Principal Update - BHS Families
January 26, 2025
In This Edition...
- Upcoming Events
- Make Up Testing Opportunities
- End of 1st Semester Information
- Report Card Information
- Prospective Student Night and Building Tours - This Week! (1/29)
- Schedule Change Requests for 2nd Quarter
- Assistance Requested - Cafeteria
- Student Nutrition and Transportation Vacancies
- Tot Spot Early Childhood Center Staffing
- WHMI "Making the Grade" Contest
- Early College Informational Meeting - Current 9th and 10th Grade Families
- 2025/26 Individual Scheduling Meetings
- 2025/26 Scheduling Presentation
- BHS Talent Show
- Discover Days: Healthcare
- Senior Specific Information - *Includes Senior Communication from Mrs. Richards
- Yearbook Information - *Deadline for Ordering Coming Soon!
- Opportunities to Meet with BHS Administration
- BHS Counseling Department - *Includes January Counseling Newsletter
- Brighton Area Schools Student Wellness Information
- Weekly Wellness Lesson
- BHS PTO Meeting Information
- Livingston Link-Up - A Free Event For Community Care Providers
- Brighton Area Schools Alumni Association - Helping to Have Better Conversations Using Improv Workshop
- Brighton Band Boosters Golf Outing
- Virtual Financial Aid Webinars
- Previous Resources - Links Included
Upcoming Events
- Monday, January 27th - Make-Up Testing for Students 8 am to 2 pm
- Monday, January 27th - No School for Staff or Students (Records Day)
- Tuesday, January 28th - 2nd Quarter Exams (Hours 2, 4, and 6)
- Tuesday, January 28th - Make-Up Testing for Students 2:30 to 4 pm
- Tuesday, January 28th - End of 1st Semester (Grades will be visible Tuesday, February 4th)
- Wednesday, January 29th - Prospective Student Night in BCPA at 6:30 pm (Doors open at 6 pm)
- Thursday, January 30th - Make-Up Testing for Students 2:30 to 4 pm
- Saturday, February 1st through Friday, February 28th - Kindness Month at BHS
- Tuesday, February 4th - Grades Visible in ParentConnect and StudentConnect
- Wednesday, February 5th - Helping to Have Better Conversations Using Improv Workshop (6:30 pm in Scranton Middle School Choir Room)
- Wednesday, February 5th - Junior vs. Senior Volleyball Game at 7:30 pm
Make Up Testing Opportunities
Due to the upcoming end of the 1st Semester and both wanting students to have a chance to catch up and for teachers to be able to finalize their grades, we will be holding make-up testing this week. Make-up testing will take place during the following dates and times:
- Monday, January 27th from 8 am to 2 pm
- Tuesday, January 28th from 2:30 to 4 pm
- Thursday, January 30th from 2:30 to 4 pm
If your student would like to take advantage of these opportunities, they should communicate with their teacher to ensure their make-up test is waiting for them when they arrive.
End of 1st Semester Information
The end of the 1st Semester will be here before we know it, with the last day of the semester taking place on Tuesday, January 28th! The semester will end with exams. As a reminder, the semester grades are the ones that go on a student's transcript and factor into their overall grade point average.
Semester grades are calculated in the following manner:
Quarter 1 Grade - 40% of Semester Grade
Quarter 2 Grade - 40% of Semester Grade
Exam Grade (Average of 1st and 2nd Quarter Exam Grades) - 20% of Semester Grade
*Remember, regardless of how either quarter has gone so far, they still have a chance to pass the semester. Between the above 3 items (Quarter 1 Grade, Quarter 2 Grade, and Exam Grade), as long as they earn a passing grade (59.5% or better) in at least 2 of the 3 items, they will earn credit for the semester. If they need any help, I would encourage them to reach out to their teacher, counselor, or grade level principal for support.
Report Card Information
Report cards will be visible in both ParentConnect and StudentConnect accounts starting on Tuesday, February 4th. Report cards will show a 2nd Quarter Grade, and Exam Grade, and a 1st Semester Grade. Hard copy reports cards will only be printed upon special request.
We will be posting 1ST SEMESTER grades to transcripts as quickly as we are able. Once this has taken place, any Seniors needing mid-year reports to be sent via Common App will have them sent to the appropriate schools.
Prospective Student Night and Building Tours - This Week! (1/29)
With the adjusted scheduling timeline for next year, we have also shifted up our timeline for our Prospective Student Night (8th Grade Parent Night). This year's program will take place on Wednesday, January 29th in the BCPA. Doors will open at 6 pm with parents having the ability to talk with department representatives in the lobby area prior to the program starting at 6:30 pm. Feel free to share the informational flyer online or with any prospective student families as we look to welcome BHS' newest group of potential students.
In addition, we are embracing the importance of opening our doors to share information and our facilities with prospective students and their families who are weighing their educational options for next year. We will be offering scheduled building tours with a combination of building administrators and student representatives to provide their perspectives of the BHS experience. Feel free to share the informational flyer online or with any prospective student families.
Schedule Change Requests for 2nd Quarter
If your student is interested in requesting a schedule change for the 2nd Semester, they can now do so electronically! Please have your student scan the appropriate QR code and fill out the information regarding the class change they would like to explore for next semester. To access the appropriate QR code, please use the links below. When accessing the correct form, students need to be signed in to their school email address. Students can also go to the Counseling Office and scan the correct QR code there too.
Assistance Requested - Cafeteria
The past few weeks, we have seen an increase in the number of tables that are being left with trash all over them after students are done eating. We will be continuing to talk with students leaving trash behind and encouraging them to clean up after themselves, but are hoping the importance of this can be reinforced at home. Our Student Nutrition Staff does everything they can to serve our students and to keep the cafeteria clean and looking nice. The least we can do is make sure that trash ends up being thrown in the garbage. Thank you in advance for your support with this.
Student Nutrition and Transportation Vacancies
Two extremely important departments to the overall function of our district and the support of our students are currently short multiple staff members.
First, our Student Nutrition Department does a fantastic job taking care of our students and staff. On average, they are serving more meals daily (breakfast and lunch) than they ever have before. The have even started a Student Advisory Group to get information on what students are looking for and how they can improve what is offered. However, they are current short 4 staff members in order to best meet the needs of the department. Please help share this information online or with anyone who may be interested.
Second, our Transportation Department is also short a few drivers after the break. They currently have 2 open routes, as well as substitute positions available. Please share this information, as well as the details below, online or with anyone who may be interested. Interested individuals can call 810.299.3890
Position Details:
Full Driver Benefits
Additional $500/month if you take on a route
Tot Spot Early Childhood Center Staffing
Please see the message below from the front office team at Tot Spot Early Childhood Center within Brighton Area Schools:
We're ramping up hiring to fulfill staffing needs for the Summer Program (accommodating Tot Spot + Friendship Center) students in addition to other staff positions needed for the current school-year programs.
If you know anyone who may be interested in one of the available positions within Tot Spot, please feel free to share this information with them. An informational flyer can also be found here.
WHMI "Making the Grade" Contest
The WHMI “Making the Grade” Contest is back for 2025! WHMI is seeking nominations of exceptional teachers that are currently working in the Livingston County area. They are encouraging you to tell them about your star teacher and they might win fun money, a special WHMI “Making the Grade” Trophy and a floral bouquet!
Nominate your exceptional teacher by visiting the nomination page.
Early College Informational Meeting - Current 9th and 10th Grade Families
Interested in learning more about the Early College programs available to BHS students? If your student is currently in 9th or 10th grade and is interested in learning more about the Early College programs they can enroll in during their 11th grade year, the will be an informational meeting at LESA in Howell (1425 W. Grand River). The meeting will be held on February 20th at 5:30 pm.
More information on the Livingston County Early College programs can be found here.
2025/26 Student Scheduling Information
2025/26 Individual Scheduling Meetings
2025/26 Scheduling Presentation
Both students and parents should have received the scheduling presentation via e-mail that was shared with students on December 4th. If you did not receive it for any reason, a copy of the presentation can be found here.
We would encourage you to check in with your student(s) about what they would like to do with their schedule next year. If they/you have any questions after reviewing the presentation or the links included within it, please don't hesitate to reach out to their grade-level counselor or grade-level principal. We are here to help and oftentimes, there is much more flexibility than students realize in what they can do with their schedule while still meeting graduation requirements to earn their diploma!
BHS Talent Show
In case you missed it, Junior Class Council is bringing back the BHS Talent Show! Auditions will take place on February 3rd and 4th at 2:30 pm with the show taking place at 7 pm on February 26th in the BCPA. Students interested in participating need to sign up via the QR code on the flyer. Join us in encouraging your student(s) to participate or attend!
Discover Days: Healthcare
Through a collaboration of local healthcare businesses, Career and Technical Education (CTE) teachers, Workforce and Economic Development, and Livingston Educational Service Agency employees have created an event for 9th-grade students with an interest in health careers to participate in a unique and engaging event designed to explore opportunities in healthcare. This special event will provide valuable insights into careers that are typically difficult to experience through traditional job shadowing. Students will have the chance to hear from professionals across various healthcare fields, engage in hands-on activities, and gain a deeper understanding of the pathways available within this essential career cluster.
Here are the event details:
- Date - March 6th
- Location - Livingston EMS Building, 1911 Tooley Road in Howell
- Target Audience - 9th Grade students with documented interest in Healthcare/Human Services
We are limited to 20 spots for this event. Bussing and lunch will be provided. We are simply putting this opportunity on your radar now. Once it becomes available to us, we will be sending out the registration form in order to formally register for this event. An informational flyer can be found here.
Senior Specific Information
Senior Specific Dates/Events
Here are some important dates included below that you may want to put on your calendar now and your student may want to participate in.
Monday, January 27th - Baby Pictures Due
Wednesday, February 5th - Lunch N Learn (Nursing)
Wednesday, February 5th - Junior vs. Senior Volleyball Game in the BHS Fieldhouse @ 7:30 pm
Wednesday, March TBD - Lunch N Learn (Law Enforcement)
Wednesday, March 5th - Senior Class Council 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament
Wednesday, March 12th - Lunch N Learn (Fire Authority)
Tuesday, April 1st - Senior Photos/Videos due for the Senior Video
Wednesday, April 16th - Mandatory Spring Senior Meeting during Advisory
Tuesday, April 22nd - Graduation Speech Tryouts 7 am and 2:30 pm in D47
Tuesday, April 22nd - Staff vs. Student Basketball Game
Wednesday, April 23rd - Lunch N Learn (Construction Trades)
Tuesday, April 29th - Graduation Song Tryouts 2:30 pm in LGI (Old Choir Room)
Friday, April 25th - BHS Lip Dub
Wednesday, May 7th - Lunch N Learn (International Business)
Wednesday, May 15th - Lunch N Learn (Clinical & Pediatric Psychology)
Monday, May 19th to Friday, May 23rd - National Honor Society's Senior Survivor Week
Tuesday, May 27th - Seniors' Last Full Day
Wednesday, May 28th to Friday, May 30th - Senior Exams
Thursday, May 29th - Senior Sunset in the BHS Stadium starting @ 8 pm
Friday, May 30th - Cap and Gown Pick Up starting @ 8 am
Friday, May 30th - Senior Walk at BHS starting @ 9:45 am (family and friends encouraged to attend)
Friday, May 30th - Senior Picnic in the BHS Stadium following the Senior Walk @ approx. 10:30 am
Friday, May 30th - Senior Elementary Walk (more information to come) @ approx. 11:30 am
Wednesday, June 4th - Summa Cum Laude Breakfast (invite only) in the BHS Cafeteria @ 8 am (parents invited)
Wednesday, June 4th - MANDATORY Graduation Practice in the BHS Fieldhouse @ 10 am
Friday, June 6th - Brighton High School Commencement Ceremony in the BHS Stadium @ 7 pm (rain date is Saturday, June 7th @ 7pm)
Saturday, June 7th - Senior All-Night Party at BHS from 10 pm - 4 am
Senior Communication from Mrs. Richards and Senior Information Sheet
Hi Seniors!
This is YOUR year...welcome to 2025! Can you believe we are almost halfway through your senior year? It's amazing how fast time flies when you're having fun. As a reminder, I know that many of you have heard back from some colleges, college coaches, and recruiting offices already. I'd love to hear about your exciting news, whether you are going to college, into the military, a trade school, traveling, have an internship or going right into the workforce! Send me an email, stop by the Main Office, or stop by our table at lunch and share the excitement!
I have a few goals for you this month:
- Complete your FAFSA, regardless of what your plans are next year.
- Start filling out some scholarship applications. You'll be amazed at how much it can help pay for your future!
- Stay on top of your academics. We will be sending 7th semester transcripts to colleges, so make sure you end the semester strong!
The beginning of this January Bulldog Bulletin is updated with information that is coming up, but I've also included repeat information at the bottom so that it's all in one place for you. Families can refer to Mr. Evans weekly communications as well, so there is some overlap of information. We are trying to be as proactive as possible to help you have a successful year. Have a great weekend!
~Mrs. Richards
A few items that you still have the option to complete include:
Senior Class Video Submissions - see slides 15-17 of Senior Meeting Presentation
- Click on this link to submit images & video
Baby Picture Submissions - see slides 18-19 of Senior Meeting Presentation
- Click on this link to submit baby pictures
Senior All Night Party - Ticket and Yard Sign Information Included
Please see the following message from the Chair of the Senior All Night Party Committee:
ALL PARENTS!!! It's that time of year where we start recruiting parents that want to be a part of the planning committee for the Senior All Night Party (SANP). We have a few openings due to last year's members' kids graduating.
What has made the party so successful is having underclassmen parents be a part of the planning - so just because you don't have a Senior does not mean you cannot help. WE NEED underclassmen committee members to ease some of the burden on Senior parents and to help with consistency year to year.
If you are interested in being on the planning committee, please either reach out to me (Michelle Letendre) via messenger or email at michelleletendre@gmail.com
Additional Info:
To order your senior's SANP ticket, click on THIS LINK.
To order the yard sign, click on THIS LINK. (*note - this yard sign is different from the one that you will receive as part of your senior fee. The senior fee yard sign will have their senior picture on it. This yard sign is a general "Class of 2025" yard sign, and is a fundraiser for the Senior All Night Party.)
NOTE - this is only recruiting people that want to be a part of the planning - not volunteer just the night of. That request will come out after Spring Break.
Financial Aid Information for Class of 2025 Families
Hello Senior Families,
Financial Aid season is right around the corner! This means it's time to get ready to complete the 25-26 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) as it is NOW OPEN. Regardless of what the plan for after high school is, we encourage every Senior family to fill out the FAFSA. This email includes many financial aid resources for your convenience.
Here's what you can start doing NOW in terms of financial aid:
- Each Senior and a parent should aim to create their FSA IDs prior to December 1st. (They take time to verify)
- Use this tool or this resource to find out which parent(s) needs to be part of the FAFSA process.
- Attend a financial aid webinar or watch this recorded webinar.
- Learn about the Community College Guarantee and Michigan Achievement Scholarship. Informational webinars can be found here.
- Look into scholarships offered at the schools you are applying to. Local scholarships are updated here throughout the year. National scholarships can be found at websites such as Going Merry, Fastweb, CollegeBoard Big Futures, and many more.
- Reach out if you have questions. I am here to help students and families with anything college-related, including financial aid! (farinac@brightonk12.com)
Why should I fill out the FAFSA?
- Everybody is eligible for some amount of financial aid. You won't know what you qualify for unless you fill out the FAFSA.
- It is the only way to qualify for the Community College Guarantee, and is necessary to be considered for the Michigan Achievement Scholarship.
- You are planning to attend college OR a career training program after high school.
- It allows schools to consider you for more scholarships, grants, and other aid.
- It's FREE and you do NOT have to accept any of the aid that is offered to you.
Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions!
Clarice Farina
Brighton High School
College Adviser - Advise MI
Tuesdays, Wednesdays, & every other Monday
Yearbook Information - Deadline for Ordering Coming Soon!
Have you ordered your yearbook yet? The deadline for ordering a 2024-25 yearbook is near! To guarantee your child will get a book, you must order no later than January 31. For a limited time, you can use promo code YRBK10 to save $10. Order online today!
Opportunities to Meet with BHS Administration
If you need to meet with your student's Grade Level Principal for any reason, please don't hesitate to reach out. If your student has a 504 and returned to BHS this fall, you should have received an additional communication offering you the opportunity to have your student's support plan continue as written, or the chance to meet to address any necessary changes. If your student has a 504 and is a Freshman, you have received an additional communication asking you to set up a time to meet to discuss the plan in greater detail, in order to help facilitate a smooth transition to a new environment this year. To contact your student's Grade Level Principal, please see the information below:
Mr. Matt Evans (10th grade)
Phone: (810) 299 - 4101 (office)
(810) 852 - 9905 (evening)
Email: evansm@brightonk12.com
Schedule an Appointment Directly
Mrs. Tracie Richards (12th grade)
Phone: (810) 299 - 4114
Email: richardst@brightonk12.com
Schedule an Appointment Directly
Mr. Nate Grabowski (11th grade)
Phone: (810) 299 - 4103
Email: grabown@brightonk12.com
Schedule an Appointment Directly
Mrs. Jennifer Napuli (9th grade)
Phone: (810) 299 - 4112
Email: napulij@brightonk12.com
BHS Counseling Department
The January Edition of the BHS Counseling Newsletter can be found here.
As a reminder, if you would like to meet with your student's counselor for any reason, you can reach the Counseling Office at (810) 299-4150. You can also schedule an appointment with their counselor using the following links below:
9th Grader: Mrs. Petit - https://bit.ly/MrsPetit
10th Grader: Mrs. Caverly - https://bit.ly/MrsCaverly
11th Grader: Mr. Miner - https://bit.ly/MrMiner
12th Grader: Mrs. Grossfeld - https://bit.ly/MrsGrossfeld
Brighton Area Schools Student Wellness Information
As a part of the BAS Strategic Plan, we are always trying to find ways to maximize and support student growth. One of many ways we do this is through the Brighton Area Schools App. This app can be downloaded for free on iTunes and Google Play. It is loaded with resources for students and parents. In addition, consider using the "Your Best, Your Growth, Your Future" part of the app to submit a goal and receive 1:1 support and feedback to help you achieve it! The app will also allow you to receive notifications on what is happening throughout BAS and be updated on future events and information.
Weekly Wellness Lesson
Each week, we will be sharing out a weekly tip/resource with our families. This week's tip:
"The Power of Optimism"BHS PTO Meeting Information
The next PTO Meeting will be on February 11th @ 7:30 am in Main Office Conference Room. All are welcome!
BHS PTO is an active part of our students' overall high school experience. In addition to others, the BHS PTO proudly supports the following activities throughout the school year: educational student assemblies, Academic Letter and Academic Letter Lunches, the Academic Wall, Freshmen class activities, staff appreciation events, financial support for student-run after school clubs and organizations, and the Senior Picnic.
Upcoming Community Events and Opportunities for Students
Livingston Link-Up - A Free Event For Community Care Providers
Please see the message below from Livingston County regarding an upcoming community networking event, Livingston Link-Up:
Dear Community Partners,
Livingston Link-Up is a week away! This free networking event aims to strengthen our community by connecting business professionals, medical personnel, care providers, and those who assist residents in need. The Link-Up a free event that will be held on Friday, January 31st from 4 – 6 p.m. at 2|42 Community Church in Brighton (7526 Grand River Ave.)
This is the perfect opportunity for professionals and organizations to meet up with the people and groups working on local issues. Your referrals, insights, volunteerism, and support might be the missing link in solving some of our shared community challenges. There’s no registration needed. Simply show up and get to know other local professionals.
Please feel free to share this event with colleagues and organizations you work with that may be interested in attending. If you have any questions, please email Amy Johnston at ajohnston@cmhliv.org. A big thank-you goes out to the Bank of Ann Arbor Livingston, Livingston Physician Organization, and the Livingston County United Way for sponsoring the event!
Brighton Area Schools Alumni Association - Helping to Have Better Conversations Using Improv Workshop
The Brighton Area Schools Alumni Association is excited to again host PJ Jacokes, actor and former Head Instructor at The Second City Detroit for the Helping to Have Better Conversations Using Improv Workshop on Wednesday, February 5th, at 6:30pm at the Scranton Middle School Choir Room.
The focus of the workshop will be finding a fun way to talk about some really important concepts in a safe and supportive environment--a major step toward handling difficult conversations with others.
Topics to be covered include
- Active Listening: Focusing on what others are really saying (reading subtle clues and subtexts)
- Recognizing and Meeting others where they are to find common ground
- Developing/Practicing Teamwork and Patience using Improvisation and Laughter.
A $35 non-refundable registration donation sponsors student scholarships of the Brighton Area Schools Alumni Association. Class size is limited to give participants maximum practice and Registration is available at http://www.BrightonMIAlumni.com/Events or via the informational flyer.
Brighton Band Boosters Golf Outing
The Brighton Band Boosters are excited to host the return of our Golf Scramble Fundraiser (the first since 2019)! I am attaching both our Event Flyer and the Sponsorship Menu, as we are seeking the support of area businesses, from Dinner Sponsorship to Hole Sponsors and Silent Auction Items.
On May 17, 2025, we will host a Golf Outing (with Lunch and Dinner) and Silent Auction at Mystic Creek Golf Course inside Camp Dearborn in Milford. Registration is now open for both Two-somes and Four-somes via our Zeffy Link (registrants can set the percentage over event cost to ZERO and pay no additional fees for processing).
The goal of this specific fundraiser is to lower the overall cost to every Marching Band Member for Marching Band Camp, which is held at YMCA Camp Nissokone in Oscoda in August.
We look forward to seeing the BAS Community (and extended family and colleagues) of Golf Enthusiasts on the beautiful grounds of Mystic Creek Golf Course to enjoy this Golf Scramble and Silent Auction while helping our students gain strong skills more affordably.
Virtual Financial Aid Webinars - MI Student Aid
Students and families interested in learning about financial aid basics are encouraged to register for a virtual financial aid presentation provided by the MI Student Aid team.
Participants will be able to gather information on the following financial aid topics:
- FAFSA application information
- Federal financial aid programs
- State financial aid programs
- Scholarship searching resources
There are multiple dates and times to choose from and all sessions are free of charge and open to the public. Register for one session only, as space is limited.
Previous Resources - Links Included
- 2024/25 Brighton High School Tutoring List
- BHS National Honor Society Tutoring
- Updated Lunch and Learn Schedule
- Order a Yearbook
- Student Scholarship Directory
- BHS Career and College Event Calendar
- Upcoming College Fairs
- Fentanyl Fathers Presentation to BHS Seniors
- McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act Information
- County-Wide Mental Health Network Resources
- County-Wide Mental Health Network Newsletter
Brighton High School
Website: https://www.brightonk12.com/Domain/465
Location: Brighton High School, Brighton Road, Brighton, MI, USA
Phone: (810)299-4100
Twitter: @BrightonHS