October 2024

Dear Wayland Union Middle Families,
Happy October! We are thrilled with the progress our students have made so far and are excited to continue partnering with you to ensure their success. As we head into fall, we want to share important updates and reminders to keep you informed.
October's Character Trait Focus: Self-Direct
This month, we are focusing on the Capturing Kids' Hearts character trait of Self-Direct. This trait encourages students to take ownership of their actions, decisions, and learning. Self-direction helps them become more responsible and proactive both in and outside the classroom.
Here are some ways you can reinforce Self-Direct at home:
- Encourage goal-setting: Help your child set specific, measurable goals for school and at home.
- Foster independence: Allow your child to take responsibility for tasks such as homework, organizing their schedule, and managing time effectively.
- Reflect on choices: Encourage conversations about the decisions they make and how they align with their personal goals and values.
These habits, along with the principles of Capturing Kids' Hearts, help develop social-emotional skills that will serve them well throughout life.
Parent-Teacher Conferences – October 8 & October 10
Parent-Teacher Conferences are coming up soon! This is a valuable opportunity to meet with your child’s teachers, discuss their progress, and explore ways to support their development. Detailed information on how to sign up for conferences is included in this newsletter. We strongly encourage all parents to attend and learn more about how we’re supporting your child’s growth both academically and emotionally.
We appreciate your ongoing support and involvement in your child's education. We look forward to seeing you at conferences and events throughout the month. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out!
Ms. Cimek
Important Dates
Upcoming Dates
8-MS sub sale pick up 3pm-7pm down 8th grade hall or by door 9
8 & 10-Parent/Teacher Conferences 24/25 P/T conference sign up links
10-Flu clinic
25-Halloween Dance--MORE INFO COMING SOON!!
30-Picture Retakes
FLU Clinic
Sports Information
Boys Basketball Tryouts
October 21-23
Time TBD
Cheerleading Tryouts
October 21-23
Middle School Cafe
Time TBD
Girls Swim
Practice starts October 28
High School Pool
Time TBD
From the Counseling office
What does it mean to Self-Direct?
Self-Direction is the ability and learned skill to cast a vision of future goals and then take intentional steps toward who, where, and what we want to be. Instead of focusing on things to control or avoid, we emphasize our responsibility to make positive choices related to our emotions, attitudes, and actions.
Why focus on Self-direction?
- Self-direction strengthens relationships. Self-direction helps to grow social skills and develop meaningful, positive relationships with others.
- Self-direction teaches personal responsibility. Learning to self-direct teaches students to take responsibility for their own actions.
- Self-direction helps us to regulate emotions: Self-direction empowers students to regulate their impulses and emotional responses to situations and circumstances in their life.
Self-Direction in Action:
- Practice goal setting and action planning. When we establish goals and develop action plans, we learn to take intentional steps to successfully achieve goals.
- Monitor and adjust. Provide students with regular feedback and opportunities to self-assess progress toward goals to make adjustments and improvements in their behaviors.
- Reflect and evaluate. Facilitate discussions and reflection to prompt students to examine what they do, think, and say against their goals and vision for their life and learning.
WUMS is partnering with Clayful to further support our students!
Coaching is available Monday - Friday 8am - 10pm
Coaches are humans, not robots. They don't know who you are and you don't know who they are. They won't share what you talk about, except when required by law, if they believe that you are at risk of harm, or if they believe you have plans to hurt yourself or others. In these cases, coaches will contact the WUMS safety team, so that you can be identified and receive additional support. Connecting with a coach is easy! Download the Clayful app or go to chatwithclayful.com. Students 12 and under need a consent form signed and submitted prior to chatting with a coach. Go to clayful.co/consent to get started.
October-Bullying Prevention Month
October is National Bullying Prevention Month. Learn what you can do at https://www.pacer.org/bullying/
WIPTO Information
Hand 2 Hand
If you would like to learn more about the Hand2Hand program please click on their website.
To fill out to receive Hand2Hand please click on the link below.
Wayland Union Middle School
Website: https://waylandunion.org/schools/middle-school/
Location: 701 Wildcat Drive, Wayland, MI, USA
Phone: 269-792-2306
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wums1
Rachel Cimek, Principal
Email: cimekr@waylanduion.org
Website: https://waylandunion.org/schools/middle-school/
Phone: 269-792-2306
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wums1
Andrew Augustin, Assistant Principal
Email: augustina@waylandunion.org
Website: https://waylandunion.org/schools/middle-school/
Phone: 269-792-2306
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wums1
Cheri Ritz, Athletic Coordinator
Email: ritzc@waylandunion.org
Website: https://waylandunion.org/schools/middle-school/
Phone: 269-792-2306
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wums1