Howbert Happenings

August 25, 2024
From Your Principal
Disabled Parking
Howbert has four designated disabled parking spots, two in front of the school and two in the staff parking lot. In order to park in these locations the vehicle must have an identifying placard visible or a distinguishing license plate.
We have families that need access to those disable parking spots. Please only use these parking spots if you have the appropriate placard or license plate and close parking is needed.
Thank you.
Picture Day
Student and Family Guidebook
The student and family guidebook for 2023-2024 has been updated and can be found on the Howbert website under the Families & Community tab or through this link: Student and Family Guidebook.
The guidebook contains valuable school related information.
Outdoor Learning
Grasshopper Hunt
1st Grade
Grasshopper Hunt
1st Grade
Grasshopper Hunt
1st Grade
Save the Date
Howbert Guiding Coalition (SAC)
The Howbert Guiding Coalition (SAC) is a team of staff and parents/guardians that meet bi-monthly to learn about what is happening at Howbert Elementary, ask questions, and provide input.
Our first meeting will be on Wednesday, September 25th from 4:00-5:00 in-person at Howbert or online via Webex (click here to join meeting).
We encourage and welcome your partnership in the Guiding Coalition.
Student Opportunities in D11
Coronado Cougar Basketball
4th-8th Grade Basketball
The Coronado Cougars Feeder Girls Basketball Program will begin its inaugural season
for 4th – 8th grade girls. This program is designed to assist in preparing student-athletes
from the Colorado Springs West Metro Area in skill development, understanding
basketball rules, and sportsmanship.
See the attached flyer for more information including dates and fees.
Volunteering @ Howbert!
The staff and students at Howbert love to have volunteers at the school supporting learning. If you would like to volunteer, please speak with the classroom teacher or contact the front office to share with us how you would like to help.
One of the first steps all volunteers must take, is to complete the Colorado Springs School District 11 Volunteer Application.
It is best to complete the application prior to visiting the school to volunteer.
Below is the link that will take you directly to the online volunteer application.
If you have any questions, please contact Amanda Jo in the front office (719-328-4211).
Upcoming Volunteer Opportunities
Thursday, August 29th AM & PM - Picture Day: https://bit.ly/HowbertPicDay2024
Monday & Tuesday, September 9 & 10th - Health Screening: https://bit.ly/HowbertHealth2024
Friday, September 27th - WAT volunteer link: https://bit.ly/2024WAT
Howbert Elementary Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)
Howbert Elementary School PTO
1023 N. 31st St.
Colorado Springs, CO 80904
Ways you can support our school without spending extra money!😊
King Soopers Community Program: Select Howbert PTO to tie to your loyalty card and the school receives a percentage of the sales!
Safeway Community Giving Program: reloadable gift card that the school receives 3-5%. Available through our PTO.
Box Tops: Scan your receipts into the box top app, and turn in any physical box tops to the school.
American Furniture Warehouse: Mention Howbert Elementary when you purchase and a portion of the profits will come to Howbert!