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Wilder E-News November #53
![Wilder E-News November #53](https://cdn.smore.com/u/thumbs/85e3/thumb-df138c9c83b2c49596548dc364be5400.jpeg)
Wilder E-News #53 October 25, 2024
From the Principal's Pen
KSA Results and School Improvement Planning
At the beginning of October, the state released the results of the Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA) for the 2023-24 school year. I am very proud of the progress our Wildcats made on the end of the year assessment. Wilder IMPROVED from the previous year in our overall score from 65.6 to a 67.6! We've seen three years in a row of improvement! There are many noteworthy celebrations including:
- Our reading, math, and science scores showed significant gains and were above both the district and state averages.
- The reading scores for African American students went up significantly and were at the overall state average.
- Our results from our culture and climate survey completed by students, staff and families were the highest in the district among all elementary, middle, and high schools.
- The multi-lingual learners (ML) showed a remarkable gain and were above the state and district averages. The forty-nine-point increase in ML learners' scores were one of the highest in the state and JCPS schools.
As we move forward this school year, we will use the data from KSA to help us set goals that will continue to enrich our students' learning. Certainly, our work around reading and math must continue. Two subjects of focus must also be social studies and writing, as these subject areas went down overall for us. These areas, along with our work around meeting the social emotional needs of our students, will form the centerpiece of our improvement plans this year. If you have ideas on specific actions that may improve our school, please reach out to me and we will certainly listen to your feedback. As well, you are always welcome to come to any of our monthly PTA family meetings, where I will always make myself available, for ideas and comments.
In closing, thank you for helping ensure that your child stays on track by supporting our efforts at school. We appreciate you entrusting us with the development of your child. We look forward to an outstanding school year with many more opportunities for you to plan an active role in your child's education. As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to give me a call at (502)552-4156, or send me an email at bill.perkins@jefferson.kyschools.us
Bill Perkins, Principal
Wilder Elementary Red Ribbon Week by Mrs. Stinson
Red Ribbon Week is a week emphasizing drug awareness and prevention across our nation. Children are encouraged to choose healthy lifestyles and learn a variety of refusal skills when dealing with negative peer pressure. By participating in the dress up opportunities, students will be showing their support for choosing a healthy lifestyle and saying NO to drugs. Please help your child remember our daily themes, and encourage discussion at home regarding drug awareness, prevention, and healthy lifestyle choices.
In addition to dressing up, all K-5 students will have the opportunity to write daily about the topics below. Students are encouraged to turn in their writing to Mrs. Stinson NO LATER THAN 10/31 by 3:45 pm. Treats will be given to participating students on Friday, Nov.1st.
Monday: (Oct. 28) “Red Rally Day”
· Students and staff are asked to wear RED today to show their support for Red Ribbon Week.
· Something to Write About: Students may write about what it means to be “Drug-Free.”
Tuesday: (Oct. 29) “Stay in the Game, Be Drug-Free”
· Students and staff team up for the fight against drugs by wearing their favorite sports team shirt, uniform, or other team apparel.
· Something to Write About: Students may write about what good choices they can make to stay in the game of life and be “Drug-Free.”
Wednesday: (Oct. 30) “Don’t Let Drugs Mix You Up!”
· Students wear mix/matched crazy socks to show their support for being “Drug-Free.”
· Something to Write About: Students may write about how making good choices and positive peer influences can help them stay on track to become successful in life.
Thursday: (Oct. 31) “Drugs are Scary…we choose NOT to be Scary”
· Students and staff wear their favorite friendly and NOT scary costume to school. We are demonstrating how drugs are scary and we choose NOT be scary but to be safe and only put good things in our bodies. NO SCARY COSTUMES, SWORDS, or MASKS! Fall parties will also take place on this day.
· Something to Write About: Students may write about how they can make healthy choices for their bodies and
not allow harmful things to enter it.
Friday: (Nov. 1) “Don’t Be Caught Sleeping, Say No to Drugs!”
· Students and staff wear their pajamas to school to represent not being “asleep” but aware of the negative impact of using drugs.
· Something to Write About: Students may write about how they plan to stay away from drugs throughout their lives and into adulthood.
Show Your Wilder Pride by shopping at the Wilder Fall Wear Store!
Car Rider Safety Reminders
Students will receive a tardy notice if they are not in the building by the start of school at 7:30am. This must be followed per guidelines from the state for auditors.
All students who have not entered the building by 7:30 am MUST go to the front office to be signed in by their parent.
Parents should pull all the way forward in carpool to let their child unload.
Students must unload on the right hand/passenger side for safety.
Parents should never exit their cars.
Before exiting the car, students should already have their backpack on and all belongings in their hands so they can exit the car quickly.
If possible, students need to open their own doors to keep the line moving. Please practice opening and closing the car door with your student.
Once your child has unloaded the car, proceed forward to exit the car rider loop. Do not wait to watch your child enter the building as other cars are needing to unload.
Please leave your car rider tags hanging until your child is loaded into the car.
For safety, students must load on the right hand/passenger side.
Parents should never exit their cars.
Pull forward and park to buckle in your child, if needed.
Signal if you are going to the playground. For everyone's safety, students must be escorted by an adult and walk in front of the parked cars.
Students need to close their own doors, if possible, to keep the line moving. Please practice with your child.
Be aware of your student’s after-school schedule so staff are not looking for your student who has stayed after.
*** If you have any questions regarding car riders, please email Ms. Stinson at monica.stinson@jefferson.kyschools.us. Thank you for your cooperation so that we can make our car rider line work efficiently! (revised 10/22/24)
Fall Gifted and Telented News by Dr. Wallis Owens
Happy Fall Y’all!
It’s one of my favorite times of the year! Soup, football, sweaters and leggings, pumpkin spice and all things nice. At Wilder, this is also the time of year when we start testing in our effort to identify students for the Gifted and Talented and Advanced Program. Our Gifted and Talented enrichment program is for students who show giftedness in one of the following areas: General Intellect, Specific Academic (math, reading, social studies, and/or science), Creativity, Leadership, or Performing Arts. These students are given the opportunity to pursue passion projects either with a group, or individually to give them an opportunity to grow in their area of giftedness. Advanced Placement students excel academically. When looking at MAP, these students consistently score in the 96th percentile or higher and are able to demonstrate mastery on grade level content and beyond.
This past week, we administered the Naglieri (NNAT3) assessment which is a screener that we use in JCPS to identify students for Gifted and Talented in the area of General Intellectual Aptitude. All 3rd grade students, any 4th grade student who was not tested in 3rd grade, and every 5th grade student who is not already identified completed the assessment. Our Gifted and Talented committee will use these scores, along with other pieces of evidence to determine which students should be recommended for GT in the area of General Intellect.
In the coming months, we will also be administering creativity, leadership, Social Studies, Science, and the winter MAP assessment to help identify giftedness in those areas. Students wishing to be identified for visual and performing arts will be given the opportunity to submit a portfolio and letters of recommendation from their instructors.
Be sure to check your newsletter and email for further information and as always if you have any questions don’t hesitate to reach out. I can be reached by email at wallis.malone-owens@jefferson.kyschools.us or by phone at 485-8350.
Literacy Plan Goals
Under Senate Bill 1, schools are to develop and share their Literacy Plan goals with their school community. The following goals have been set for this year:
ELA School Goal: Using High Quality Instructional Resources (EL Education) and ensuring that the staff is at 100% full implementation of the action steps/Look Fors for EL Ed. Teachers have all the resources needed to teach. PLCs will allow teachers to consider revisions to instruction. Walkthrough information from administration that specifically focuses on ELA will provide immediate feedback teachers can improve upon.
Curriculum Action Goal: Teachers are successfully meeting and achieving all district Look Fors. Our teachers get a regular 50 minutes of planning every day and one extra planning period each week that totals 100 minutes. Teachers have all the resources needed to teach EL Ed. PLCs will allow teachers to consider revisions to instruction.
Instruction Action Plan Goal: Unpacking learning targets for student understanding, ensuring student collaboration, use of formative assessments, use of standards based grading practices, and project-based learning.
Student Council-Ms. McCorkle and Ms. Macaulay
Please help the Student Council be good neighbors by supporting our disaster relief drive. Items will be collected in the classrooms through November 1st.
Journey to Success Backpack Information and Video
JCPS has updated the Backpack of Success Skills, originally launched in 2018, and renamed it Journey to Success. This new initiative sets clearer expectations and guidelines to ensure consistency and maximize impact across all JCPS schools. It focuses on student success skills, 5th-grade Defenses of Learning, Milestones, and high-quality work artifacts. Journey to Success acts as a comprehensive roadmap for planning engaging and effective learning experiences. Watch the video to learn more.
Showcase of Schools - Mark Your Calendar
Cross Country JCPS Invitational
For those families unable to attend the JCPS Invitational, Wilder won 3 and came in 2nd for one of the team races - an incredible showing for the kids in 4 of 6 races! Our coaches were very impressed by everyone's running ! Of all our athletes, we had at least 14 runners who had a personal best compared to the last time on the same course! What focus! We also had 11 students run their fastest pace of the season!
K/1st Girls Team - 1st PLACE! (12 pts ahead of 2nd)
K/1st Boys Team - 2nd PLACE! (2 pts ahead of 3rd, close one!)
2nd/3rd Boys Team - 1st PLACE! (36 pts ahead of 2nd)
4th/5th Boys Team - 1st PLACE! (35 pts ahead of 2nd!)
Congratulations on a wonderful season, athletes, Coach Duff and Coach Grieshaver
News From Art-Mrs. Knabel
Wilder Families, Art To Remember order forms will be sent home with all students October 31st-Novemeber 2nd. This fundraiser provides a great opportunity to preserve your child's artwork and makes a wonderful gift for loved ones during the upcoming holiday season.
Wilder Elementary Ordering Webpage
Wilder Basketball
Congratulations to our 2024 - 2025 Basketball Team
5th Grade
- Liam Custis
- Jaurice Gibson
- Garry Rackard
- Peniel Ikona Longila Empompolongo
- Chase Turner
- Zeke Gilmore
4th Grade
- Ava Watters
- Zavyer Booth
- Harris Vricic
- Javan Taylor
- Evan Jarboe
- Sam Nicheols
3rd Grade
- Cam Gainey
- Zane Baker
- Mya Anderson
- Sebastian Johnson
Games will be held on Friday nights at MidAmerica. Games begin November 22nd and will be played through February 14th.
Coach J. Gainey
Coach J. Custis
Teacher Contact: K. Regenauer
Wilder Holiday Assistance Through Angel Tree
Family Resource Center by Katie Wilkinson
Dear Parents,
The Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services, in partnership with the Kentucky Lieutenant Governor’s Office and the Kentucky Department of Education, is conducting an important survey to evaluate awareness of school-based health care services across Kentucky's public schools. Your feedback will be invaluable in guiding improvements to our school-based health care system. We kindly ask that you take a few moments to complete the survey. Your insights will help us make informed decisions to enhance the health care services provided in schools throughout the Commonwealth of Kentucky.
Survey Link in English: https://mslc.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_78MYUwSJyoToytE
Encuesta en Español: https://mslc.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6PVjmCF08xqbYyi
Also, please see the information regarding free eye exams below:
Free eye exam & prescription glasses if needed.
Goodwill 2820 W Broadway Tues & Wed Oct 29-30 8:30-4:30
Must sign up at l.ead.me/eyeexam
Thank you,
Katie Wilkinson, Family Resource Coordinator
From the STEM Lab by Mrs. Arnspiger
Our Wilder kiddos have been working hard to collaborate and communicate with their STEM teammates! We are working through the engineering design process to solve problems and create technologies together! See what we’re up to this month below!
This round in STEM:
K - Room on the Broom: Seat Design Challenge
1st - Room on the Broom: Seat Design Challenge
(This group did not get to participate in this one last year!)
2nd - Pumpkin Pulley Device Challenge
3rd - Apple Bobbing Device Challenge
4th - Agricultural Engineer Challenge: Hand Pollinators
5th - Mechanical Engineer Challenge: Windmill Blades
You may occasionally see a letter come home asking for supply/recycled item donations. Thank you to those who have donated items to the STEM lab this year! We appreciate your support. 🙂
Ali Arnspiger, STEM teacher
Complete Important EBF Form
All JCPS schools now participate in the Community Eligibility (CE) Provision. Every JCPS student is eligible to receive a free breakfast and lunch, regardless of income. However, to determine eligibility for various additional state and federal program benefits that your child may qualify for and to determine funding for your school, please complete this online EBF form by clicking here.
Please complete the required JCPS EBF Form ASAP. This form is important for our school to continue to get funding each year. If you have any questions, email our FRC, katie.wilkinson@jefferson.kyschools.us
Student Passion Projects by Mrs. Vanderhoff
Focus groups in the 4th and 5th grade have identified several areas of improvement where students can make an impact at Wilder. Here are some of the projects we've been working on:
5th Grade
Save the Trees, Please! - This project aims to reduce the use of paper towels at our school. Last year our school ran out of paper towels and the students have noticed other students excessively wasting paper towels this year. They came up with the idea of a new class job called a Paper Towel Distributor. To promote this job, they created a teacher education slide show, posters for the paper towel dispensers, and two videos to inform the students.
Paper Towel Distributor: Stop Animation video
Paper Towel Distributor: Video for the students
Clean Up Your Messes! - This group identified three areas in the school where students have been particularly messy. They wrote, produced and edited an entertaining video to raise student awareness. They have also created signs to hang in these areas of the school.
4th Grade
A - Proposals for New Playground Equipment/Improvements: Students imagined equipment that they would like on our playground that we currently don’t have. They developed images and rationale for their designs and presented them to the PTA. The PTA Playground Committee invited them back for a second presentation to hear the students' ideas and work together to create a shared vision. There were lots of commonalities between the student and PTA ideas to create an inclusive and imaginative space for all!
B - Soccer Field Lines: The students researched cost and implementation of soccer lines and made a proposal to the PTA at their October meeting. Temporary lines have already been added and a machine has been secured! The PTA has agreed to help with paint and maintenance!
C- Restroom Redecorating - This group identified upgrades needed to our current main student restroom facility. They designed and agreed upon a common theme. Working with JCPS Materials and Production, this group's visions are becoming a reality! Visitors to the restroom will begin to see changes unfold as the year progresses starting with some maintenance and etiquette 🙂
From Mrs. Cannon, Mental Health Practitioner at Wilder
Hello Wilder Families,
Now that we have started settling into the 24-25 school year, I would like to remind you that mental health support is available for all students and their families. I can support you and your child in the following ways: individual counseling, small group counseling, crisis intervention; consulting with parents and teachers; coordinating with outside agencies and therapists; and referrals for community services; as well as I can share resources with you about outside providers. I provide counseling to students during the school day in the following areas: divorce, separation, death, conflict with siblings or parents; academic issues that could be effecting self-esteem; attendance issues; social skills; bullying and peer pressure; emotional regulation; problem solving; adjusting or transitioning to school routines or new school if recently moved; stress; anxiety; or other emotional concerns. If you feel your child could benefit from these services, please reach out to me at 502-576-7492 or by email at deeann.cannon@jefferson.kyschools.us. I look forward to speaking with you. Your child’s well-being is our top priority- please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.
Warm regards,
DeeAnn Cannon, Mental Health Practitioner
News from Mrs. Mateja in the Library
SHOUT OUT to Everyone!!!---Thanks to your support we had record sales of $11,822.91 for the fall book fair.
Our goal was $10,000, and it is really a BIG DEAL to know we beat our goal when we missed Friday sales with the weather situation. Many teachers received books and money to spend at the fair from "enchanted checks" and by filling out "wishes" that were displayed in the library for families to purchase. Profits have gone towards new books for the book tubs on the library tables, an upcoming author visit, and books for the collection. Families can buy from Scholastic on the Wilder LibGuide throughout the school year and the library will still receive credit. Mark your calendar for our spring book fair which is scheduled for March 10-21.
Thank you for supporting our most recent author visit with Tonya Duncan Ellis and our Scholastic Book Fair. The students will be helping to determine some new book purchases for our collection with the profits from the book fair along with funding an upcoming author visit with Brittany Thurman for grades K-3 in November. Please check out the Wilder LibGuide for eBooks, Pebble Go/Next and other resources 24/7.
Carrie Mateja, Librarian
Wilder Recognized by the Kentucky Department of Education
We are very proud of being a Positive Behavior Intervention and Support Bronze School as recognized by the Department of Education. It is a testament to everyone's work to create and maintain a positive environment. The letter we received is below.
Mark Your Calendar
Make sure you check out the NEW Wilder webpage for upcoming events.
Parent Teacher Association (PTA)
Fall Family Movie Night
Please join us at Wilder on Friday, Nov. 8 for a FREE Family Movie Night. You'll need to bring chairs and/or blankets for seating, and snacks if you'd like. We'll gather in the carpool circle behind the library, weather permitting. If the weather is not permitting, we'll move inside to the gym. Please keep an eye on our Facebook page for more event details and updates as we get closer.
Family Fun Night @Champ's
We wanted to squeeze in one more event before the holidays! Please join us at Champ's Rollerdome (in Lyndon) on Monday, Nov. 25 from 6 p.m. - 8 p.m. and the PTA will cover skate rentals for Wilder students. We hope to see plenty of our Wildcat community adults out there too. We know you still got the moves! Please keep an eye on our Facebook page for more event details and updates as we get closer.
Wilder Staff Favorites
Speaking of the holidays...if you'd like gift ideas for our awesome Wilder staff members, please check out the Wilder Staff's Favorites List. When you scroll to the second page, you can select a grade or department to see the names of each staff member. You'll learn their favorite foods and treats, restaurants, scents, stores, and loads of other favorites--removing all guess work, and maybe inspiring new ideas!
Veterans Day Lunch Bunch
Thank you all for helping us find 8 veterans to join our students for a Lunch Bunch on Nov. 11. We are excited to treat our Wildcats with the opportunity to get to know these incredible folks, and we're even more excited to share our precious Wildcats with them.
Join the Fun!
Please join the PTA by following this link. It's $5 for the year, which stays with the PTA and contributes to the many free, family-fun events we plan throughout the school year, and supports our students, faculty and staff in the classrooms and all around our gorgeous campus. In addition, you'll get the newsletters with detailed information about upcoming events and the opportunity to volunteer--the gift of more time with your Wildcat.
Translators, Virtual Attendance Option for PTA Meetings
The PTA worked closely with our school administrators who've helped secure Spanish translators for the upcoming PTA meeting on Nov. 14. If you're interested in attending future meetings and would like to learn more about translation services, please email Mr. Perkins and copy WilderElementaryPTA@gmail.com. We've also started streaming our PTA meetings online, via Zoom, and at 5:45 p.m. on the day, we share the link on our Facebook page. We hope this offering will allow those who can't make it in-person to participate in our awesome organization.
Other Upcoming Events:
11/14 Make-Up Picture Day
11/14 PTA Meeting, 6 p.m. @ Northeast Regional Library (Lyndon) in 'The Porch' meeting space.
SBDM Council Members: Jess Metzmeier (parent), Anne Frye (parent), Bill Perkins (principal), Zerina Kicic (teacher), Melissa Thompson (teacher), and Tina McCorkle (teacher)
Our Council met on Wednesday, October 23 and discussed the following:
- Kentucky Summative Assessment scores from the Spring
- MAP reading and math assessments in the Spring
- Budget needs assessment
- Policy review for Make-Up work and Homework (Revisions) and prior use REAP called for changes
- School Improvement planning update
Our next meeting will be November 13 at 2:30 pm. in the conference room.