Talawanda High School
#EducateandPrepare #THSFamily
Winter EOC state testing results are now available for students who completed math, science, and social studies testing this Winter, 12/4/24-1/9/25. English Language Arts results will be available after February 18th.
To access results, log into ProgressBook and click on the Assessment Scores tab then End of Course Assessments. ELA and Algebra 1 scores 684 and higher are considered passing. Geometry, Biology, American History, and Government scores 700 and higher are considered passing. Guidance counselors will update graduation plans with these scores. Students needing to retest will do so during Spring EOC state testing 4/7/25-5/2/25. Please reach out to your guidance counselor with any questions.
A paper copy of the score report will be passed out to students later this semester. For more information about EOCs and how to interpret your score, please refer to the Ohio Department of Education & Workforce website.
Just a reminder for THS families that on Wednesday, February 26th, 11th-grade students will be taking the ACT Test at the high school. On this day, ONLY 11th-grade students will report to school on the testing day. All other students (9th, 10th, and 12th grade) will not be reporting to school on this day. 11th graders will report by 8:00am to find their testing location. Most students will finish testing between 11:30am - 12:00pm and will need to be picked up at that time. Some students may take a little bit longer to finish.
Juniors who would like to join the Prom Committee should meet in room 319 on January 30 during Tutorial. Prom is April 26! *reminder that 9th graders may not attend prom*
Healthcare Internship Opportunity for Juniors and Seniors!
Dear Talawanda High School Juniors and Seniors,
We are excited to announce a life-changing Healthcare Internship Program sponsored by the Rotary Club of Oxford, Rotary International District 6670, and the McCullough-Hyde Foundation.
What’s In It for You?
- Gain valuable real-world healthcare experience.
- Work alongside experienced healthcare professionals.
- Explore and build your future career path.
Join Us for an Information Session! Date: February 12, 2025
Time: 4:00 PM (via Zoom)
To receive your Zoom invitation, please email us at oxfordrotary1965@gmail.com.
How to Apply:
- Complete the application (typed preferred).
- Include a letter of recommendation highlighting your work ethic and ability to take direction. Optional: Add a cover letter to make your application stand out.
- Submit your application via email to oxfordrotary1965@gmail.com by MIDNIGHT on March 21, 2025.
For more details about the Oxford Rotary Club and our community initiatives, please visit www.oxfordrotaryclub.org and www.rotary.org.
Don't miss out on this fantastic opportunity to shape your future in healthcare!
Monday, January 27th
Project Green 3:00 PM Room 224
Tribune 5:30-6:30pm Room 315
Tuesday, January 28th
Art Club 3:00 PM Room 603
Mock Trial Team 2 5:00-7:30 Room 315
Wednesday, January 29th
Robotics Club 3:00 PM Room 412-First competition discussion & robot improvements
Diversity Club 3:00 PM Room 400
Chess Club 3:00 PM Room 603
Thursday, January 30th
Best Buddies 3:00-3:30 PM Room 316
Mock Trial Team 2 5:00-7:30 Room 315
Friday, January 31st
The Diversity Club will be selling forever flowers for Valentine's Day during lunch from Jan.31-Feb.13. They will be delivered on Feb. 14th. The more you buy the more you save!!
1 flower= $3
2 flowers= $5
5 flowers= $10
Monday, January 27th
Tuesday, January 28th
Wednesday, January 29th
Thursday, January 30th
Friday, January 31st
LINK to INFORMATION: https://content.govdelivery.com/accounts/OHDOT/bulletins/3cb6dc0
Community Flyer Page
Click here for the community flyer page.