Crabapple Crossing Elementary
Principal's Newsletter
October 13, 2017
Dr. Rachel Williams, Principal
From the Assistant Principal
Dear Parents,
It’s been a busy and fun week here at CCE. You may remember that Dr. Williams is away in Italy this week, enjoying time with her family. We look forward to hearing all about her adventures upon her return.
Dr. Williams and I take so much pride in leading Crabapple Crossing. One of our school’s proudest accomplishments is earning a 5 Star School Climate Rating. This is the highest rating available and indicates that students, staff, and parents feel included, safe and valued at our school. Georgia Parent Surveys are an influencing factor in this rating. We need each of you to click the link below and complete the survey to help us maintain our “5 STAR STATUS”. We’ll continue to remind you about this survey over the next few weeks.
Today, we kick off GLO For It! It’s our biggest fundraiser of the year and provides money for books, recess equipment, school beautification, the Science Lab and much more. Keep an eye out for communication from your classroom GLO representative so that your family can GLO Out of this World!! Check out a few fun photos from the Pep Rallies below.
We’d like to send a big THANK YOU to the parent volunteers who helped with our 1st and 3rd grade hearing screening. Thanks to the commitment of these volunteers, we were able to complete the mandatory screening with very minimal interruption to our students’ academic day. We appreciate you!
Volunteers included Jessica Galle, Noelani Anderson, Jaime Emry, Bridgitte Hatfield, Jen Fratesi, Sonja Bergeron, Suley Nemeth, Melanie Mercogliano, Limna Vijayarajan, and Tom Longstreth.
We hope you and your families can join us at the Milton Homecoming parade tonight! Our teacher of the year, Mrs. Nation, and employee of the year, Mrs. Lubatkin, will be featured in the parade along with our GLO winners from last year. Bring your lawn chairs and bags for candy and cheer on the Colts & Eagles!
This Saturday is Hands on CCE Day. Bring the family out to help beautify our grounds. We’ll be here from 8 am-12pm. If you have gloves, pitch forks, shovels, wheelbarrows or garden carts, please bring them. Please contact Cory Kelsh at if you have any questions.
Next week is Bus Driver Appreciation Week! CCE has some of the best bus drivers around. Show them how much you appreciate them with cards and small tokens of appreciation. We will be recognizing them at school with a delicious breakfast and t-shirts. Let’s shower our bus drivers with thanks!
As we roll into fall and hopefully cooler weather, I’d like to let you know of two celebrations coming soon. Thanksgiving Luncheons will be held on November 13 (grades 1, 4, 5) and November 14 (grades K, 2, 3). Also, each grade level will host End of the Semester Winter Parties! These dates are listed below. Mark your calendar. All are welcome!
Winter Parties
K - 12/18 @ 12:30 PM
1 - 12/19 @ 8:00 AM
2 - 12/19 @ 1:00 PM
3 - 12/20 @ 8:00 AM
4 - 12/18 @1:00 PM
5 - 12/20 @ 1:00 PM
With so many fun events planned for the fall months, we look forward to seeing you around.
February 16th to be a Make-up day
Thank you in advance for your flexibility.
Lunch Visitors
Our students greatly enjoy having parents and grandparents come to eat lunch with them during the school year. We would like to remind you of a few things to keep in mind as you come to eat with your student. Lunch visitors are asked to check-in at the front office and go directly to the cafeteria (not the classroom) to meet their student. Per our school handbook, food from outside vendors and fast food restaurants is not allowed in the cafeteria. Please plan to purchase lunch in the cafeteria or bring your own lunch from home. We would also like to ask that you set a good example for our students while the music is on and refrain from talking during that time as well.
Thank you!
Be THE Voice Fun Run
Colorful powder! Inflatables! A DJ! Dance contest! Food! A petting zoo! And lots more! What do all these have in common?! They are things you and your entire family can enjoy at the Be THE Voice Color Blast Fun Run on Sunday, October 15, 2017, 2-6 pm at the Elkins Pointe Middle School Athletic Field. Be THE Voice is a locally-developed, student-led anti-bullying program, and this event serves as a celebration of its success and a fundraiser so that it can be further expanded in the community. Individual and family registrations received by 9/28/17 are guaranteed a commemorative event t-shirt and sunglasses. You may register online at or via this linked registration form. We look forward to seeing you there!
Upcoming Events
10/14 Fall Hands On CCE
10/16 Spirit Night at Uncle Renz's Popcorn
10/17 Katie Reeves' Community Meeting, Milton HS, 7 pm
10/18 Katha Stuart's Community Meeting, Roswell HS, 6:30 pm
10/20 Walk to School Day
10/27 Glo For It Fundraising Ends
10/31 Book Character Dress Up Day
10/31 Parent Coffee, 9:30 am, Media Center
11/3 Glo For It Celebration
11/7 2nd Grade Concert, 6 pm
11/8 PTO Meeting, 9:30 am
About Us
Principal's Email:
Cluster: Milton
Grades: KK - 05
Location: 12775 Birmingham Highway, Milton, GA 30004, United States
Phone: 470-254-7055
Twitter: @CCES_Principal