Wildcat Weekly October 25, 2024
Sagewood Middle School Staff Update
Ben’s Bulletin: Weekly Insights & Updates
Happy Friday Wildcats!
I hope you had a fantastic fall break and that your first week back this week was a good one. The D'Ardenne family had a great trip to Orlando and you'd never know a hurricane blew through there! Disneyworld was amazing and our kids had a blast. I put a few pictures below from our trip.
I want to give a huge shout out to our AN program, our SSN program and to Trent Feldt for a three-way room swap that took place the week before Fall Break and over Fall Break! Thank you to our AN staff for giving up their huge room for our SSN program that desperately needed more space and to Trent Feldt for giving up his large classroom for the AN program. This was a huge team effort and many of you spent lots of time over Fall Break, so thank you so much.
This week we officially kicked off the second quarter and the 15 day challenge in our PLCs. Thank you to everyone for giving this new process a go and for using the template in your PLCs so that we can practice going through a whole PLC cycle. This will be important for us as we'll reflect back on how this goes to determine our next steps and how we can support moving forward.
Thank you to everyone that helped at our Halloween Dance tonight! I hope you have a great weekend! I'm up elk hunting with my Dad this weekend and I'll see you next week.
- Ben
Magic Kingdom
I didn't throw up after the tea cups ride!
Happy Birthday to These Wildcats!!
Jennifer Kappus - 10/28
Here is the schedule for the next week
Monday, October 28
Tuesday, October 29
- Team Meetings
- BLT Meeting, Room 215, 3:00 pm
- 8th Grade Girls Basketball- A/B AWAY vs SMS, C HOME 4:00 pm
- Feeder Band Concert 7:00 pm, Ponderosa High School
Wednesday, October 30
- PLC Meetings
- Wrestling Dual vs. SMS AWAY 4:00 pm
Thursday, October 31 - Goals for CITE evaluations are due by THURSDAY. Please double check that your goal for this year is in CITE in the evaluation system.
- Students and staff may wear costumes
- Student costumes must still meet dress code, no masks or covering their face, props or weapons, nothing scary or inappropriate
- Fill the Calendar Schoolwide Assembly at 2:00 pm in the gym - Staff who've calendars have been bought out will get pied!
Friday, November 1
- Evacuation Drill 9:10 am
PRIDE Focus for the Week
This week is PRIDE Awards!
Team Meeting Notes
We went over WILDCAT expectations in team meetings. Be sure to follow the order that's on the document and that all kids must have a pass to leave your Wildcat during PLT! DOCUMENT
Wildcat Spotlight - Brittany Trione
Personal Email Address Request
As you may or may not know, there are some things we can share regarding the election and bond through staff email and there are some things we cannot.
If you would like additional information about the bond and to find out opportunities how you can get involved or help with the bond campaign, please share your personal email through this google form.
AVID Spotlight
Fill the Calendar Fundraiser for Staff Lounge
The assembly for this will take place on October 31st at the end of the day. It won't take more than 30 minutes, so we'll adjust our schedule that day and do it at the end of Wildcat time.
PTO will be selling days on calendars on the 31st during lunch.