Principal's Message
Good evening, Stonehurst:
As we continue through the school year, we want to remind our families how important it is for students to be present, engaged, and building positive connections each day!
Daily Attendance Matters – Every school day is an opportunity for learning and growth. When students miss school, they miss valuable instruction that can be hard to make up. Please make sure your child arrives on time and is ready to learn each day!
Hard Work Leads to Success – Encourage your child to stay focused, put in their best effort, and ask for help when needed. The more they participate and challenge themselves, the more they will achieve!
Positive Relationships Make a Difference – School is not just about academics; it’s also about friendships and teamwork. Talk to your child about kindness, respect, and working well with others so they can build strong, supportive relationships.
Together, we can help our students thrive both academically and socially. Thank you for your continued support in making this a great school year!
Best regards,
Mr. Chisholm, Principal
School News
Picture Day
We’re excited to announce that Picture Day is coming up on Friday, March 14th at Stonehurst! This is a great opportunity for students to capture special memories, so please ensure your child comes to school dressed appropriately.
Stonehurst One School, One Book
Are you wondering about the signs in the hallway? This year, our studenst will be participoating in the One School, One Book is a national reading program run by the nonprofit, Read to Them. All students will get a copy of a book to take home to be read with a parent. The purpose of the program is to build a community of readers and engage more parents to read with their child. Here is some information about this year's book:
Reading Schedule for Stonehurst One Book, One School
March Movie Night
Get your popcorn ready! Our next Movie Night will be on Thursday, March 27th from 5:00 to 6:30 p.m. See information about the movie below!
Below is the homework plan for elementary school students:
- English: Elementary Homework
- Español: Plan de tarea de primaria
- Please be mindful that arrival starts at 8:45 a.m. The arrival doors and gates to the schoolyard will not open until 8:45.
- HSA: Our next Home and School Association meeting is Wednesday, March 19th from 5:30 to 6:30. Dr. McGarry, the superintenent, will be at the meeting to discuss possible closure of Charles Kelly. I hope to see you there.
A Mesage from our School Nurse
Students are required to have a physical exam and dental exam on file in the nurse’s office. If your child is missing one of these, a letter is being sent home with students this week. THERE ARE FREE DENTAL SCREENINGS ON 3/4/25. Please fill out a permission slip and return as soon as possible.
A Message from our Social Worker
If you are planning to have community agencies come to the school to work with your child please complete the following steps prior to them coming to the building.
- Parents/Guardians must sign an Upper Darby School District Release of Information Form and return it to the School Social Worker. Please request this form from the school social worker and counselor via email.
- Parents/ Guardians must Inform the community Agency Service Provider to send copies of all clearances ( FBI, PA Criminal History, and Child Abuse) to the school social worker and counselor via email.
- Inform the community agency service provider to contact the school social worker and counselor via email at least 24 hours prior to coming into the building.
The School Social Worker and Counselor can be reached via email at csanders@upperdarbysd.org and mdifilippo@upperdarbysd.org.
Attendance Matters
Please make sure your child is coming to school every day. Consistent school attendance is essential for students' academic growth and overall success. When students attend school every day, they are more likely to stay engaged with the curriculum, participate in class discussions, and benefit from hands-on learning experiences. Regular attendance helps students build strong study habits, stay on top of assignments, and better understand new concepts as they are taught. Additionally, being present every day allows students to develop important social skills and relationships with their peers and teachers, which fosters a positive learning environment. In short, daily attendance is a key factor in helping students reach their full potential.
5th Grade Course Selection
Grade Middle School Elective Selection
In the coming months, we will be working with our 5th-grade students to enter their choices for 6th-grade electives into the Home Access Center (HAC). Please review the elective selection guide with your students and have conversations with them regarding the best choices. The elective guide can be found at the following link: https://www.upperdarbysd.org/domain/3278
District News
A message for our 5th Grade Famalies
The Middle School has asked us to share the following information with families in preparation for 5th grade student Elective Course Selection for next school year.
Here is the link to the Middle School Elective Course Catalog: Middle School Elective Course Catalog 2025-2026 with information and a brief description of each elective.
Below is a link to a document that students attending Beverly Hills Middle School for 6th grade will use to help narrow down the choices for elective classes they would like to request for next year.
This page is designed to help plan and prepare for Elective Course Selection, which will take place in school.
25-26 BHMS 6th Grade Elective Selection (Current 5th Grade)
Please discuss the elective options available to current 5th grade students for next school year at Beverly Hills Middle School and help them decide what electives they are interested in requesting.
Message from the Director of Pupil Services, Dr. Ursone
Message from Director of Pupil Services - Kindergarten Registration
Registration for incoming kindergarten students begins on February 19, 2025. This can be done online by visiting our website: https://www.upperdarbysd.org/domain/65 or you can visit our central registration office located at 601 N. Lansdowne Avenue in Drexel Hill. For information pertaining to extended hours and building tours please see the emails that have been sent by Dr. Ursone, Director of Pupil Services.
Food Services Menu
This month’s menus are now posted on school dish via the link on the district's website.
Upper Darby School District Dining - Upper Darby School District Dining (schooldish.com)