Westland Update- Week of May 20
A Note from Ms. Serino, Westland Principal
Teacher Appreciation Week
Thank you parents, caregivers and the parent teacher association for showering us all with notes of appreciation, creative snacks and treats all week long. You truly made our Educator Appreciation Week one to remember.
This Week- The Week of May 20
Outdoor Education for Buxton's students- On Monday, May 20 through Wednesday, May 22, students of Mr. Buxton who have registered for outdoor education will experience learning in and about the outdoors at Skycroft.
Outdoor Education for Sayeh's students- On Wednesday, May 22 through Friday, May 24, students of Ms. Sayeh will have their turn at outdoor education!
Looking Ahead to Next Week- The Week of May 27
- M, 5/27- No School- Memorial Day Holiday
- W, 5/29- 5th Graders Visit Westland
- F, 5/31- 8th Grade Celebration Trip during School
- F, 5/31- Last day to submit SSL forms for 2023-24
- S, June 1- MCPS Pride day at BCC HS
Congrats to Our Students of the Month
We Need Parent/Community Volunteers
ColorSplash Fun Run 2024- That's a Wrap
Slides from Parent Zoom on Supporting LGBTQIA Youth
Click below to access the slides shared at the Zoom on May 13.
Congrats to Our Artists on Display at Montgomery Mall
6th Grade Parents- Last Minute Reminders About Outdoor Ed- Click Below
Celebrating our 8th Graders
ICYMI- Counselors on Transitions
At the PTA meeting on May 7th, three of our counselors talked about transitions and milestones with parents and caregivers. Their slides are below.
8th Grade Field Trip- Forms/Payment due TOMORROW 5/20
Parents of 8th graders,
On Friday, May 31, we hope to have all of our 8th grade students celebrate with a school-day part at Dave and Busters at the Rio.
Students carried home paper copies of the two forms below. Please submit them and payment as soon as possible but no later than TOMORROW May 20.
Field Trip Info/Permission- page 1 of 2
Field Trip Info/Permission- page 2 of 2
And, we need more parent chaperones. We would love to have you laugh with our kids losing/winning tickets at Deal or No Deal and slashing kiwis and pineapples as Fruit Ninjas.
MCPS Pride Community Day
BCC Summer Academy 2024
Student Service Learning News
Know Any Incoming Wildcats? Encourage Them to Sign Up for Summer Orientation!
Click the school photo to register a new student for one of our summer orientation sessions- June 26, July 19 or August 13!
Check Out Our STAR Lessons
* New Events Are Added in Bold Font
- Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month
- Jewish American Heritage Month
- M, 5/20-W, 5/22- Outdoor Education for Buxton's Students
- W, 5/22-F, 5/24- Outdoor Education for Sayeh's Students
- M, 5/27- No School- Memorial Day Holiday
- W, 5/29- 5th Graders Visit Westland
- F, 5/31- 8th Grade Celebration Trip during School
- F, 5/31- Last day to submit SSL forms for 2023-24
- LGBTQ+ Pride Month
- Sa, 6/1- MCPS Pride Community Day at BCC HS, 1:30-5:00 PM
- Tu, 6/11- 8th Grade Promotion Ceremony at BCC HS 6:30-8:00 PM
- W, 6/26- New Student Orientation 9-10:30 or 1-2:30 (register above)
- F, 7/19- New Student Orientation 9-10:30 or 1-2:30 (register above)
- Tu, 8/13- New Student Orientation 9-10:30 or 1-2:30 (register above)
Th, 8/22- New Student Orientation 8:15-12:00 - Th, 8/22- Back to School Night for Parents 6:30-8:30 PM
Westland Middle School
Email: Alison_L_Serino@mcpsmd.org
Website: https://www2.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/schools/westlandms/
Location: 5511 Massachusetts Avenue, Bethesda, MD, USA
Twitter: @AlisonSerinoWMS