AW News
January promises to be another busy month at Avoca West! As we start up school again this January, our students and staff will focus on:
- Reconnecting with one another and revisiting routines and expectations -- much like we do at the beginning of the school year! Why? We know that students thrive when routines and expectations are consistent and predictable, as it provides a sense of comfort and security.
- This January I'll bring student groups together to take part in action planning for a successful 2025 at AW. Common spaces (bathrooms, hallways, lunchroom, and recess/outside) tend to be the spaces where students have little to no direct guidance/support from their teachers, and I look forward to seeing what students feel would be most impactful to shape the comfort and predictability of those spaces. Stay tuned!
- Mid-year (Winter) benchmark assessments will continue with MAP Reading and Math testing for our 3rd-5th graders. This mid-year assessment allows our students and teacher to gauge student progress in learning and to make adjustments to instruction and student goals setting.
- Report cards will be sent home with students on Friday, January 31st. Mid-year assessment data (MAP and aimsweb) will also be included in the "backpack mail" for caregivers to review.
As a reminder for our caregivers:
- Please use the back drop-off and pick-up system to keep things running smoothly. If you need to park in the lot to drop off your student, please find a parking space. If you park in the lot for afternoon pick-up, you will be asked to wait until the buses leave at 3:06. Thank you for understanding our need to prioritize the buses in a safe and orderly dismissal.
- Cold weather is here! We promise to make sure that your student is wearing what you hope they're wearing for recess each day. Cold weather reminders are below so you and your student can be sure that you're set to enjoy the time outside! Bundle up!
Screen Sanity Parent Night - Jan. 22nd at Avoca West!
In case you couldn't make it to November's Sanity Caregiver Night, I'm excited to bring an encore invitation to our Avoca West caregivers and community this January! Snacks and refreshments will be provided, so please RSVP so that we can be sure we're prepared. Walk ins are always welcome!
Mark Your Calendars!
January 13th-17th -- Winter NWEA/MAP testing (Reading & Math) for 3rd-5th grades
January 15 - PTC Meeting
January 17th -- End of 1st Semester
January 20th -- No School -- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
January 31st -- Report Cards (& Assessment Data) Home with Students
ACEs Debate Club at Marie Murphy
You’ll learn to think fast and speak well! Learn research, writing, and oral argumentation. Programs for beginning and experienced debaters, 5th thru 8th grade! All programs consist of weekly class sessions held at Marie Murphy for 60 minutes. These sessions are mixed levels for students of all experience levels. Students have the opportunity to compete at an end of program tournament against local area schools.
Club dates/times: Wednesdays 3:30-4:30pm, 1/22/25 - 3/12/25
Location(s): TBD
Cost: $280
Follow this link to the ACEs Debate website for registration
News You Can Use - From Avoca's Parent-Teacher Council (PTC)
PTC Meeting
The agenda will be posted here shortly.
Wednesday, Jan 15, 2025, 07:00 PM
2921 Illinois Road, Wilmette, IL, USA
Follow Us for Daily Smile-Makers!
Questions? Comments?
Location: 235 Beech Drive, Glenview, IL, United States
Phone: 847-724-6800
Twitter: @AvocaWest37