Family Update
November 17, 2024
Hello, Families,
We hope you have enjoyed this beautiful weekend! You may recall our fall raffle fundraiser to purchase House shirts for all students. We were able to raise over $700! Check out the pictures below from some of our raffle prize winners! We also just had our first Bubble Gum Day fundraiser for House shirts and raised almost $200! We are getting closer and closer to our goal for House shirts for ALL STUDENTS!
Reports cards will be emailed home tomorrow! Please be sure to check your spam folders if you do not receive anything. Some students will receive written narratives in take-home-folders and all students in grades 2-5 will bring home NWEA MAP assessment information. Finally, students will receive letters if they are participating in reading or math interventions tomorrow as well. Family/Teacher Conferences are being held all week this week! Please reach out to your child's teacher(s) if you would like to schedule a conference.
Happy American Education Week!
Monday- Kicking off American Education Week with school across the country! Wear your red, white, and blue to show your pride!
Tuesday- Holly Hall will lead us to be college and career ready! Dress as your future career!
Wednesday- We are thankful for our teachers at Holly Hall! Students- dress like staff! And staff- dress like students!
Thursday- We have spirit, yes we do! We have spirit, how about you! Show your HHES spirit with either Holly Hall spirit wear or our school color of blue!
Friday- We may be 7 Houses, but we are 1 Family! Wear your House colors!
THIS WEEK: Family Football STEM Night!
Families, please return the "HHES Family STEM Night" RSVP that was sent home so that we have an accurate headcount for our Walking Taco dinner! If your child has lost their RSVP paper, please email Mrs. Opp at caopp@ccps.org with your child's name and total number of guests attending. See the flyer for more information!
Thanksgiving Dinner Assistance
HHES will be able to provide a very limited number of families with assistance for Thanksgiving dinner. Assistance will be granted on a first come, first serve basis. If your family is in need of Thanksgiving dinner assistance, please complete this Google Form. Families will be notified directly by Mr. Rhoades if we are able to assist you with Thanksgiving dinner. Email Mr. Rhoades at drrhoades@ccps.org if you have questions.
Please see the flyer for other community organizations offering free Thanksgiving meals as well!
HHES PTO Grinch Night!
Our wonderful PTO will be hosting a "Holiday Grinch Night" on December 6 from 5:00-6:30. Please return the RSVP that will be sent home so that we have an accurate headcount for dinner! See the flyer below for more details. If you are interested in volunteering at this event or would like to make a donation to our PTO, please email PTO President Grace Ternoski at gmternoski@ccps.org.
We have officially begun the second marking period which means students and families must take a look at school attendance during the first 45 days to determine if improvements need to be made. Attending school on a regular basis needs to be a priority with our students and families. Our data shows that students who did not attend school on a regular basis are not doing as well in their classes when compared to students with regular, on-time attendance. Missing just four days of school in a marking period can cause students to fall behind with the work that they are expected to complete.
During the 1st marking period, 85% of students were absent 4 or fewer days during the marking period. YAY! (There were 65 students who were absent for more than 4 days this marking period.) Holly Hall Elementary School students fell below the county average when compared to other elementary school students in our district. Our students on average attended school 93.9% of the time whereas elementary school students across our district attended school 94.3% of the time.
Cecil County Public Schools provides the following standard for regular attendance: "A student shall not be absent from school in excess of 16 days during the school year regardless of the reason." This includes doctor's notes, parent notes for illness and approved family vacation days.
While we certainly understand that students need to miss school throughout the year for various reasons, please begin now to reinforce the importance of attending school on a regular basis with your child. If your child does need to be absent from school, they will need to provide our attendance secretary, Mrs. Opp, with a note stating their name, reason for being absent, and the date(s) in which they were absent once they return. Notes may be emailed to Mrs. Opp at caopp@ccps.org or sent to school.
Please take a look at our weekly attendance breakdown by grade level and our Marking Period #1 Attendance Recap below. Reach out to Mr. Rhoades, Community School Advisor, at drrhoades@ccps.org or Mrs. Longeway, School Support Resource Teacher, at nilongeway@ccps.org if you have any questions or concerns about school attendance.
From CCPS:
English Language Arts:
- Reading things like "DECODING" or "PHONEMIC AWARENESS" in your child's narrative, check out this great resource from CCPS to support ELA for students in grades K-5: ELA Express November 2024
Medicaid Benefits:
If your child previously received Medicaid benefits please remember that there is no longer an automatic renewal. You can find more information on how to renew your child’s benefits HERE.
MultiLingual Education Information:
The Office of Multilingual Education will be offering virtual (zoom) parent workshops twice a month on Tuesdays starting on October 15, 2024. Time: 10 a.m. to 10:40 a.m. Flyer
See flyers below!
The Special Education Citizens Advisory Committee is hosting a meeting on 21 November 2024, 6pm to 7:30pm, in the Gilpin Manor Elementary School (GMES) Media Center. Staff from the Judy Center for Cecil county will be presenting information and resources about Early Intervention; as well as providing a tour of their Judy Center Classroom at GMES. Please join us!
Holly Hall PTO
From our Judy Center Partners!
Holly Hall is fortunate to be a Judy Center School!
The Judy Center supports children and their families from birth through age 5. We are collecting information about children not currently enrolled in school who would benefit from this program. Please take a few minutes to complete this survey attached. Thank you!
Link to Survey: https://forms.gle/5qswG6X4jL8op8Yq8
Community Resources:
Your help is needed for our community:
Volunteers needed!
Holly Hall Elementary School
Proud Title I School
Email: ndreckner@ccps.org
Website: https://www.ccps.org/hhes
Location: 233 White Hall Road, Elkton, MD, USA
Phone: 410.996.5050
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HollyHallElem