CATEC December 2024 Newsletter
Stay Up-to-Date on All the Things Happening at CATEC
Keep In Touch
There are lots of ways to know what is happening at CATEC. Keep in touch with us to know what our students are doing and all the ways we are working to improve our local workforce.
- Call us (434) 245-2419
- Visit us www.catec.org
- Download our app CATEC, VA
- Follow us at @CATECHighSchool (Facebook), CATEC High School (YouTube), @CATEChs (Twitter), @catechighschool (Instagram), @catechighschool (TikTok)
Principal's Message
Happy Holidays!
It is hard to believe that the end of 2024 is upon us! We enjoyed the season with a winter spirit week. It has been a joy to see our students having fun! A big thank you goes out to our SCA for making our building look festive and arranging our spirit days, gingerbread house decorating, and fun day.
As our students near the halfway point, it is important to help them stay focused on their goals. Please encourage your students to come to school daily. Being here, and on time, is half the battle! The knowledge and workplace skills they learn here is a gateway to a fulfilling career that will open many doors.
We are sending a special “thank you” to the Emergency Food Network. They continue to be wonderful partners and donated bags of non-perishable food bags for our families over Winter Break. If you know anyone in need of assistance accessing food, please direct them to the Emergency Food Network at 900 Harris Street in Charlottesville or they can call (434) 979-9180. They are happy to help!
Over the next couple of weeks, I hope everyone enjoys family, festivities, and has lots of fun. We will look forward to welcoming our students back in 2025, when we start scheduling students for the ’25-’26 school year. We are wishing everyone happy holidays and a Happy New Year! Please remember that classes resume on Tuesday, January 7, 2025.
Dr. Stacey Heltz
Schoolwide Information
Calendar Dates
- High School classes resume: January 7, 2025
- No High School classes: January 20, 2025
No Cell Phone Policy
This is a friendly reminder about cellphone usage. CATEC, like other schools in the Commonwealth, expects that phones be off and away while students are in the building. Thank you for your help in supporting this mandate.
PowerSchool Information
Did you know that CATEC has its own PowerSchool?
You can view your student's current grades and attendance by following this link: CATEC PowerSchool. The PowerSchool Portal is also available on the high school page of the CATEC website.
Families will need to contact CATEC's front office at (434) 245-2419 to obtain login information for accessing their student's account.
Students have received their login details in their trade class and should check their accounts regularly to stay updated on their grades throughout the school year.
Download Our App Today!
As winter weather begins to affect our school days, please consider downloading our app. It's the fasted way to get information about CATEC! The CATEC, VA app provides up-to-date information on all things CATEC. Find out about events, closures, and important documents by downloading the app and setting up push notifications.
Career and Counseling Corner News
School Counseling:
Ms. Butler is our School Counselor, and her office is located in the Career and Counseling Corner. She is available to meet with students and families regarding class schedules, dual-enrollment questions, and helps provide support as needed. You can reach her at 434-245-2419 or butlera1@charlottesvilleschools.org.
Workplace Readiness:
CATEC values ensuring our students leave with technical trade skills as well as workplace skills that make students prepared to get and keep jobs. Throughout the year, CATEC staff tackles workplace readiness expectations. This month, students focused on WRS #21 Reading and Writing and #8 Respect for Diversity.
Profile of a CATEC Student: Thea Spitzner
- Culinary Arts 2
- Western Albemarle High School
- Post Graduate
- Took Culinary Arts because she wants to combine her love of biology and eating well to be a dietician
- Loves cooking plant-based dishes
- Has goal to pass ServSafe exams
- Loves poetry and reading
Profile of a CATEC Student: Kailynn Smith
- Cosmetology 1
- Albemarle High School
- 11th grade
- Plans to become a hair stylist after high school
- Her favorite part of her year so far is when she doubted herself, her instructor Ms. Brown believed in her
- Works at Chick-fil-a
Winter Spirit Week
Adult Education and Apprenticeship News
Email: heltzs1@charlottesvilleschools.org
Website: www.catec.org
Location: 1000 Rio Road East, Charlottesville, VA, USA
Phone: 434-245-2419
Facebook: facebook.com/CATECHighSchool
Twitter: @CATEChs