October 28, 2024
Franklin Pierce High School Community Newsletter
Email: bmarzano@fpschools.org
Website: https://franklinpiercehighschool.fpschools.org/
Location: 11002 18th Avenue East, Tacoma, WA 98445, USA
Phone: (253)298-3800
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fphscards
Twitter: @FPHScards
Senior Meetings Have Started
All seniors have received an email from their counselor inviting them to sign up for their senior meeting. During this meeting counselors will review current credits, graduation status, 2nd semester schedules, class rank, post-secondary plans, and answer any questions seniors may have. Please make sure your senior has checked their email and has signed up for their senior meeting.
Remember that the quarter ends on November 1. Please encourage your student to turn in their missing work, schedule time to complete missing exams, and spend time with teachers to get an extra boost of help.
Franklin Pierce High School Physic Students were fortunate to hear Lead Architect and Owner Jennifer Weddermann of Weddermann Architecture in Tacoma speak about her career journey, how she has used her work to impact the communities of Tacoma and Parkland, as well as answered many questions from our students. As students reflected, some realized that architecture was a far more demanding field than they realized, whereas for others a seed was planted!
Have you reviewed and updated your student's information in Family Access?
Each year, we ask families to make sure that student information is up-to-date.
This includes:
- Updated Contact Information: Did your phone number, email or emergency contacts change? Which language do you prefer to receive communication in?
- Student Health and Wellness updates: Does your child have any health concerns that we need to be aware of? Medications?
- Annual Notices and Information Update: Can we share your child’s info with providers that work with schools (like college or military recruiters)? Can your child’s school publish their picture in the yearbook?
Please take a few minutes to check your information and make sure it reflects your preferences. This allows us to stay in contact and make sure that we are supporting each family’s unique needs.
To make updates, please visit: https://www.fpschools.org/departments/k-12-office/asiu
Thank you in advance for completing the Annual Student Information Update!
Support Student Research
Hello FPHS Community,
My name is Taylor, and I'm a senior in Ms. M's Biomedical Innovations class. For my yearlong project, I’m exploring the perspectives on artificial intelligence usage in healthcare. Specifically, I’ll be analyzing how opinions differ between the general population and healthcare professionals.
To help with this research, I need over 500 responses from the general public. Here is a QR code that links directly to the survey. It would be a huge help if you could take a few minutes to complete it. Your input will contribute to a meaningful analysis of AI’s role and perception in healthcare!
Thank you for supporting student research!
Checking Grades
Check out these resources for checking your grades through the new QMLTV system. 😀