February 2025
TES Monthly Newsletter
TES PTO is looking for members to help with activities and events that happen at TES. PTO helps pay for student field trips, students rewards and prizes, teacher luncheons, campus needs, and many other activities. Without PTO, we would not be able to have such a great family environment at TES. Please join PTO and help make TES even more amazing!
The PTO Meetings will be held on the first Tuesday of every month in the TES Library at 3:45!
Daddy and Daughter Dance
TES would love to welcome our daughters and their father figures to enjoy a night of dancing together! The dance is for TES students only. Glow in the Dark and Neon is the theme for the decorations, not something the outfits have to match! Typically, our guests wear their "Sunday Best" to add a little fancy to the dance. Moms, please take all your special pictures prior to the dance to allow the daughters and father figures a night together. Entry fee, picture form and money for pictures will all be collected at the dance.
TES Book Fair Information
The Book Fair will be at TES starting on February 24th through February 27th in our library. Students will take a quick tour of all of the goodies offered at the Book Fair on Monday. After Monday, teachers will offer various times for students to shop at the Book Fair. We will have the Book Fair open on Tuesday, February 25th and Thursday, February 27th from 4:00 - 6:00 PM to allow parents to join in the fun!
If you are unable to come join us in person, you can shop the online store from February 21st - March 6th! Online Digital Store
Here are the digital Book Fair Flyers in English and Spanish to see some of the available book options!
The best way to purchase things at the Book Fair is with an eWallet. An eWallet is similar to the online payment apps (i.e. Paypal, Venmo, etc.), but is strictly through Scholastic. You create an account for your student to spend money at the fair and minimize the risk of cash being misplaced. The eWallet system will open on January 31st. How E-Wallet works
District Calendar
Lunch Appointments
There are only two slots available to each day since space is limited. If there are no availabilities for your child's grade level on that day, you will have to choose a different day to come visit. Due to the set up of the program, the appointment times don't match up perfectly with the actual lunch time schedule.
Transportation Changes
If you need to change your child's transportation, you will need to send an email to testransportation@teagueisd.org OR a handwritten letter with your student to school. All transportation changes are cut off promptly at 2:45 to ensure we communicate the change properly.
If you have Facebook, please go follow our page - Teague Elementary School TISD. Always be sure that your contact information is up to date in Skyward. Our communication system will pull your numbers and emails directly from Skyward. If you aren't recieving our text messages, text 67587 to opt in!
Attendance Incentives
Communication with TES is critical! Doctor's notes and parent excuse notes need to be provided to the front office upon your child's return to school. Each student is only allowed 3 parent excuse notes per semester. After those 3, the absences will be recorded as unexcused.
This year, we are going to be offering some rewards to our students with regular attendance!
At the end of semester, every student that has no more than 2 attendance changes (i.e. tardy, absent or left early) will get a special reward!
Reserve the Birthday Sign
All visitors and volunteers will need to present their driver's license to run through our system and print you a visitor's pass.
Add these dates to your calendar!
January 31 - Valentine Gram Orders Due
February 4 - PTO Meeting at 3:45
February 6 - 100th Day of School
February 10 - No School
February 14 - Early Release and End of 4th Six Weeks
February 17 - No School
February 18 - Start 5th Six Weeks
February 19 - Report Cards
February 22 - Daddy Daughter Dance
February 24 - 27 Book Fair (Parent Night Tuesday 25 and Thursday 27)