Ridgeway RAP February 7, 2025
Phone (573)214-3550 ~ Fax (573)214-3551
Upcoming Events
- Thursday, February 13: Valentine's Day Parties
- Friday, February 14: Early Release Dismissal at 12:10
- Monday, February 17: No School - President's Day
- February 18 to February 21: Kindness Week
- Friday, February 21: Munch-n-Read
- Friday, February 21: Unit C Basketball Tryouts
- Wednesday, February 26: Parent-Teacher-Student Conferences & Book Fair 3:00-6:30 PM
- Thursday, February 27: Parent-Teacher-Student Conferences & Book Fair 3:00-6:30 PM
- Thursday, February 27: Panera Dining Out Fundraiser
- Friday, February 28: No School
February 10 - February 14
***Please be sure to double check dates listed on your club menu sheet. Not all clubs meet every week!
Tuesday/Thursday Morning (7:10-7:35 AM) ***TBD based on weather/blacktop conditions
Running Club - Tuesday February 11 and Thursday, February 13
Afternoon Clubs
Monday, February 10 - No Clubs
Tuesday, February 11 - Friendship Bracelet Making Club (FINAL CLUB)
Wednesday, February 12 - Photography & Yearbook Club (Optional)
Thursday, February 13 - Choir
Friday, February 14 - No Clubs
Principal's Pen
- It’s almost conference time again! Please be on the lookout in next Friday’s RAP for the link to conference sign up. We will also send a text with the link at the same time as the RAP.
- Kristi Saylor, a paraprofessional in our building, has a cause near and dear to her heart - Neurofibromatosis Midwest. Neurofibromatosis is something that impacts Ms. Saylor personally, and is something she talks openly with students about. Each year Neurofibromatosis Midwest fundraises in a couple different ways. We wanted to share that information with our Ridgeway community. On Sunday, February 16 they’re hosting a fundraiser at Shakespeare’s Pizza (any location). A portion of sales will go to NF Midwest. Their BIG fundraiser and event each year is the Walk4NF. That event will take place on Saturday, May 31st at 10am. We will send more information about this a little later in the spring.
Basketball/Cheerleading Information
**Basketball:** If your child is interested in trying out for basketball, please complete the Google form by February 19th to allow them to participate in tryouts on February 21st.
**Cheerleading:** If your child is interested in cheerleading, please complete the Google form by February 19th. More information about practice dates and game dates will be sent to you in the coming weeks.
Ridgeway Tours for Prospective Families
It is time for prospective parents to visit Ridgeway! Tours begin next week, and the lottery is right around the corner this coming spring. Our Ridgeway families are one of the best ways to get the word out about Ridgeway. The below image is also attached as a PDF. You will notice the image has a QR code that takes you right to information on our website about Ridgeway. Please share the image/PDF with families that have a student entering kindergarten next year!
Post card
Incoming Ridgeway Siblings
As we prepare for next year's Kindergarten class, it is time to let the Ridgeway office know if you have a younger sibling of a current or former Ridgeway student entering Kindergarten next year. In order to hold a spot for your child, please let the office know by completing this form https://forms.gle/pSJkr1ytCJ97EeG6A by Wednesday, February 26, 2025.
2025-2026 Enrollment
As we prepare for the 2025-2026 school year, it is time to assess our student enrollment. Please submit this form if your child will NOT be attending Ridgeway next year. We need to know as soon as possible or no later than April 4, 2025.
Unit Notes
Unit A
Your child may bring valentines to pass out starting Monday, February 10th. Your child brought home a list of students in their plastic folder. If you signed up to donate items for Valentines day or 100 day, please have those items in by Tuesday 2/11. The signupgenius links are in last weeks RAP. If you have already sent in an item (or two) thank you for your time and support! 100 day of school is Wednesday 2/12.
Reading: We are continuing our informational unit on insects. Students have been working hard on their research projects. We are excited to share these when they are complete!
Math: We have been working on addition and subtraction strategies with combinations of 10 and ways to make teen numbers.
Phonics: We are continuing to work on reading and writing cvc words as well as our trick word ‘love.’
Math: We are practicing telling time, interpreting data, and addition and subtraction strategies.
Phonics: We are continuing to work on blends within words with suffixes. We have begun learning about long vowel patterns as well. Trick words: start, many, right, why.
Unit A will be moving to a 20-minute lunch starting on Monday (it has been 30 minutes to this point). Most students are now finishing lunch within 20 minutes, and these 10 minutes taken from lunch will be added back into instructional time. The great thing is that our Unit lunch and recess shifts do not overlap. When Unit A finishes lunch, the cafeteria stays empty for 20 minutes (while they’re out at recess) until the next Unit’s lunch shift starts. So, if your child needs more than 20 minutes, they will still have some extra time to finish as needed.
Unit B
- Students may start bringing Valentines on February 10th. All valentines need to be delivered by Thursday February 13th as we will be opening our bags that day.
- In reading we are working on point of view and perspective and how a story can change depending on who is telling it.
Unit C
Specialist News
Health Room News
Our community is experiencing increased levels of illness, including flu-like symptoms and norovirus (“stomach flu”). Steps you can take to prevent the spread of illness include:
- Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Hand sanitizer is not a substitute for handwashing as hand sanitizer is not effective against norovirus.
- Cough or sneeze into your elbow or cover your nose and mouth with a tissue. Throw the tissue in the trash after you use it.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth. Germs spread this way.
- Avoid sharing drinks, water bottles, or silverware with others.
- Obtain a seasonal flu vaccine (effective for the flu, not for norovirus)
Your student should remain home if they have any of the following symptoms:
- A temperature of 100.4 degrees or greater
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Unusual or unexplained rash
- Shortness of breath, persistent cough
- Ongoing symptoms of discomfort or immobility from an injury
- A concerning health condition that may require further medical evaluation.
Students may return to school when:
- Fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication
- Vomiting and/or diarrhea-free for 24 hours
- Other conditions (rash, injury or health concern) subside or with a provider’s note