Adult Services News
May 2019
Planning Meeting & Potluck
Register to attend. (Registrants will receive a message to plan the potluck logistics a few weeks before the meeting! )
Grow with Google + Event Funding Opportunity
The same week that the tour arrives in RI, the Libraries Lead with Digital Skills funding opportunity sponsored by ALA & PLA will open to help support libraries who host events for job seekers, small business owners or other community members using the Grow with Google tools. Learn more about that opportunity and preview the application at Libraries Lead with Digital Skills.
X-Prize for Adult Literacy
OLIS has teamed up with the RI Department of Education, the RI Office of Innovation, the RI Office of Postsecondary Commissione and Providence Public Library to be part of an effort focused on promoting the use of mobile phone apps for native English-speaking and English language learner adults at the beginning-intermediate levels. We would love for you to join our effort!
Four apps are being made available through the XPRIZE Communities Competition. Teams nationwide are competing for cash prizes for having the most community members download one of the apps using an Android phone or tablet on at least three days by August 2019. App(s) downloaded by August 2019 will be FREE until August 2020. Some of the apps are also available for iOS but will not count toward the competition.
How can you help?
Become familiar with the project at the World Ed website
Check out the flyers, brochures, slide deck and FAQs in the XPrize Google Folder. The flyers describe the steps to access the apps via Google Play. The code for our team is 3366.
Direct prospective users to their local Learning Lounge for support in downloading and using the apps, if needed.
Join the upcoming webinar Sharing Our Stories: Best Practices and Learning after 6 Weeks of Implementation to hear about these apps in action in an Adult Education setting.
RARI Recommends: The Map of Salt and Stars
On Thursday, May 23, 2019, from 6:30-8:30pm at the Grace Church Pavilion in Providence, join Reading Across Rhode Island (RARI) and Savoy Bookshop & Café for an evening with Zeyn Joukhadar, the author of The Map of Salt and Stars, a novel of two girls living 800 years apart—a modern-day Syrian refugee seeking safety and an adventurous mapmaker’s apprentice. Register for this event, the first in the new RARI Recommends series, featuring some of our committee’s favorite authors and books. Tickets are $20 and include a paperback copy of The Map of Salt and Stars.
Learn more at the RI Center for the Book!
Age-Friendly Rhode Island: Power Up 2019!
Join the many stakeholders who have been involved with the work of Age-Friendly RI since it’s inception and those newly interested in learning how to work together to build age-friendly communities: municipal leaders, service providers, faith based leaders, advocates, business and non-profit leaders, members of the academic community and more.
Please join to explore age-friendly innovation in action:
- Learn from thought-leaders who inspire creative thinking and foster collaborative impact;
- No charge to attend, but tickets required as space is limited. (Light breakfast included);
- Keynote from Anti-ageism activist Ashton Appelwhite, author of This Chair Rocks: A Manifesto Against Ageism;
- Presentations will showcase local and regional Age-Friendly initiatives. Local leaders will discuss a variety of models for approaching age-friendliness in Rhode Island and offer ideas you can use in your city or town.
Learn more and/or register at Age-Friendly RI: Power Up 2019!
Programs, Reading & Community Outreach
Celebrating Apollo: Remembering the Past as We Prepare for the Future
NASA is celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Apollo program! The Apollo lunar flights may have ended in 1972, but the moon has remained of great interest to NASA and people around the world. Explore with NASA as they take a look back at the historic program while they prepare to send humans back to the Moon, this time to stay. You can watch any session live at 2pm EDT on the dates listed below at:
- May 30th Explore Lunar Science
- June 13th Explore Humans in Space
- June 27th Explore Rockets and Spacecraft
- July 11th Explore Moon to Mars
Upcoming Events and Conferences
- RILA 2019 Conference (Bryant University, May 22 -23)
- ALA Annual Conference (Washington DC, June 20 - 25)
- Association of Small and Rural Libraries Conference (Burlington, VT, September 5 - 7)
- Harwood Public Innovators Lab for Libraries (Atlanda, GA, October 15 - 17)
- NELA Annual Conference (Mystic, CT, October 20 - 22)
Scholarship Opportunity for First-time NELA attendees.
To help make conference more attainable to first-time attendees, NELA offers a scholarship opportunity to first time attendees! The scholarships are awarded annually to up to six NELA members representing each New England state.
Apply for the 2019 NELA First Time Attendee Scholarship!
Online Learning Opportunities
- VICTOREAD: 75th Anniversary of D-Day (Booklist, May 21, 2 - 3 PM)
- Library After Dark: After-Hours Programming for Adults (Programming Librarian, May 22, 2 - 3 PM)
- Is That Real? A Crash Course in Verifying Online Content (WebJunction, May 22, 3 - 4 PM)
- Measuring the Success of Health Programs and Services (PLA, May 29, 2 - 3 PM)
- The Public Library's Role During Elections: Voter Education in the Age of Misinformation (PLA, June 4, 2 - 3 PM)
- The Art of Crafting (Booklist, June 4, 2 - 3 PM)
- Yoga & Meditation at the Library: Outreach & Inreach (Booklist, June 7, 2 - 3 PM)
- Getting to the Heart of the Community Through Discovery (WebJunction, June 11, 3 - 4 PM)
Theme Months/Weeks/Days
Upcoming OLIS CE & Events
Adult Services Roundtable: Planning Meeting & Potluck
The Adult Services Roundtable (ASRT) relies on input from its members and other interested library staff to plan its future programs. Join fellow adult programming librarians to review and reflect on the previous year's activities, and help to plan the upcoming 2019/2020 continuing education discussion topics and program ideas. This meeting will be an informal gathering at which you will have the opportunity to network and chat with other adult services librarians, share some food and plan for another great year of programs!
Wednesday, Jun 19, 2019, 02:00 PM
Rogers Free Library, Hope Street, Bristol, RI, USA
Location: One Capitol Hill Providence RI
Phone: 401-574-9316
Twitter: @olisri