PO Box 5722, Austin, TX 78763-5722
in this Issue.....
- Presidents Message by Holly Reed
- JULY Meeting Minutes
- WANG Board Contacts
- District 10 News by Council Member Alter
- City Council Contacts
Remember to click on photos to enlarge or get link....
We are meeting on TUESDAY this month since Monday, our typical meeting day, is Labor Day
To place an item on the Agenda, send email to
Tuesday, Sep 8, 2020, 06:00 PM
West Austin Neighborhood Group is inviting YOU to a scheduled "ZOOM" meeting.
Topic: West Austin Neighborhood Group Monthly neighborhood meeting
You are invited to a Zoom meeting.
When: SEP 8, 2020 06:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
REQUIRED: Register in advance for this meeting: IT'S EASY, JUST CLICK THE LINK BELOW
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
check out short tutorial
how to join a Zoom meeting.
Before the meeting, please register in advance by clicking the registration link (above), and when you receive a conformation email with a meeting link for joining the meeting, please click the meeting link so that you can download a copy of the Zoom application and set up your computer audio and video before the meeting starts
Since you will need an audio/video link, please use a computer or phone which has a camera on it.
SEPTEMBER 2020 Agenda
Board of Directors Meeting Agenda
September 8, 2020 6:00 PM
Fall of 2020 will present challenges for our City and its neighborhoods like no other time. We are still in the midst of a global pandemic with no end in sight, facing systemic racism throughout our country, and adjusting to layoffs, business closures, remote work and virtual education for our elementary, high school and college students. The tragic issue of homelessness and lack of an adequate solution continues to grow in our neighborhoods. We are also approaching one of the most important elections of our time, nationally and locally.
It is my sincere hope that our West Austin Neighborhood Group can support you, your families and neighborhoods, by providing valuable information about these issues and more, during this truly challenging time. We will continue to meet virtually every month, and welcome all neighbors to join us. Please visit our website to register for our monthly meetings. If you have any questions, concerns or suggestions that you would like us to include during the Neighborhood Communications discussion of each meeting, please send an email to Our website also provides updates and helpful links on COVID-19, City Council and Commission meetings, land matters, transportation, neighborhood concerns, and (as the election approaches) voter information and polling places. If you are new to our neighborhood, please consider JOINING WANG and become a valued member. We wish everyone in our community the best of luck as Fall 2020 approaches.
Facing Racism and Public Safety Reform:
The killing of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and other African American and Hispanic citizens by police officers has made us acutely aware of systemic racism that exists in public safety and other institutions throughout our country. Peaceful protesters have demanded change, but in some cases have been faced with the very racist police brutality they were protesting! Austin is one city that has recognized and initiated reforms in public safety policy in an effort to address this systemic racism.
There is a lot of fear and debate surrounding the phrase “de-funding the police” as it sounds like “removing the police department,” or permanently taking away police officer jobs. It’s very important to understand that Austin is not cutting any police officers’ jobs, or pay, and Austin police will continue to be paid the highest in the state of Texas. Some funding was re-allocated to other types of public safety, in order to allow police more time to do their jobs as police officers. For clarity on what changes were really made to Austin’s public safety budget for the police department, and why these changes were made,
Please read this information from our District 10 Council Member, Alison Alter:
Austin Police Department Changes and Reimagining Public Safety
I know the budget cuts to the Austin Police Department have received a lot of attention. I want to explain clearly what I voted on. The adopted budget does the following:
- Reduces the Austin Police Department proposed budget by approximately $20 million or less than 5% to make the immediate other investments in public safety that I outlined above - additional ambulances, medics, mental and public health response, homelessness response, and permanent supportive housing and services. Council also used the reallocated funds for other public safety initiatives that will directly benefit our community, such as additional resources for the Victim Services division and the creation of the Office of Violence Prevention, two amendments I led on, as well as funding for substance use services and harm reduction measures.
- Moves the forensics lab, the 9-1-1 call center and dispatch communications, and other functions, out from the police department allowing for better oversight and possible cost savings. Over the course of the next fiscal year, we directed the city manager to separate and restructure certain civilian operations and to explore the feasibility of civilianizing units such as Internal Affairs, Special Investigations, and Special Events. Council will receive periodic reports on the progress of these efforts and the City Manager’s work will be led by the Reimagining Public Safety Task Force and subsequent public process. The total value of the functions budgeted as within the “decouple fund” is nearly $80 million. Contrary to some reports, these divisions are not being eliminated. We are adjusting the reporting structures and where these functions are housed.
- Creates a community process to determine whether and how we might civilianize, right-size, or re-assign the work of units such as the Explorers Program, Nuisance Abatement, Training and Recruitment, Traffic Enforcement and Park Police, without diminishing public safety. The total amount of money set aside in the Reimagine Safety Fund is about $50 million, and the decision making process will require months of engagement and conversation between the city and the community.
Cadet Classes
I recognize that cadet classes present a real opportunity to reform police training, create and spread change agents, and to improve racial diversity and culture at APD. That is why I joined Mayor Adler and Council Members Tovo and Harper-Madison in amending the base budget motion to allow for one or two cadet classes to move forward this year, pending successful completion of a much needed revised curriculum, implementation of an appropriate recruitment program, and subsequent budget votes by Council. I encourage you to read the outside evaluations of our current training practices and review the identified shortcomings here, here, and here.
In the budget, I also added language to develop reputable leadership training for officers in the field, as well as a review of promotion processes to ensure promoted officers exemplify community skills and values beyond those prioritized by the current written assessment and scoring matrix.
This budget cuts no currently employed sworn officers, nor does it cut their pay; our officers’ pay and benefit levels continue to be the highest in the state. We need police officers for very specific public safety functions, and we must value them for those contributions. We also know our police have been asked to do an ever growing list of tasks, and we must recognize that relying exclusively, or even predominantly, on police and on punitive measures for our public safety needs comes with staggering costs, both fiscally and morally.
Restructuring our public safety does not mean we are spending less on public safety. It means we are re-examining how services are delivered and assigning responsibilities to the professionals who are best suited to carry them out. Through this process, we can reduce the burden on officers, and we can expect that we will need fewer sworn officers. Our ultimate goal is a safer Austin for everyone.
I am committed to ensuring our neighborhoods are safe and secure, and I will continue working to deliver on that commitment. That is my priority. As we explore ways to transform our public safety system, I will focus on how we can change the culture and practice of policing. I know these changes create uncertainty and concern for many. I will continue to address your concerns through my work to improve public health and safety in Austin, and I hope you will engage with me on this.
Alison Alter
Council Member, District 10
You can read a full version of the District 10 Newsletter here.
West Austin Neighborhood Group
Monday, July 13, 2020
These are the minutes of the meeting of the West Austin Neighborhood Group Board of Directors held Monday, July 13, 2020 at 6:30 p.m., by Zoom videoconference.
I. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 6:37 p.m. by President Holly Reed. Board members in attendance were Craig Lil, Bob Hamilton, Cathy Kyle, Blake Tollett, Heidi Gibbons, August Harris, Joyce Basciano, Mary Arnold, Brady Pedneau, George Edwards, Sarah Cain, Haidar Khazen, Joe Bennett, Mike Cannatti.
II. Approval of Minutes: motion to postpone consideration approved unanimously.
III. Neighbor Communications
A. Margranita Crescent: Shawnee Merriman reported on efforts to make Margranita Crescent more safe, noting serious concerns with speeding cars hitting pets and children, and the increasing use of this street as a Mopac cut-through. Neighbors support installing sidewalks, traffic calming, and other speed mitigation measures.
April Brown from the City joined the discussion and explained that the local area traffic management program should be released in July. According to Brown, traffic studies on the street showed that 85th percentile are going between 26-29 mph. Merriman believes that the measurement points are at a location that does not demonstrate the speeding. A couple of solutions were discussed. First, Neighborhood Partnering Program assists neighborhood groups in developing, resourcing, and executing small- to medium-sized improvement projects in the City’s right of way or on City-owned property. Another alternative is the Healthy Streets program, which closes streets to through traffic to allow for pedestrians and bikes. Healthy Streets is a temporary pilot program that is being rolled out in small batches. WANG could submit a letter of support for either alternative. One issue with the NPP program is cost; the cost for installing sidewalks approaches $200K, and 30%-50% must come from neighbors.
Motion to support including Margranita Crescent in the Healthy Streets initiative passed unanimously.
B. Construction trucks on Westover. Phil Oldham reported on truck traffic on Westover (18-wheelers) in connection with the Casis construction. He personally counted over 100 trucks/day. Oldham has contacted the City (311, Mayor, Alter) but has not gotten a response. He is not making a specific request at this time, but he would appreciate WANG’s input and support.
C. Black Lives Matter. Ginny Fredericks contacted WANG for suggestions for ways to combat racism in west Austin. We discussed the WANG resolution passed last month. The Council adopted the two resolutions that we supported: the police budget was reduced and funds were diverted to neighborhood resources and officer training. President Reed also pointed out the preservation of Lions and the desegregation that occurred there, as well as our efforts to preserve affordable housing. She also noted that Muny Conservancy has added two new board members: Shelley Washington, who is Black, and Latino member Ray Castillo. Mary Arnold suggested partnering with east Austin organizations. We also discussed partnering with Howson Library to have a neighborhood-wide book club to increase awareness.
D. COVID Update. Parks and pools are shut down for the remainder of July. Council has adopted an ordinance imposing a fine of up to $2000 for not wearing masks in public.
IV. Land Matters
A. Maudie’s and Twin Liquors. Mike Cannatti updated the Board on the status of the zoning application for Maudie’s and Twin Liquors. The Neighborhood Contact Team proposed, as a compromise measure, supporting the zoning case if the applicant would agree to retain the NP designation in place.
B. 2303 Quarry Rd: Blake Tollett reported that this address obtained a variance in 2017 to reduce setback to 16’. The variance prohibited habitable space above garage. The current variance request has not been filed, so the Board does not need to take any action at this time. President Reed voiced concerns about FAR.
V. Membership
A. We have a new sustaining member ($500).
VI. Newsletter
A. We are planning to issue a July newsletter.
VII. ANC Liaison
A. There will be two speakers at the July 22 meeting: Dr.Cruz (AISD) will speak about reopening plans, and CapMetro will give a presentation about Project Connect.
VIII. Treasurer’s report
A. All ads for the semi-annual newsletter have been collected.
B. There is some money coming in for July 4th account from ball cap sales.
IX. Old Business
A. Save Historic Muny District/ Muny Conservancy Update: New board members attended 6/23 Muny Conservancy meeting. Fundraising is going well. Save Historic Muny District will have a meeting 7/16/20.
B. Red Bud Trail Bridge: The City is submitting a grant to the federal government that would require matching funds. The final design will include a geological study of limestone in area that might impact the excavation.
C. HEB: They have not hit limestone caves, contrary to a neighbor report. The drilling started 7/6, and nothing unusual has been encountered. The fenced off area is the staging area for the construction site, on property that UT leased to HEB.
D. Our next meeting is scheduled for August 10, 2020 by video.
X. Adjournment: President Reed adjourned the meeting at 8:09 pm.
WANG Board of Directors & Committee Members
Organized 1973......"To preserve our neighborhood and protect it from deterioration"
- President: Holly Reed
- Secretary: Cathy Kyle
- Assistant Secretary: Blake Tollett
- Treasurer: George Edwards
- Past President: Cathy Kyle
All Current Members (click on name to send email)
- Holly Reed ............................member since 2015 (President)
- Cathy Kyle ............................member since 2010 (Secretary)
- Blake Tollett .........................member since 1994 (Asst Secretary)
- George Edwards ..................member since 2004 (Treasurer)
- Mary Arnold .........................member since 2006 (Muny Tract)
- August "Happy" Harris.........member since 2005 (Transportation)
- Michael Cannatti .................member since 1999 (CWANPCT)
- Joseph M Bennett ...............member since 2001 (Membership)
- Haidar Khazen .....................member since 2004 (Web Master)
- Craig Lill ...............................member since 2017
- Joyce Basciano ...................member since 1999
- Brady Pedneau ................... member since 2019 (ANC Liason)
- Bob Hamilton........................member since 2020
- Sarah Hawthorne Cain.........member since 2020
- Heidi Gibbons.......................member since 2020
Honorary Committee Members
- Honorary Mayor Steve Adler
- Honorary Alison Alter
- Honorary Kathie Tovo
News from District 10
by Council Member Alter
Dear Friends,
We have accomplished many things in the last four years. I am proud of the large and diverse group of friends who have joined in our efforts to put community first.
I am deeply grateful for the trust you have placed in me and I hope I can call on your support for our re-election campaign.
With about 2 months until Election Day, we need your help. We need to be able to connect with every single voter in District 10. Nothing is more personal and effective than handwritten cards and phone calls from neighbors.
Join Our Volunteer Team to Write Postcards or Make Calls!
If you can, please sign up today to join our Volunteer Team! We'll contact you all soon about our plans in the final months of this race. Our yard signs will be here soon, if you would like a yard sign dropped off at your home please sign up here.
Thank you all again, your support means so much to me.
Alison Alter
Coronavirus Information from Austin Public Health
The City of Austin is updating Austin Public Health's COVID-19 page daily. Visit for the latest updates or click the blue boxes below to find information on each listed topic.
Contact District 10!
Resources and Information from Government Agencies
- City of Austin Press Conference (March 17 at 12 p.m.): Temporary Restrictions for Community Gatherings, Restaurants & Bars
- City of Austin Press Conference (March 13 at 6 a.m.): Two Positive Cases of COVID-19 in Austin-Travis County News Conference
- State of Texas Press Conference (March 13 at 12 p.m.): Texas Governor Abbott issues disaster declaration, details state efforts to fight Coronavirus
- Texas Department of State Health Services webpage: Find up-to-date info on the state's efforts to mitigate the impact of COVID-19.
Contact your City Council Representatives:
(click on name to send email)
- Mayor: Steve Adler 512-978-2100
- District 1: Natasha Harper Madison 512-978-2101
- District 2: Delia Garza 512-978-2102
- District 3: Sabino Renteria 512-978-2103
- District 4: Gregorio Casar 512-978-2104
- District 5: Ann Kitchen 512-978-2105
- District 6: Jimmy Flanigan 512-978-2106
- District 7: Leslie Pool 512-978-2107
- District 8: Paige Ellis 512-978-2108
- District 9: Kathie Tovo 512-978-2109
- District 10: Alison Alter 512-978-2110
Email All of the Council: Entire Council and Mayor
West Austin Neighborhood Group
PO Box 5722
Austin, TX 78763-5722
Annual Memberships (Nov 1-Oct 31)
$50-Friend Level;
$100-PATRON Level;
$30-FAMILY Level;
$15-SENIOR Level;