Evergreen Newsletter
January 10, 2025
Family Bulletin
Good evening, Evergreen families!
We all were so excited to welcome your students back! We have started our first week back with our Wildcat Assembly today where we rewarded students in every classroom for their demonstration of generosity in December! We also provided rewards to students for their participation in reading here at school through a raffle of books!
Our focus this first two weeks back is re-orienting students to the systems and routines in our community, providing them with new books in their book bags, and assessing their growth from September to now. I am so excited to get to share their growth with you as we continue with our assessments!
On Monday, January 13th, we will have our first PTSO meeting of 2025! Please join us at 5:15 in our library! All parents are welcome and encouraged to join us!
On Friday, January 17th, we will have our Martin Luther King Assembly in our gym at 9:30 am. Our third-grade students will be performing! Parents are welcome to attend!
Our Acceleration Team started on Monday, January 6th. It will be Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday weekly from 3:30-5 pm through February 14th.
This coming week we have an early dismissal on Wednesday. Students will be released at 2 pm so please mark your calendars!
Our goals are improving reading skills and attendance! Two ways you can help are reading time at home daily and prioritizing school attendance.
Thank you for being a partner with us in your students' learning! Have a wonderful “Wildcat” weekend!
Paula Canady
Evergreen Elementary