College & Career Center Newsletter
May 2024
Oregon Promise-The Deadline is Rapidly Approaching! June 1
Eligible Class of 2024 Students Awarded Oregon Promise
March 1, 2024 - June 30, 2024 Graduates
Oregon Promise awarding has begun for Class of 2024 applicants. There is no Expected Family Contribution (EFC) limit for new applicants (Class of 2024) -- this means all eligible applicants will be considered for an award in 2024-25 if they meet all requirements and apply by their deadline, regardless of income. Most students must apply by JUNE 1.
Please visit Oregon Promise FAQs for all details.
Hiring Fair
On May 2nd, during both lunches, Barlow is holding its first Hiring Fair. We are offering this to help graduating seniors connect with local companies who offer entry level jobs that have growth potential and great benefits. We have 11 companies coming, and a brouchure was shared on April 29th with seniors to learn more about the opportunities available to them. We are hoping the graduates who plan to go directly to a full-time job will find a future career opportunity at the Hirinf Fair.
Evening of Excellence
SBHS Evening of Excellence-May 28th 7:00pm-Auditorium
What is the purpose and history of the Evening of Excellence?
This event was created to recognize senior scholarship winners from local donors. We also recognize students in Leadership, Scholars of Distinction, CTE Completers, athletic signings and performance plans for college.
Who should attend?Anyone is invited to attend but scholarship winners and recognized groups will receive a mailed invitation to attend. Parents and families are encouraged to attend as well.
DEADLINE to report scholarships in order for this information to be included in the senior graduation program is: Monday, May 20th.
FAST Track Grads to Interview
Our FAST Track Construction and Metal Manufacturing grads will be wrapping up their program with a Trade Panel Mock Interview on May 16th. This pre-apprenticeship program offers a BOLI certification tht allows early entry to many apprenticeships and allows our FAST Track grads to begin much sooner than other candiates. This can save them years of waiting.
FAST Track is open for juniors to join the program if they have 2 semesters of shop class and Algebra 1, all classes must have a C of better. They learn life skills and prepare for a trade or college. This is a great option for many students. Learn more here.
Scholarships are Winding Down...
Have you turned in yours?
Renaissance Scholars Scholarship-due May 1
Orient Schools Scholarship-due May 1
Gordon Russell PTC Scholarship-due May 3
GBEA Scholarship(senior future educator)-due May 3
Club Paesano Italian American Scholarship-due May 10
PCC Foundation Scholarships-due May 15
Powell Valley Garden Club Sch for MHCC-due May 15
Zeno B. Katterle Scholarship-due May 10
Oregon Sports Hall of Fame Scholarship-due June 15
Portland Relocation Council Scholarship-due June 15
Ham and Sam Scholarship-due June 30
Bob Rapp Memorial ASA Scholarship-due July 1
Have you seen our Local Scholarship list? These are mostly donations from our local service organizations and more. Stop by the C&CC to learn about each individual scholarship's requirements.
Be sure to check out Oregon Goes to College's Scholarship list for more choices.
Don't forget to report any scholarships you have been awarded, seniors! You have until May 22nd to do so.
SENIORS: Tell Us Your Plan
We are putting together our Class of 2024 Commencement program. In it, scholarships that students plan to accept will be listed. Seniors should complete their Senior Feedback form here, so we can get accurate details in the program. This form opens on May 1. The deadline to provide this information is May 20.
MHCC Registration for Fall 2024 Classes
Calling all seniors who wish to register for MHCC Fall 2024 classes here in the College & Career Center. To meet with a MHCC advisor, you must sign up for an appointment on May 9th or 10th from 9:00 to 2:30. Be sure to apply to MHCC first, then give us your name and MHCC ID number so we can prepare for your appointment.Stop by the C&CC to register for a time slot.
Remember that the Oregon Promise will pay for part of your tuition if you have a 2.0 GPA. It's a win-win for you! That deadline is June 1st or you walk away from $4,000 to $8,000 of state-paid tuition grant funds.
Sign up here: https://forms.gle/bgSjGVDeGRcf6sZa7
MHCC - Tuition Waiver for Leadership and Advocacy Roles
The Office of Student Life and Civic Engagement would cordially invites High School Seniors to apply for student leadership and advocacy opportunities at Mt. Hood Community College. Whether you have previous experience or not we have a place for you to be a part of us. We value your talents, skills, and passion to serve others. Being involved in our programs provides an opportunity for you to be a voice for others and to share their experience with many groups across campus. I hope you will take this time to reflect and consider joining our team.
We have several student opportunities within the Office of Student Life and Civic Engagement for all students for the upcoming academic year.
If you are interested in Associates Student Leadership please APPLY NOW.
If you are interested in Multicultural and Diversity Student Advocacy APPLY NOW.
Benefits of joining our programs includes:
- Experience college life
- Receive up to 12 credits tuition waiver
- Build your leadership skills
- Advance your professional development
- Give back to the community
- Get textbook assistance
- Advocate for and serve other students
- Create fun and engaging activities for students
- Represent and serve student voices
- Learn different cultures
- Make lifelong friends
- Earn money
- Build your intercultural and leadership skills
PCC Senior Workshop
Seniors, if you are planning on attending PCC this fall, please come to the College and Career Center, Monday, May 6th during 7th period. Brandon Parry will be here to help you plan your next steps for registration.
Career Exploration Opportunities in May
May 3rd- Real Estate, Construction, Engineering, transportation provided. Learn/Sign up here
May 7th- Benson Construction Project, transportation provided. Learn/Sign up here
May 7th- Providence Adv. Nursing, self-transport. Learn/Sign up here
May 9th- Techno;ogy at Microchip, self-transport. Learn/Sign up here
May 10th- Nike Business Design, transportation provided. Learn/Sign up here
May 15th- Providence Diagnostic Imaging- self-transport. Learn/Sign up here
May 24th- Fire Fighting and Emergency services, self-transport. Learn/Sign up here
June 7th- OSU campus Engineering Expo, self-transport. Learn/Sign up here
Juniors-Your College Match Day is Coming Soon!
Juniors, watch for a celebration just for you! We are encouraging juniors to start making a list of schools you are interested in. SBHS is working to create collaborative efforts to support all students in navigating plans for life after high school. College Match Day is to communicate the importance of building a list of options that are a match for a student's interests and learning goals. Here are some Summer Break ideas for you to complete:
- Visit College Campuses
- Write Down Activities & Involvement
- Scholarship Search
- Essay Planning
- Finalize a College LIst
Oregon State University Engineering Expo
See more than 200 interactive student project displays that use science and technology to take on some of the world’s biggest problems. Experience the depth and breadth of engineering talent and ingenuity at Oregon State University. The Expo is free and open to the public. The format of the event allows attendees to visit the projects anytime throughout the day. A Virtual Expo option will also be available for those unable to travel to Corvallis.
Friday, June 7
Student Project Displays: 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Industry Choice Awards Ceremony: 4:15 to 4:45 p.m.
Expo Reception: 5 to 5:30 p.m.
CH2M HILL Alumni Center and LaSells Stewart Center
Oregon State University
No registration is required.
Learn more here: https://engineering.oregonstate.edu/events/expo
Portland Youth Builders
Portland Youth Builders offers two programs to help our youth step into apprenticeship programs in the trades where they can have a career that builds skills and financial stability.
Bridge to Construction is a paid pre-apprenticship for 18-25 year olds
Youthbuild is a pre-apprenticeship program and a way to complete their GED or high school diploma. This is a paid program for 17-24 year olds.
Celebrating All Seniors with "Decision Day"
On Friday, May 31st, during both lunches, we will be celebrating our seniors and the choices they have made for their future. Stop by for fun photos and treats, bring a friend and celebrate the future whether it's college, military, an apprenticeship, or off to work/career. We celebrate you!
College and Career Team
Tia Molony- College Coordinator- molony5@gresham.k12.or.us- 503-258-4890
LindaLee Frazier- Career Coordinator- frazier2@gresham.k12.or.us- 503-258-4885