Mustang Weekly Corral
February 7, 2025
Mission Statement
Vision Statement
Empowering every child to thrive as a lifelong learner and engaged citizen.
Welcome to FORES!
If your child started school this week, welcome to FORES! Please check our website and Facebook page for previous campus newsletters that have a lot of important information. Our Parent Handbook is also linked toward the bottom of this page.
Good Things this Week!
Thank you to our wonderful Ranch Hands at work beautifying the Memorial Garden outside the library! They meet every 2nd and 4th Tuesday from 3-4 pm!
This week all of the FORES staff got to meet with Dr. Craft in our beautifully remodeled library to discuss the future of Boerne ISD and the direction we are headed.
Happy 100th Day of school!! Lots of smile’s, activities, and students who are 100 days brighter!
Morning Drop Off Concerns
As we settle into the second semester, I’d like to take a moment to review our morning drop-off procedures (linked below). Our current campus enrollment is 821 students, just a few less than last year. Unfortunately, we’re seeing an increase in tardies, and we could really use your help to improve the flow of traffic in the mornings.
The school is doing everything we can to help the line move quickly, but we need your support to make things even smoother. The first bell rings at 7:00 AM, and at that time, we usually have about a dozen vehicles arrive. Between 7:00 and 7:20, we see a steady stream of 1-2 cars at a time. However, around 7:20, we get a large wave of arrivals, which causes traffic to back up. To help avoid this, we highly encourage parents to drop students off between 7:00 and 7:20. We’ve seen firsthand that it works—like when The Ned Show sold yo-yos earlier this week, we didn’t have a backup in the car line because more students arrived earlier.
Arriving a little earlier gives students a chance to socialize and settle into their classrooms by 7:15. This extra time allows them to unpack, chat with friends, and get ready for the day.
Another way you can help is by teaching your child to get out of the car independently when you pull up to the sidewalk. With the help of staff and safety patrols, we’re doing our best, but there are not always enough hands to open every door. If students can exit their cars on their own, we’ll be able to drop off more cars at once, speeding up the process. Right now, about eight cars drop off at a time, but the sidewalk is long enough to accommodate nearly a dozen cars if we all work together. Of course, we understand that some students may need extra help getting out of the car. If that’s the case, please pull as far forward as possible, and we’ll assist as quickly as we can.
Finally, we want to remind everyone that morning drop-off should take place in the car lane only. We’ve noticed more students being dropped off in the parking lot and walking across to the school. This isn’t safe, and it also slows down traffic significantly. For everyone’s safety, we’d rather your child be a little late than put them at risk.
Just a reminder: Our district start time for elementary schools is 7:35 AM. After 7:35, students are considered tardy. In cases of extreme weather (like heavy rain or snow), tardy times may be delayed until 7:45 AM, but these situations are rare.
We’ll continue to do our best to keep things moving smoothly, but we really appreciate your help with the following:
- Drop off between 7:00-7:20 AM
- Teach students to independently exit the car at the sidewalk
- Use the car lane for drop-off only—no parking lot drop-offs
Thanks so much for your cooperation and partnership.
Jessica Shults, Principal
Dress for the Weather
Please have students dress accordingly for the weather over the next few months. Our district monitor's the temperature and recess will continue if we are able to go out. It's important students at least bring a jacket/sweater with them each day so they are prepared.
All Pro Dads 2/14
Please pre-check if you are coming to All Pro Dads on Friday, 2/14 from 6:45-7:30.
Donuts with Dad Coming!
Save the date! Donuts with Dad is coming up next month! Volunteers are needed to help make this tradition a success. You can sign up here to volunteer! Please note, all attendees and volunteers MUST complete the pre-check form! Click here to complete the pre-check!
*Volunteers: If you have never volunteered at FORES this year, you will also need to complete the Boerne ISD Background Check here!
Please pre-check if you are coming to All Pro Dads on Friday, 2/14 from 6:45-7:30.
Counselor - Mrs. Collins & Mrs. Malin
Thank You!
Thank you so much for a wonderful National School Counselors’ Week! We felt the love from staff, students and parents and feel blessed to be a part of the FORES family.
Mrs. Collins and Mrs. Malin
Counseling Newsletter
Counseling Data, Great 8 Skills, Events and more! We have several events coming up and would LOVE you to join us.
You can find out all this information HERE in the counseling newsletter!
Angelman Walkathon Coming!
Come join us for our Angelman Walkathon honoring our very own FORES student Andrew!
Andrew Smith is eleven years old and a fifth grader at Fair Oaks Elementary. Andrew was born with a rare neuro-genetic disorder called Angelman Syndrome or “AS”. AS occurs in about 1 out of every 15,000 births. Andrew, like most kids with AS, suffers from global developmental delays, seizures, and minimal ability to speak. But while he can’t express much verbally, he is able to communicate with an assistive communication device (a fancy iPad), some sign language, and other non-verbal cues. Andrew understands most of the conversation around him, but can’t always communicate that. He loves his teachers, friends, and family, and is quick with a big hug and a smile. His dance moves are limited, but he loves listening to music and watching musicals like Wicked. His favorite movies involve lots of action or physical humor, so think ‘Maverick’ or ‘Three Stooges’. At home, Andrew is looked after by his parents, three older sisters and one younger sister. With the help of all the staff at Fair Oaks and several outside therapists, Andrew has made great strides in overcoming the challenges of AS.
We hope you will come out to learn more about AS and celebrate this special day with him.
Flyer linked below. To access the link you'll need to open the newsletter from your email. It will not work if you try to click the link while the newsletter is still in the body of the newsletter.
Parent Book Study
FORES Counselor would like to begin a Book Study. If you are interested, please complete this Google Form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1Ozw2HCjI2wNdy2pec-wQCJ3iXNsvDNB3pB96-5zWL2w/edit
Career Day 2/14/25
FORES Families – College, Career and Military Readiness Week is February 10 – 14, 2025! We will wrap up that week with our Annual Career Day on Friday, February 14th. Tentatively the event will take place between 8am – 10am (we will confirm time after the break). The search is on for volunteer presenters! Please see flyer below, and if interested in presenting, please complete the Google Form and we will get in touch with more information. Google Form Link: https://forms.gle/DvEqXYeb1xLvSTfT9
Librarian - Mrs. Smith
Cowboys on Campus
A New, Simplified Way to Sign Up for Cowboys on Campus!! Please see flyer below for more information!
Link for Background Check: https://apps.raptortech.com/Apply/MzQ1Nzplbi1VUw==
Link for Google Sign-Up: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfNpejkyaHvvgDC_ZdQ7lxwCRXiwt7LnJGaSXAii-n1ViGLOQ/viewform
Fair Oaks Ranch Counseling Page
PE Coach - Coach Stehling
Hi parents,
Our 2Words Gameday character trait for the month is Coachability. Click on the link and scan the QR code to find out how you and I can work together to better develop these important character traits in our children. Thank you for allowing us to teach your children. It is our great privilege!
Coach Stehling and Coach Rodriguez
PTO Updates
PTO Calendar
Check out this PTO calendar with all the things as well as non-PTO events!
Spirit Night at Texas Roadhouse
Save the date! Come eat some delicious food, forget all about cooking, and support the FORES PTO! Wednesday 2/19 from 4-10 PM at our local Texas Roadhouse
PTO Board Members & Upcoming Election
Want to serve on the PTO board? Want to play a major role in the FORES community? Please consider running for a PTO Board position, or even helping us run the election by joining the Election Committee! Nominations are now OPEN! Please visit this site to nominate yourself, or others: https://www.cognitoforms.com/FORESPTO/_20252026PTOBoardNominations
Spirit Wear Winners
Congratulations to our Spirit Wear contest winners!! You all did a fantastic job, and we look forward to seeing you, and other mustangs, rocking the new designs!
Spirit Wear Winter Blowout Sale
Hurry! Now is the time to grab your FORES Spirit wear! All shirts, jackets, and hoodies are currently on sale for only $5-$10!!! Hats are on sale, too!
Fall Recap Newsletter
What has the PTO accomplished? How much money did THE PTO raise? Where did the money go? How has the PTO helped the FORES community and benefited my child? What important dates are coming up this semester? What do I need to know?! Well, folks, you can learn all about that HERE in the new Fall Recap Newsletter!
Donuts with Dad
Save the date! Donuts with Dad is coming up next month! Volunteers are needed to help make this tradition a success. You can sign up here to volunteer! Please note, all attendees and volunteers MUST complete the pre-check form! Click here to complete the pre-check!
*Volunteers: If you have never volunteered at FORES this year, you will also need to complete the Boerne ISD Background Check here!
Follow the PTO on Facebook
Stay up to date with important events, news, and all things PTO on our Facebook Page! Click here to follow and “like” our Facebook page!
Birthday Perks
Make your child’s school day extra special with a Birthday Perk! Choose from a Birthday Gram, which is a personalized message with a birthday spirit stick, a Facebook shoutout, or even the school Marquee shoutout to celebrate their big day. Don’t miss out—order your Birthday Perk now at www.forespto.com/birthdayperks!
Spring Fundraiser - Cowboy Breakfast on March 1st
The 25th Annual FORES Cowboy Breakfast fundraiser is coming up on March 1st from 9AM-12PM! This is our largest fundraiser of the year, and the money raised will support teacher grants, strategic planning projects, student field trips, and so much more! You can pre-order your wristbands HERE and save money!!
Parents, please reach out to your room moms to see if they need help with their basket! This is a huge undertaking! It truly does take a village! Thank you!
Did you purchase tickets to an I Love My School Party?! Start saving the dates! If you have specific questions regarding a party, please reach out to the individual party hosts!
CBB Spirit Week
Get ready for a rootin’ tootin’ festive CBB Spirit Week at the end of February!
Bike Rodeo: March 21st
Save the Date for the beloved Bike Rodeo! This even will happen during school hours, during specials. Stay tuned for registration and information!
Box Tops for Education
Don’t forget to keep supporting FORES through the Box Tops for Education program! Simply download the app, scan your receipts, and Box Tops will automatically send money to our school. It’s an easy way to help FORES earn funds—every little bit counts! Thank you for your continued support!
Helpful Links
Upcoming Events
2/8 - 1st Grade Field Trip
2/14 - Career Day
2/14 - Valentine's Day (this is not a party day-see teacher newsletters soon for details)
2/15 - SRO Day
2/15 - Angelman Strong Walk-Time TBD
2/17 - Student/Staff Holiday
2/20-2/21 - Big Canyon Balloon Presentations
2/22 - Bus Driver Appreciation Day
2/24 - 5th Grade Pano and Club Pictures (Date Change)
2/25 - Kinder Field Trip (Date Change)
2/27-2/28 - Donuts with Dad
2/28 - Voss Counselors Visit FORES-5th
3/1 - PTO Fundraiser - Cowboy Breakfast (CBB)
3/3-3/7 - Kindness Week
3/3 - Read Across America Day
3/6 - Spirit Stick Sales at Lunch
3/6 - Parent Presentation with Counselors - Social Media
3/7 - End of 3rd Grading Period
3/7 - Maintenance Worker Appreciation Day
3/10-3/14 - Spring Break
3/17 - First day of 4th Grading Period
3/21 - Bike Rodeo
3/21 - Rock Your Socks - World Down Syndrome Day
4/15 - 3rd-5th ELAR STAAR Test - Closed Campus - includes lunch times
4/22 - 5th Science STAAR Test - Closed Campus - includes lunch times
4/29 - 3rd-5th Math STAAR Test - Closed Campus - includes lunch times
About Us
Website: www.boerneisd.net/FORES
Location: 29085 Ralph Fair Road, Fair Oaks Ranch, TX, USA
Phone: 830-357-4800
Facebook: www.facebook.com/FairOaksRanchES
Twitter: @FairOaksRanchES