Sage Creek News
May 2024
Last Month of School!
I hope this message finds you well! As we approach the end of the school year, I want to thank each and every one of our families for your incredible support throughout the year. It has been a fantastic year full of growth and learning, and I am so grateful to have such engaged and dedicated families as part of our school community. Our students have worked so hard this year, and have made great growth. As we are working on our end of year testing we are seeing a lot of progress and it is definitely worth celebrating!
We have a few spots remaining in our Chinese Dual Immersion Program for next year! This unique opportunity allows students to develop proficiency in both English and Chinese. If you're interested, please reach out to the school office or check the school website for more information.
I will likely send one last message out before the end of the year however, I want to express my deepest gratitude for your continued partnership. Your involvement, support, and collaboration make a significant difference in the success of our students and our school as a whole. Thank you for being an essential part of our school family.
Be sure to check in on our school's website for pictures of recent events!
Mrs. Angela Youd
Please help spread the word to register for school next year. Remember this is done annually, and the sooner we get everyone registered the better. It is especially helpful if you can tell your neighbors that have kindergarten students who might not know about registration. Doing this now will help us be well prepared for the fall. Information on how to register can be found here. You're also welcome to come in and we can help you register!
Art Week
We are excited to announce our 1st annual Sage Creek Art Exhibition! It will be taking place next week (April 29-May 3). Every student at Sage Creek will have a piece of art on display. You are welcome to come and see the art between 8:45-9:10 or from 3:30-4:00 any day during the aforementioned week.
Thank you to Mrs. Howard for putting this on!
Prevent Child Abuse Utah (PACU)
In accordance with Law 53G-9-207, Sage Creek will be receiving body safety and child
abuse prevention training on May 6. We have chosen to use Prevent Child
Abuse Utah (PCAU) to provide these trainings.
Presentations will take place in each individual classroom, and will teach students how to
recognize, resist and report all forms of child abuse, including physical abuse, emotional abuse,
sexual abuse and neglect. The presentations utilize a combination of class discussion, visual
aids, books and interactive games in order to teach students safety skills. The curriculum is
designed to empower and encourage students to speak up when they feel unsafe, and seek out
trusted adults with whom they can discuss potential problems. The curriculum is graduated by
grade level and is age appropriate. Younger students (K-2) are taught basic concepts that focus
on teaching students to listen to their “uh-oh” feeling and seek out help from trusted adults.
Older students (3rd-5th) are taught the proper terminology for the different types of abuse,
analyze real-world cases of child abuse, and explore various strategies for getting help from
trusted adults. PCAU’s curriculum is approved by the Utah State Board of Education and the
Utah Department of Human Services.
Parents are invited to sit in on presentations if they would like. To find out what time your
students' class will receive presentations please contact your child's teacher.
If you do NOT want your child to take part in the body safety and child abuse prevention
presentations, please get a dismissal form from the front office and return it by May 3rd.
Summer BRIGHT Ideas Program
Bright Ideas Summer Building Connections: STEAM In Our World
When: July 1-5 and 8-12, 2023 (except for July 4),
8:00 a.m. to Noon
Where: Larsen Elementary School-Spanish Fork
Cost: $150 Per Child
Bright Ideas is for highly motivated elementary school-aged students, interested in learning new things. Open to all students entering kindergarten through those entering seventh grade this fall.
Students will use creativity, critical thinking, problem-solving, collaboration, communication, and STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, and math) skills to learn more about the world around them. A lot of hands-on learning and creating!
Registration Due: June 21, 2024
Register online:
For more information email
School Community Council
We will have 3 openings for our School Community Council next year. Email if you're interested in being a part of that council.
Community Event
McTeacher's Night Information
Calendar Items
For a more complete calendar, check the school's Google Calendar
April 24: 5th Grade Track Meet
April 29-May 3: First Ever ART WEEK! We will have an art gallery on display that has a piece of art from each student. More info coming!
May 1: National Food Services Day (Be sure to thank our amazing cafeteria ladies!!)
May 1: 4th Grade Track Meet
May 6th: Kinder field trip
May 6: National School Nurses Day
May 7-8: BOGO Book Fair!! All books are buy one get one free. It is only open before and after school on those two days.
May 8: 3rd Grade Track Meet
May 8: School Community Council
May 10: 4th grade field trip
May 14: Papa John's Spirit Night
May 15: Kindergarten Graduation
May 16: Last day of Kinder and PreK
May 17: 3rd Grade Field Trip
May 20: Dance Festival! Come watch the students perform on the back grass at 1:00. We are just doing one performance this year. Bring a camp chair or a blanket to sit on.
May 21: Sage Creek Field Day (watch for a sign up to come from room parents if you're willing to help)
May 22: 5th Grade Graduation
Class Considerations
If there are certain things that Mrs. Youd should know as we are preparing to make classes for next year, please enter that information into the form below. Keep in mind that these are not "teacher requests", but things about your child that should be taken into careful consideration. Your response will not be taken lightly as we try and find the best fit for all 460 of our sweet children. This survey needs to be completed before June 1st to be considered.