Principal's Newsletter

Principal's Newsletter 9/6/2024
Dear Wade Families,
Another amazing week is in the books. Thank you to all of the parents who attended the Open House events on Wednesday and Thursday evening. Working together is key to your children's academic success. Remember, if you have any concerns, your first point of contact is your child's teacher. Please give them time to respond to phone calls and emails as county policy states they have 48 hours to respond.
Another gentle reminder that Mrs. Diaz is no longer our school registrar. Any registration, dismissal information, or absence excuses should be emailed to Mrs. Sackett (nsackett@ccboe.com) or Mrs. Davis (madavis@ccboe.com).
Here are a few reminders for next week:
- There is no school for students on Friday, September 13th.
- Our Fun Run is scheduled for September 11. Primary grades K-2 will run from 9:45 a.m. to 10:30 am. Intermediate grade 3-5 and pre-k will run from 10:45 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Parents are invited and encouraged to attend. We will also need volunteers to help with the water station. To volunteer, please send Mrs. Davis and email at madavis@ccboe.com.
Thank you all!
William Miller
Important Food Allergy Information Form
If your child has any food allergies the attached form must be filled out and signed by their doctor.
Dismissal Information
Any changes to a student's daily dismissal arrangements must be made in writing and indicate who is picking up the student. The person picking up the student must present their photo identification. Any adult picking up a child must be on the emergency card, or we will have to make a phone call asking the custodial parent on the emergency card if the person has permission to pick up the child.
If there are any changes to a student's normal dismissal procedures, you should email the front office staff and the child's classroom teacher. You should email Nicole Sackett, nsackett@ccboe.com and Maritza Davis, madavis@ccboe.com along with the teacher about any changes.
My School Bucks
Charles County Public Schools (CCPS) has moved its meal prepayment system to MySchoolsBucks for the 2024-2025 school year. The system replaces MyPaymentsPlus and is accessible at any time. Parents with existing MySchoolBucks accounts can log into the system and load money by credit/debit card or e-check to their child’s meal account.
With the new platform, parents are not able to divide funds between a meal account and a general account (used to buy a la carte items). Any money left on student accounts was moved to the new platform.
Visit www.myschoolbucks.com to access or create a new account. Parents creating new accounts must know their child’s six-digit student identification number. The number is in ParentVue, on the main page for the desktop version, and under the main student menu in the mobile app (click on the three lines in the lower left-hand corner to view a student’s child’s ID which will show their ID number).
A free MySchoolBucks mobile app is available in Google and Apple stores. The app icon is blue with My School Bucks written in white text in the square.
Cell Phone and Smart Watches
Charles County Public Schools allows the possession and use of cell phones and other personal electronic devices by students. It is the intent of the Superintendent, to ensure that this allowance does not disrupt the learning environment, after-school activities, or the safe transportation of students. Students are permitted to use cell phones while attending (but not participating in) general public events that occur after-hours and are open to the community.
In order for children to bring their phones/smartwatches to school parents must submit the Cell phone permission form. Phones/watches must be turned off and kept in the student's locker during the day. Students may not use their phones or watches throughout the school day for any reason. Phone calls home must be made from the front office.
Tuesday Folders
Again, this year, all students will be provided with a Tuesday folder to bring home graded work and important school information. Students should return their folders to school each Wednesday.
Most of the school's important information is sent electronically. Please make sure your email address is updated and if you need to make any changes, please contact Nicole Sackett, nsackett@ccboe.com with your updated email address and she will be able to make any changes.
Birthday Celebrations
When bringing outside food items to school for a student's birthday or as part of a classroom celebration, bring store bought, individually packaged treats. Treats that are homemade or not individually packaged with nutritional labels will not be served to students. Each grade level distributes birthday treats differently, so please make arrangements with your child's teacher ahead of time. Additionally, teachers can only distribute party invitations at school if there is an invitation for each student in the class.
Medications at School
Students may not transport medication to and from school; parents/guardians can drop off medication during school hours. Additionally, a completed and signed medical authorization form must be on file in order for medication to be dispensed. Please contact Mrs. Powell, school nurse, with any questions or additional information.
Free and Reduced Lunch Forms
Please take a moment to fill out the Free and Reduced Lunch Applications. Everyone should fill out the application whether you believe you qualify or not. All applications should be filled out by October 18th.
Please follow this link: MySchoolApps - Select District to apply. Paper applications can be requested in the front office as well.
Playground Partners
Calendar of Events
September 13: Fair Day: Schools closed for students
September 25: Early Dismissal Day
September 30: Interims Posted
October 9: PTO meeting @ 6:00pm
William B. Wade Elementary
Website: https://wade.ccboe.com/
Location: 2300 Smallwood Drive West, Waldorf, MD 20603, USA
Phone: 301-934-7404
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/people/William-B-Wade-Elementary-School/100086762115235/
Twitter: @ccps