Negotiations and Evaluations Up2U
November 7th, 2023
ON or OFF CYCLE EVALUATIONS... Speak Up Now and Put this UNDUE Stress to Rest!
If We Don't Stand Together and Shut This Foolishness Down....... We Will Only Have Ourselves To Blame
Can PGCPS Decide ON or OFF for Administrators Like They Have Done For Teachers?
Please Take the On Cycle Off Cycle EVALUATION SURVEY Right Now.
ASASP, straddling the fence sends the wrong message. Please be informed that PGCPS Executives says that you all never complain about evaluations, so they think you love it.
They have gotten the impression and expressed to union officials numerous times, that you like being evaluated every year despite the teachers in this county being totally on or totally off cycle. They think you like being overburdened, overworked, understaffed and beat down.
I know some of our overachievers just love being tested and put under unnecessary pressure and stress, but you can't straddle the fence on this.
They think that you love being scored on your INFORMAL OBSERVATIONS, even though as a principal or assistant principal you can't score teacher's INFORMAL OBSERVATIONS.
We have to stand together as one for the changes that we demand this system needs to make to create a more equitable work place for all employees.
Salary Enhancements Scheduled and Talks Open for Needed Improvements..
Upcoming Salary Enhancements for ASASP Unit 2 and Unit 3 Employees and Negotiations for Compensation, Classification and Language
F. Salary tables for FY 2025 improved as follows: - 4% COLA effective July 1, 2024 applied to the base salary. - One Step increase on July 1, 2024 applied to the base for all eligible employees. Eligible is defined as a Unit member who has served in the Unit for at least one calendar year.
E. Salary tables for FY 2024 improved as follows: - 4% COLA effective July 1, 2023 applied to the base salary. - Add an additional Step ( top of the scale lane expansion) to each Grade. - One Step increase on July 1, 2023 applied to the base for all eligible employees. Eligible is defined as a Unit member who has served in the Unit for at least one calendar year.
D. Salary table for FY 2023 improved as follows: - 5% COLA effective July 1, 2022 applied to the base salary. - One Step increase on July 1, 2022 applied to the base for all eligible employees. Eligible is defined as a Unit member who has served in the Unit for at least one calendar year. - All permanent employees for PGCPS as of June 1, 2022, who are still permanent employees as of September 16, 2022, will receive a $1,000 one-time retention bonus. This payment will be made by separate payment no later than October 21, 2022
Negotiations will open in January for FY 2025-2027 for language, any additional compensation and future years of the negotiated agreement.