January 20th - 24th, 2025
Principal's Post
We had a great week here in Raider Nation! Our students have been actively engaged in their classrooms, and it’s wonderful to see their enthusiasm for learning. Let's continue to encourage them to put their best foot forward every day.
This week, we’ve continued important conversations about the value of both academics and behavior. We believe that these conversations are key to setting our students up for success. We encourage all families to stay connected to their child’s academic progress by checking Canvas regularly. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to your child's teachers. We are here to work together to support your child’s growth and success.
Next week’s highlights:
- We will have a SIC meeting on Tuesday at 5:30p (In-person & Zoom).
- Our basketball teams will have a home game on Thursday against CHMS.
Please come out and support these exciting events!
Have a great long weekend, and as always, Go Raiders!
Leader in Me Topic January 13th - 17th
This week, we discussed trustworthiness. We specifically focused on the 4 Cores of Credibility: Integrity, Intent, Capabilities, and Results. View our 4 Core Cards and share with your learner which of the 4 Cores you see most in yourself.
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
No school on Monday, January 20th in honor of MLK Day!
Dress Code Reminders
As we transition into the second semester, please take a moment to review the Dress Code policy with your student. When students arrive at school out of dress code, they are sent to Guidance to change clothes. However, our clothes closet is currently depleted, which means students often need to call home for a change of clothing.
Common issues we are seeing include:
- No dress code shirt worn under a sweatshirt or jacket.
- Sweatshirts with large graphics or logos bigger than a quarter.
- Black jeans, jeggings/leggings, or athletic pants, which are not permitted
To avoid disruptions, please ensure your student follows the dress code. Failure to follow the dress code policy may result in In-School Suspension or Out of School Suspension for continuously defying the policy as written. The full policy is available on our school website. If you have any questions, feel free to contact your school administrator or counselor.
Thank you for your cooperation and support!
Let's Go Raiders!
Who Vandalized the Raider Mascot??
8th grade students used their knowledge of speed and acceleration to complete an investigation activity into “who vandalized our school mascot?”. Students had to calculate speed and acceleration of different paintball guns to eliminate suspects and solve the case.
Just Dance!
Just Dance! Club students on Club Day
Principal's Scholars
"A" Honor Roll
"B" Honor Roll
Congratulations, Josie!
On Friday January 24 and Saturday January 25, 2025, Josie Pacella will represent Rawlinson Road Middle School at the South Carolina American Choral Directors Association Honor Choir Weekend held at Francis Marion University in Florence SC. Josie will also represent the whole Rock Hill District as the only student who scored high enough to be selected for this prestigious honor.
Please join us in congratulating Josie on this amazing achievement!
Counselor's Corner
ATC Winterfest: 1/23/25
Rising 9th Grade Orientation Night @ all High Schools: 1/29/25
Individual Graduation Plan Meetings @ RRMS: 2/2/25-2/28/25
8th Grade Job Shadow Day: 3/18/25
Rising 9th Grade Jump Up Day @ all High Schools: 3/25/25
8th Grade Dance: 5/2/25
Info for 8th grade Parents and Caregivers from Ms. Atkinson:
Individual Graduation Plan (IGP) Sign-Ups have begun! IGPs are 30-minute meetings that you will have every year from now until your student is a senior in high school. The purpose of the IGP is to select the courses your child will take in the next school year. We can meet in person or over zoom. If you choose to meet in person, please bring your ID so that you can be checked in, and report to the media center. Students and caregivers will meet with a school counselor: (Last Names A-G: Ms. Atkinson; H-O: Mrs. Cunningham; P-Z: Ms. Jenkins).
Conferences will take place between February 4th and February 25th. I will be going into your child's classes in the next week to discuss what the IGP process will look like for them. If you have any additional questions, please let me know. We are looking forward to helping your student reach the next important step on their educational journey. Please use the following links to sign up:
Last names A-G: https://calendly.com/catkinson-igp/8th-grade-igp
Last names H-O: https://calendly.com/acunningham16/rising-9th-grade-igp-conferences
Last names P-Z: https://calendly.com/kjenkins-uoa/rising-9th-grade-igp-conferences
Rising Ninth Grade Orientation at all HS's
Attention Rising Ninth Graders and Parents!
Are you excited about starting high school next year? Curious about what it’s like to be a Trojan, Bearcat, or Stallion?
Join us for the Rising Ninth Grade Orientation on January 29, 2025, at 6:00 PM!
This event is open to all rising ninth graders and their parents. Attend the orientation at your zoned high school to learn more about:
- Freshman schedules and expectations
- Clubs, activities, and athletics
- Opportunities to get involved and succeed
No tickets are required—just bring your enthusiasm and meet the staff who will guide you through an amazing freshman year!
This Week at The Road
To Purchase Event Tickets
Purchase tickets at GoFan. The cost is $6 ($5 per ticket and $1 service fee). Kids 4 years old and under are free.
No tickets will be sold at the gate. Cash tickets are available in the Front Office on game day between 12pm and 2pm for $7. Cash or check only. Exact change only.
SIC Meeting
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 603 705 6238
Passcode: 6rw1d9
Tuesday, Jan 21, 2025, 05:30 PM
RRMS Media Center and via Zoom
Boys Basketball CHMS @ RRMS
Thursday, Jan 23, 2025, 05:30 PM
Raider Gym
Girls Basketball RRMS @ CHMS
Thursday, Jan 23, 2025, 05:30 PM
Castle Heights Middle School, Firetower Road, Rock Hill, SC, USA
Hello from the Applied Technology Center (ATC),
We invite you to our Winterfest event for an in depth look at programs at ATC. We plan to have food, fun, and information for all ages! Winterfest is Thursday, January 23, 2025, drop in from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at 2399 West Main Street, here in Rock Hill. This is an event for all future and current students, parents, and the community to see what we do here at ATC.
Come discover the possibilities for the future, see student projects, demonstrations, and engage with interactive activities. Our Career and Technical Education classes are offered 9th -12th grade students. 8th grade students had an opportunity to tour ATC in the fall, this is another chance to spend more time in areas of interest.
We believe visiting the ATC early in a student's educational experience is important to kickstart thinking about the future, especially elementary and middle school students. We can help with future goal setting for college and careers!
We look forward to seeing you!
Mrs. Jen Newendyke
ATC Director
Wrestling Conference Tournament
Saturday, Jan 25, 2025, 09:00 AM
Saluda Trail Middle School, Saluda Road, Rock Hill, SC, USA
The Week of January 27th - 31st at The Road
Northwestern High School -- Spring Sports Open Season Schedule
Baseball workouts are currently happening Monday-Friday from 4pm - 6:00pm on the baseball field at Northwestern HS. Tryouts will begin Monday, February 3rd from 4pm - 6pm. See Coach Hunt or Gero in room A101/A102 or email him at rhunt@rhmail.org / bgero@rhmail.org. If you are playing a Winter Sport your tryouts will be after your winter season ends.
Baseball C Team Tryouts
-Feb 5th - Feb 7th
**If you are still in a Winter Sport, no problem report when that season is over**
-5PM – 7PM
-Northwestern Baseball Field
-Physical on file
-Cleats and Tennis Shoes
-Baseball Pants
-What ever equipment you need to tryout
Boys' Golf will hold an informational meeting on Feb. 3rd. at Carolina Fresh Farms at 6pm. Tryouts will begin Wednesday Feb. 5th 430pm at Waterford golf course. Please call David Rector at 803-325-5860 if you have any questions.
Boys' Soccer Workouts
Jan. 6th-10th 4-5:30pm
Jan. 13th-15th 4-5:30pm
Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays @Trojan Field.
Wednesdays and Thursdays Upper Field closer to the gym parking lot.
Weather permitting, we are planning to hold most training sessions on the soccer pitch. If the weather does not cooperate, we plan on being somewhere indoors (for classroom education or strength & conditioning.
Marty Martinez
Varsity Boys Soccer Coach
(m) 631.605.1557
Northwestern Boys Soccer tryouts will be held on Feb. 3-5 from 4:15-6:00PM at Trojan Soccer Stadium @ NHS. All soccer players must have shin guards and cleats. Please make sure your child is registered and approved to participate through Planet HS Big Teams. If you have any questions, please contact the Athletic Department at (803) 981-1989.
Girls Soccer Workouts Monday-Thursday every week of January from 4-6pm
On Mondays and Wednesdays we are in the weight room from 4-5 and then make our way down to the fields from 5-6
On Tuesday and Thursdays we start on the field and stay there until 6pm
Tryouts are going to be Feb 3rd through Feb 6th on the field from 4-6pm
Coach Meg Emmons
Preseason Softball workouts will be held on the following days in January:
Jan 8- weights 4-5
Jan 9- practice 4:15-5:30
Jan 13- weights 4-5, practice til 6:30
Jan 14- practice 4:15-5:30
Jan 15- weights 4-5, practice till 6:30
Jan 21- practice 4:15-5:30
Jan 22- weights 4-5, practice til 6:30
Jan 23- practice 4:15-5:30
Jan 27- weights 4-5, practice till 6:30
Jan 28- practice 4:15-5:30
Jan 29- weights, practice till 6:30
E-mail Coach Polk tpolk@rhmail.org with any questions. You must have a physical uploaded in Planet HS/Big Teams in order to participate. Softball tryouts will be February 3rd and 4th at the softball field from 4:15-6:15.
Boys Tennis
Monday through Thursday (4p-5:30p)
Wilmart Adlawan
Tennis Men's Coach
Track & Field is currently holding optional workouts every day after school until 5:30pm. Tryouts will be Monday February 3rd, Tuesday February 4th and Wednesday February 5th. Any student wishing to attend workouts or tryouts must be approved on HS Planet before attending. All athletes wishing to make the team must be in attendance all 3 days of tryouts. The only exception to this is students that are still competing in a Northwestern winter sport. To receive the calendar and be added to the email list, please email Coach Tanferno at ctanferno@rhmail.org.
Upcoming Events:
January 20th - MLK Day Holiday- District Closed
January 23rd - ATC WinterFest
January 29th - National History Day Competition
January 29th - Rising 9th Grade Orientation @ All HS's
January 31st - Early Dismissal
February 3rd - 7th - National School Counselor Week
February 14th - No Student Attendance, Teacher Professional Development
February 17th - District Closed for Presidents Day (E-Learning Make Up Day)
February 28th - Early Dismissal
March 14th - Student and Staff Holiday (Potential Weather Make Up Day)
March 17th - No Student Attendance - Teacher Work Day
March 18th - 8th Grade Job Shadow Day
March 25th - Rising 9th Grade Jump Up Day @ All HS's
March 28th - Early Dismissal
April 14th - 16th, 2025 8th Grade Washington DC trip
April 21st - Spring Break (Potential Weather Make Up Day)
April 22nd - 25th - Spring Break
May 2nd - 8th Grade Dance
May 22nd - Early Dismissal
May 23rd - Early Dismissal/Last Day
May 26th - District Closed for Memorial Day
About Us
Email: ncauthen@rhmail.org
Website: https://www.rock-hill.k12.sc.us/rrms
Location: 2631 West Main Street, Rock Hill, SC, USA
Phone: 803-981-1500
Facebook: facebook.com/rawlinsonroadmiddle
Twitter: @RawlinsonRoadMS