring siblings during school day volunteer shifts. All ages are welcome to visit the book fair after school. Please contact your child's teacher if you would like to find out when their class is visiting the book fair.
Sign up here: VOLUNTEER SIGN UPS. Thank you!
You may also support our Book Fair by shopping online here: ONLINE BOOK FAIR. Please note that books purchased online will arrive to classrooms in November. Teacher Wish Lists are only available in person at the Book Fair.
We hope you'll join us at the Book Fair! If you have any questions, contact LinHoweBookFair@gmai
Lunch Award Winners Week of October 21st
Accelerated Reader Tally Board
Wild Child Night! Friday, November 8 - Support 5th Grade Fundraising!
Wild Child Night! Friday, November 8 - Support 5th Grade Fundraising!
Gather your friends and enjoy some fun! Akasha Restaurant will also be offering 10% towards our 5th grade fundraising efforts on this night, so consider registering your kids for this and then heading to Akasha for some adult time. Please mention Lin Howe when making your reservation and placing your order.
EARLY DISMISSALS: Every Wednesday and December 9, 10, 12, 13, 16, 17 and 20, March 21, May 8-9 June 13, 2024
November 1 Pupil Free- Teacher Work Day
November 11 Veteran’s Day – School Closed
November 25-29 Thanksgiving Holiday – School Closed
December 9-10, 12-13, 16-17 Parent Teacher Conferences - Early Dismissal
December 20, 2024 Early Dismissal (for winter break)
Dec. 23-Jan. 3 Winter Recess– School Closed
Jan. 20 Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Birthday -School Closed
February 10 President Lincoln’s Day – School Closed
February 17 President Washington’s Day – School Closed
March 7 Pupil Free- Teacher Work Day
March 24-April 4 Spring Break – School Closed
School Resumes April 7
May 8-9 Targeted Parent Teacher Conferences - Early Dismissal
May 26 Memorial Day – School Closed
June 13 Last Day of School –Early Dismissal
Linwood E. Howe Elementary School
Location: 4100 Irving Place, Culver City, CA, USA
Phone: 310-842-4338
Twitter: @LinwoodEHowe