Motorcycles and Sweetgrass Research
Searching out Credible Sources
Research Starting Points
- Turn your topic into a question: what do you want to know? About whom? When? Where? Why? How? Generate a list of research questions.
- Brainstorm a list of search terms. Sometimes they vary e.g. Indigenous, Aboriginal and Native may all be terms that in use so be ready to vary your search terms.
- Credible Sources: often a Google search will lead you straight to less credible sites such as Wikipedia, where you have no idea of the author's identity, credentials, or expertise on the subject.
- Start with databases, online encyclopedias, books and eBooks instead of going straight to Google.
- If you do search online, choose sites ending in .org, .edu .gov over ones with .com because this shows you they are institutional sites rather than commercial. Avoid sites with lots of advertisements and pop-ups.
SJA Library Website
Check here for Databases, eBooks and the Mississauga Library collection
- database password: duffpeel
- database connects you to scholarly journal articles, newspapers, magazines
- eBook username: joanofarc
- eBook password: duffpeel
- Britannica username: duffpeel
- Britannica password: duff7878
How to Talk About Indigenous People
Teacher-Librarian Recommended Websites
Indigenous Cultural Identity
- Nishnawbe-Aski: The People and the Land - NFB documentary
- Eighth Fire: CBC website with links to video and interviews
- Reel Injun: NFB documentary dealing with Indigenous stereotypes in the media
- Not Your Mascot: Jesse Wente on racism and stereotype in sports imagery
Nanabush Legend
- Nanabozo - brief overview from The Canadian Encyclopedia
- Ojibwe Stories -- stories of Raccoon
- Nish Tales - Walking and Talking with Nanabush gives several episodes in the life of the Nanabush character.
- Legends about Tricksters - provides links to several trickster tale sites
- There's a Trickster behind every Nanabush - article by Drew Hayden Taylor
Land Claims
- Historica Canada - The Canadian Encyclopedia gives a useful overview and suggests other credible sources
- Ontario Land Claims - overview of current land claims under review in Ontario from the Ontario government site.
- AFN Treaties Toolkit: Plain talk on Treaties
- Trick or Treaty -- NFB documentary by Alanis Obamsawin, "profiles Indigenous leaders in their quest for justice as they seek to establish dialogue with the Canadian government.
- The Toronto Purchase from the Perspective of the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation
- "This Canada Day, Let's Reconcile the Truth about Treaties" -- Globe & Mail article on the history of treaty-making in Canada and a call for reconciliation
- "Treaties from 1760-1923: Two Sides to the Story" -- article dealing with the oral nature of treaty agreements and how they were initially beneficial agreements for both sides.
- First Peoples' and Governments Views of Treaties -- offers two opposing views.
Residential Schools
- Historica Canada
- Truth and Reconciliation Commission
- Aboriginal Healing Foundation
- Residential Schools Timeline from the 100 Years of Loss website
- The Secret Path: The story of Chanie Wenjack
- Garnet's Journey: The story of Garnet Angeconeb, who tells his personal story of life on the trap-lines, to residential school, to city life. Told with video clips.
- It's About Time: Justice for Aboriginal People: It's Time (video)
Tips for MLA Format and Essay Writing
Nature of Writing
Easy-to -read instructions on MLA format and citations
Hot Tip
- Get your MLA-style citation as soon as you select a source
- Take point form notes beneath the citation
- Quote and cite page numbers for anything not in your own words so that you don't forget what came from where!