May PMES PTA Press
May 2024
Track Dedication Party
Save These Dates!
***Specific class party times will be communicated by your grade level as details are firmed up. This is merely a reminder to save the date 🙂
PTA News & Events
School Supply Kits Now on Sale!
It's hard to believe, but it's already time to order your school supply kits for next school year!
Save yourself time and the hassle of running around to get supplies over the summer! School supply kits with all of your child's classroom needs for next year are now on sale at Orders can be placed through June 2nd. **Be sure to order for your student's '24-'25 grade level.** Kits will be delivered to PMES over the summer and will be waiting in your child's new classroom at Open House.
PMES Penny War Results
The final results are in and the winner of our PMES Penny War is...
They had the highest point total and were the only grade level to end in the positive with +3,219 points! Way to shine, 4th grade! The remaining totals were:
2nd Place- Kindergarten:-1654
3rd Place- 2nd:-2871
4th Place- 5th:-3197
5th Place- 1st :-5192
6th place- 3rd:-8670
TOGETHER, we raised $1,548.99 in total for our EL Curriculum!
With our combined collection days, our PTA volunteers collected, sorted, and counted:
12,824 pennies (71 lbs)
1,659 nickels (18 lbs)
2,438 dimes (12 lbs)
2,152 quarters (27 lbs)
17 dollar coins
We deposited over 128 lbs of coins (and our bank loves us!)
Our parade of world coins continued from last year with coins coming in from:
Mexico (pesos)
China (yuan)
Ecuador (centavos)
Jamaica (Norman Manley)
Colombia (peso)
S. Korea (won)
South Africa (rand)
We even received a Chucky Cheese token and watch battery! One student came in with bags labeled “Team” and “Revenge.”
Great job, Hawks! This is such a fun event for the kids and we are so appreciative of all of the support we receive from our parents! Thank you to our volunteers for the many hours of counting put in this week! Until next year...
Dads on Duty-High Five Friday
We have out final High Five Friday coming up on May 3rd! Our kids (and parents!) love these mornings and it seems to give everyone that extra boost in the morning. Be sure to wave, give a high five or fist bump, honk and show your appreciation for our awesome Dads on Duty!
We believe we have the grooviest teachers and staff at PMES, so let’s spoil them! Each year during Staff Appreciation Week, PTA provides lunch and various other treats to show our teachers and staff how much we appreciate all they do for our kiddos. All money contributed to the Staff Appreciation Fund will help us continue this annual event. Contribute as you are able online via MemberHub or by sending cash/check in an envelope addressed to PMES PTA. Every dollar helps!
5th Grade Night Out at the Stripers
5th grade families are invited to the Puckett's Mill Elementary School 5th grade Night Out at the Stripers game against the Charlotte Knights on Friday, May 10th at 7pm. This will be a Fireworks Friday, so make sure to stay after the game for a spectacular fireworks show! Tickets are $16. This is not a school sponsored events and all students must be accompanied by an adult.
May PTA Meeting
Spirit Wear On Sale Now!
Would You Consider Joining Our Givebacks Program?
You can now support PMES PTA through your everyday purchases. Every time you shop or dine out, our PTA will receive a donation from the business you are patronizing and you can earn cash back. It's a win-win! (This is a replacement for our Amazon Smiles program which was discontinued last year.)
Give Givebacks a try! Follow the steps below to see just how amazing it is and how you can help your PTA!
1. Sign up for Givebacks
Head to, choose Puckett's Mill ES PTA, and create your account. Mobile and desktop purchases are both included in this program.
2. Securely link your card
This is you will earn cashback for in-person shopping and dining. You can also head to the Local Offers page in your Givebacks account to see which local restaurants and retailers are donating to our cause.
3. Earn cashback!
Once you have added the browser extensions, go shopping to start earning cashback and send the $5 bonus to our cause. You'll also earn $5 for each new active backer you refer.
Thank You To Our 2023-2024 Business Partners!
Platinum Sponsors
Gold Sponsors
Silver Sponsors
E-Commerce Sponsors
PMES PTA Executive Board
Co-Vice President: Christina Girouard
Co-Vice President: Melissa Goldstone
Secretary: Stephanie McKenna
Treasurer: Courtney Cannon
Location: 2442 South Pucketts Mill Road, Dacula, GA, USA
Phone: (678) 765-5110