The Compass
HSSD Family Newsletter | June 14, 2022 | Vol 1, Issue 10
Welcome back to The Compass!
In this issue:
- Bay Port Commencement 2022
- Referendum Groundbreaking Ceremonies
- Alumni Making Waves: Mike Sheedy, Bay Port 1971
- And More!
We are excited to share stories and news with you and we welcome your ideas for future issues.
Bay Port Celebrates 457 Graduates in 2022
The Bay Port Class of 2022 celebrated its commencement ceremony on Sunday, June 12, 2022 at 2 p.m. at the Bay Port High School Stadium. Congratulations to the 457 students who have now become alumni!
Class Details:
- Co-Valedictorians: Rohan Gala and Jay Wenner
- Class Officers: David Decker, Matthew DeNamur, Gloria Kapla, Emma Wells
- Staff Speaker: Michael Jameson (Bay Port Class of 1983), Bay Port Psychology teacher and AP coordinator
From the Board of Education Meeting - June 6, 2022
- The Board recognized student representative Rohan Gala for his two years of service as student representative to the Board of Education
- The Board welcome sophomore Madeline Thoreson as the new student representative
- The Board received an administrative update on the Grant Writer position shared among the Village of Howard, Village of Suamico, and the Howard-Suamico School District
- The Board received a Facilities Update and Groudbreaking event report
- The Board approved Governance Process GP-7 Agenda Planning monitoring report
- The Board reviewed its meeting calendar for 2022-23
- The Board debriefed its recent Clergy & Civic Leaders community conversation
- The Board discussed a WASB Convention session proposal
- The Board continued its book study of Craymer and Radwan's "Governing by Principles"
For upcoming meeting dates, agendas, and prior meeting minutes, visit the Board of Education page on our website.
Summer School Session I
Summer School Session I began yesterday. As a reminder, there is no class Friday, July 1. Session II begins July 5.
The Compass Reader Survey
We want to hear from you! Let us know your thoughts about this publication. After all, The Compass is made to serve you.
We Made It!
We hope that you have enjoyed learning more about the 7 Habits throughout the year. Now that summer is upon us it is time to Begin With the End in Mind (Habit 3) and brainstorm how we want the summer to go. Take some time with your family to discuss:
What do you want to accomplish this summer as a family and individually? What do you hope to say you did when summer comes to a close? Create a summer bucket list and have fun completing as many things as you can!
How can you step out of our comfort zone and try something new this summer? What have you always wanted to try but haven’t? How can you create opportunities to go somewhere you have never been or do an activity you have never done?
Take time to Sharpen the Saw (Habit 7) and practice the habit of self renewal as a family. Take care of your:
Body: by taking a nap, going for walks, or playing a family game of kickball (or whatever game your family likes best).
Mind: by reading a book together just for fun, putting away your devices and just talking, or learning something new together
Heart: by having some family fun, connecting with friends, enjoying a family movie night, or looking at the stars
Soul: by watching the sun set (or rise), saying no to the unimportant, enjoying the outdoors, or listening to your favorite music (and maybe even having a family dance party!).
HSSD Celebrates Groundbreaking Ceremonies
Community members joined students and staff at Forest Glen Elementary School and Bay View Middle School Thursday, June 2 to celebrate groundbreaking ceremonies, which officially marked the beginning of construction of major renovation projects at each school. The projects are the result of a successful April 2021 referendum, in which residents voted to approve $98 million in facilities updates at all eight Howard-Suamico School District (HSSD) schools.
Click here to read the full story.
Mike Sheedy, Bay Port Class of 1971 and longtime HSSD custodian, was a special guest of honor at the wallbreaking ceremony at Bay View on June 2. The event took place in the original gym where Sheedy's Bay Port High School commencement was held.