First Week! & Open House Details
First Day August 26, Late start Monday
Open House Aug 22 5:00-6:30 (Arrive at 4:45)
Open House Save The Date!! Aug 22nd
Open House will be Thursday Aug 22 from 5:00-6:30. Please arrive at 4:45 for a prompt 5:00 start for an all School meeting in the gym. We will then breakout and families will visit their child's classroom in mini rotations so that families with multiple students can make it to all the classrooms. Families will then move outside for a meal and a community social. This is your chance to meet your child's friend's families, introduce yourselves to new families, and show what an amazing, welcoming, inclusive, community we have! PTO will be cooking up a meal for families to enjoy out on the playground AFTER they visit classrooms.
First Day August 26. Arrive at 8:15
It's here! The first day of the 2024-2025 school year! Our teachers and staff have been hard at work setting up classrooms, hanging bulletin boards, making plans, and getting the building in tip top shape!
Tips for success on the first day:
- Practice getting up early
- Lay out your clothes the night before
- Go to bed EARLY!!!
- Have your supplies ready- backpack, water bottle etc
- Make a breakfast plan- eat at home or enjoy a yummy free breakfast at school (arrive at 8:15 on Mondays or 7:15 all other days to eat breakfast)
- Talk about your feelings the night before, are your kiddos excited, nervous, anxious? Talk it out early so it doesn't surprise you the morning of!
First Day of School for 1st-5th graders is August 26th and it is a Late Start!
The first day of school for grades 1st-5th grade is Monday August 26th. Monday August 26th is a late start. School begins at 8:35. Doors open at 8:15.
Kindergarten Families
August 26 & 27- Kindergarten Home Visits. Mrs. Crompton will be meeting you at your home or in the classroom (Whichever you confirmed)
August 28- Kindergarten Group A (half the class) attend school & Grades 1-5
August 29- Kindergarten Group B (half the class) attends school & Grades 1-5
Aug 30 - ALL students grades K-5 attend school
Please reach out to Mrs Crompton if you have any questions.
Cascade Locks Staff
Kindergarten- Sara Crompton Habla Espanol
First Grade- Jen Greer
Second Grade - Annie Haifley
Third Grade - Derek Gries
Fourth & Fifth ELA Sabrina Barbour
Fourth & Fifth Grade - Jennifer Wilson
PE & Music- Pamela Allen Dean
Special Education-Kirsten Zucker
Student Support Specialist- Lacy Gries
Instructional Coach & ELD Kate Gordon
Reading Specialist/ Math Interventionist Kate Getchis Habla Espanol
Speech Pathologist-
Media/Technology/Instructional Assistant & ExCEL site leader- Sheri Holloway
Instructional Assistant - Karen Miller
Instructional Assistant- Jenna Miller
Family Engagement Specialist- Habla Espanol
Secretary- Danielle Herndon
Head Custodian- Steve Malone
Evening Custodian- Nick Malone
Kitchen Worker Nohemi Benitez
Principal- Adrienne Acosta
Bus Driver
School Drop off and Pick Up:
If you plan to drop off and pick up your children, we ask that parents/guardians remain in vehicles. Please do not drop off your student before 7:15. On late start Mondays, please do not drop off your student before 8:15. When picking up your student, please queue up along School Road (our long driveway) allowing the bus to get by and pull forward. Once the bus has passed you may get in line behind it. Please do not come and park in the main parking area. You will have to wait for the bus and all cars to exit before we release your child if you do park in the main lot. School road is a one way road. Please do not perform a U turn in the drive. Instead please follow the bus around the backside of the building exiting onto WaNaPA street through Oneonta St
After School Changes
Please try to let us know of any after school dismissal changes that morning, by sending a note, sending a talking points message, an email message or calling the school. When changes occur after 1:00, it is more challenging to make sure new plans are followed.
School Hours
When students arrive on time, they are able to start the day on a positive note by fully participating in their morning meeting, getting prepared for the day, which sets the tone for a successful day of learning. Our morning meetings are a time of connection, sharing, building community and providing routine. Being on time ensures your student has the full benefit of the classroom experience.
Tuesday-Friday: School begins at 7:35 and ends at 2:05 If eating breakfast please arrive at 7:15
Mondays: School begins at 8:35 and ends at 2:05 If eating breakfast please arrive at 8:15
School Meals
All students receive free breakfast and lunch. No paperwork is required. Classroom teachers will notify families regarding the classroom snack process. Students are asked to bring a snack each day. To view the daily breakfast and lunch menus click here:
First Day of school lunch is Mac & Cheese!
Bus Routes
Below are the AM and PM Elementary Bus Routes. As many of our students have older brothers and sisters, this link has the Middle and High School Bus routes posted on it as well. Please look closely at the heading of each section to make sure you are looking the correct bus route.
Students will PE, Music Technology and Library as their specials. Below is the schedule. It is important for students to wear stable shows that they can safely run and stop in for PE days.
The first weeks specials schedule is:
Monday: Music
Tuesday: PE
Wednesday: Tech/Library
Thursday: Music
Friday: PE
ExCEL Update
ExCEL: ExCEL, Extended Community Enriched Learning, is a HRCSD program that is funded through a five-year grant administered by the Oregon Department of Education (ODE). We are beginning year 2 of this grant. ExCEL is an academic enrichment program that offers activities for students after school.
ExCEL is a free program offering activities that surround various subjects this school year, including art, drama, reading, writing, and science. HRCSD is partnering with the Hood River County Prevention Department, Arts in Education of the Gorge, Gorge Ecology Institute, SMART Reading, and Columbia Gorge STEM Hub, to offer and enhance these opportunities for students.
Excel will run from 2:15-5:00 Monday-Thursday. ExCEL will NOT be operating daily as it has in the past. There will be three sessions with breaks in between sessions. Enrollment will open soon and all families will be sent the enrollment form. This is not a first come first serve program. Seats will be filled based on student needs aligning with the program goals. More information on dates and sign-up to come. Open Enrollment will be shared in the weekly newsletter sent out each Friday, so keep your eyes peeled.
Upcoming Dates
August 22 Open House 5:00-6:30
August 26- First day for grades 1-5 Arrive at 8:15
August 26 & 27- Kindergarten Family interviews
August 28- Kindergarten Group A attend school & Grades 1-5
August 29- Kindergarten Group B attends school & Grades 1-5
Aug 30 - ALL students grades K-5 attend school
Sept 2- No School Labor Day
School Supplies:
We will be providing school supplies for our students for the upcoming school year. We do ask that you send your children to school with a backpack and water bottle. If you need a backpack please reach out to the office and we can get you set up! 541-374-8467
Cascade Locks is an AVID elementary school. AVID stands for, Advancement Via Individual Determination.By teaching and reinforcing academic behaviors and higher-level thinking at a young age, AVID Elementary teachers create a ripple effect in later grades. Students develop the academic habits they will need to be successful in middle school, high school, and college, in an age-appropriate and challenging way. Students learn about organization, study skills, communication, and self-advocacy. AVID Elementary students take structured notes and answer and ask high-level questions that go beyond routine answers.
Mission: Our mission is to empower and engage students by providing them with opportunities, instilling confidence and critical thinking skills, as well as the ability to collaborate effectively.
Vision:All students are lifelong learners who have the confidence to take risks, discover their passion, and achieve their goals and dreams.
Peachjar shares resources and opportunities
We are now using Peachjar! Parents/guardians receive digital flyers containing school and community resources that aim to improve the trajectory of students’ lives. This transition will also save our schools time and money while ensuring important information makes it home to parents.
Please visit this Peachjar web page to see current opportunities for Cascade Locks Elementary School.