LES/OSC Family Newsletter
Lodi Elementary School & Ouisconsing School of Collaboration
Website: lodi.k12.wi.us
Phone: 608-592-3842
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LodiSchoolsWI/
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Dear LES/OSC Families,
Thank you so much for your help getting the school year off to a great start! We started the year getting to know students and helping them know they belong here. We also made sure they know our expectations and established routines to ensure we set students up for success. This work is important because it helps us create a learning environment that optimizes learning and that is safe and successful. At the bottom of this message I have included three visuals we use with students that I thought might be helpful for you to see as well.
We had our first all school recess this past Thursday. It went great! We have three more of these planned throughout the school year. If you are interested in volunteering to help supervise recess on these dates please let me or the office know. We could use some help between 12:00 and 1:00 on the following dates:
- Thursday, October 31
- Thursday, February 6
- Thursday, May 15
Below is some information I wanted to bring to your attention:
- Parent-Teacher Conferences: Parent-Teacher Conferences are Tuesday, October 15 and Thursday, October 17 from 3:30-7:30. Your child's teacher will be sending information about how to sign up for an in-person or google meet conference. Also check out the PTO information about how you can help provide meals for staff on parent-teacher conferences. Thanks for considering.
- Book Fair: We will have our Book Fair coming soon! October 11 the online store opens. Students will be able to visit the book fair the week of October 14 and then families are welcome to visit the book fair during parent-teacher conferences. Every purchase at our Book Fair benefits our school. Here is the link to our Online Book Fair and here is a link to more information about the Book Fair.
The note should include that you will be transporting your child home from the field trip.
Please include a cell phone number that you can be reached at in case of emergency.
The child must be signed out with your child’s teacher prior to leaving.
Lunch Selection for Field Trips: We are asking families to fill out this Field Trip Lunch Form to make a decision for the year if you plan on your child taking a school sack lunch or a lunch from home. Since the sack lunch doesn't change, most of the time the number of kids needing a sack lunch in each classroom doesn't change, so filling out this form would mean we would not need to continue to ask for this information each time.
Thank you for sharing your child(ren) with us. We enjoy being able to teach them!
Eric Scheunemann
Lodi Elementary School/OSC Charter School Principal
(608) 592-3842 ext. 2102
"No significant learning can occur without a significant relationship." ~ James Comer
Important Dates to Remember
Monday, October 14 @ 6:30 pm: School Board Meeting
Tuesday, October 15 @ 3:30-7:30 pm: Parent-Teacher Conferences
Thursday, October 17 @ 3:30-7:30 pm: Parent-Teacher Conferences
Monday, October 21 @ 7:00 pm: Annual Meeting
Wednesday, October 23 @ 4:00-6:00 pm: Ice Age Trail Campus Celebration
Thursday, October 31 @ 9:00 am: Costume Parade (See Details Below)
Thursday, October 31: End of First Quarter
Friday, November 1: No School - Collaboration Day
Arrival, Dismissal, and Attendance
Arrival and Dismissal: Please remember to pull as far up as possible when dropping off or picking up. We just don't want the line of vehicles to block traffic on Clark Street. Thank you for your help on this!
This is a reminder of the importance of reporting an absence if a student is going to be missing from school. Families can complete the Absence Form (button below) instead of calling school or emailing the office; however, if you have questions or are unable to complete this form you can still call the attendance line: (608) 592-3842 ext 2100 or email the school office: lesoscoffice@lodischoolswi.org.
The form is also accessible through the Lodi Elementary School page and the Ouisconsing School of Collaboration page with a link that says “Report an Absence” on the main page.
Alice Drill
At school we practice EVERYTHING! We practice math facts, how to line up to go to an encore class, procedures for science experiments, where classes need to be when we line up outside after recess, the way to walk in the hallway, how we act when riding the bus, and so forth. We also practice how to keep our students and staff safe. We practice what to do if there were to be a tornado or a fire, what to do if an intruder were to come into the school, or what to do if there is an urgent safety situation.
Here is more information about our ALICE Drills: Fall 2024 Family Letter
Costume Parade
On Thursday, October 31st LES/OSC will have a Costume Parade that will start at 9:00am. Students who wish to participate must be dressed in appropriate costumes, costumes that are creative, costumes that are in good taste, costumes that do not hurt or bring embarrassment to the school, parents or the student. The parent is responsible for knowing whether something is appropriate or not. Another great option would be to have students dress to show their Lodi Pride if you do not have a costume. We expect to have lots of fun, but we also want to communicate some guidelines for costumes.
We need to be able to identify students.
Costumes may not promote violence, have accessories, or props that could be used as a weapon. (No fake weapons such as water pistols, knives or swords.)
Costumes must be school appropriate.
You must be able to sit, walk, breathe, see, and hear.
Students need to come to school wearing their costumes..
Parade Order
9:00 - 3rd Grade
9:05 - OSC
9:10 - 4th Grade
9:15 - 5th Grade
Click HERE to view the Outdoor Parade Route
Click HERE to view the Indoor Parade Route
If the parade is indoors the parade will not be organized by grade level.
Thank you for following these guidelines and we look forward to seeing everyone’s costumes!
Act 20 Information
The School District of Lodi is dedicated to providing every student with the reading and literacy skills they need to thrive. The following webpage will be updated throughout the school year and outlines how the district is implementing the recent requirements of 2023 Act 20 (WI Reading Act). A key part of this new legislative requirement focuses on early literacy screening (4K-3), which is currently underway.
How Can I Help My Child at Home?
Here are some tips for homework guidance for LES/OSC families and students:
Time: The National Education Association (NEA) recommends the "10-minute rule", which states that students should spend about 10 minutes on homework per grade level each night. For example, a third grader would typically finish in about 30 minutes.
Purpose: Homework should be linked to classroom work and make its purpose clear to students. For example, homework can be assigned to increase knowledge or develop fluency in a specific area.
Time Management: Set a regular time for doing homework, and avoid doing it right before bedtime when students are tired and easily distracted.
Help: If a child is struggling with homework, parents can:
- Take a break if they are already stressed or frustrated
- Talk to the child to understand where they are stuck
- Offer guidance or hints to help them move forward
- Avoid doing their homework or giving them the answers
Collaborate with the Teacher: Parents can always ask the teacher for strategies to support homework completion or possible accommodations that may be needed.
Set Up a Homework-Friendly Area: Parents can create a space that is conducive to homework.
Too much homework can be detrimental to students' mental and physical health. It can lead to increased stress, anxiety, sleep deprivation, and other health problems. We always try to balance that with still providing opportunities for your child to learn and grow. Thank you for partnering with us!
Mrs. Janelle Sivam ~ Nurse Notes
Pertussis (whooping cough):
It’s hard to believe that we are heading into October already. October is a good time to keep up with the flu vaccine to help reduce the severity and spread of illness. With that, this fall we received notification around the state and from Columbia County Public Health about multiple pertussis cases. I am including the letter that was sent out to families on 9/27/24 but wanted to share it again. We are following the guidelines from Public Health and our Medical Advisor. If your child would experience pertussis-like symptoms (listed in letter) then we will ask your child to be evaluated by your provider and will need a letter from your provider of when your child can return to school. You may have to fax it to the school or drop it off when your child returns. Thank you in advance for your cooperation and help in reducing the spread of illness in our schools. General Exposure Letter HEALTH ALERT
Illness Prevention:
Please keep students home if they are ill. Reducing the spread can help to keep students engaged and ready to learn in the classroom. Here is a CDC link with prevention action tips to help to protect your family.
Return To School After Illness: Quick guide to returning to school
If you have received paperwork in the mail over the last two weeks then please review, sign, and return it to school by October 11th. If any families are interested in vaccinating this month then Columbia County Health is a great resources to use that can assist in helping to get your family vaccinated. Please reach out to them or myself if you have any questions.
Columbia County Health Dept: Call (608) 742-9227 or Columbia County Website
Please reach out if you have any changes in your student's health or if you have questions or concerns.
Janelle Sivam RN, BSN
District Nurse
LES/OSC: 608-592-3842 ext: 2103
Ms. Tekla Nimmow ~ Art Teacher
We have been working hard on our Square1 Art projects in the art room! If you are unfamiliar with Square1 art, it is a fundraiser the art department uses to raise money for supplies like clay, glaze, paint, brushes and more! Each student creates a piece of art which can be turned into water bottles, stickers, mugs, etc. The projects are looking great and we can't wait to share them with you! I will have more information on ordering these things next month, so keep an eye out!
How can you help your child? Ask them what their Square1 Art project is and what supplies they used to make it.
Ms. Amy Good ~ Librarian
Hello from the Elementary School/OSC Library!
It has been a joy to welcome everyone back to the library and so fun to see everyone enjoying checking out books again! I’m Ms. Good, the librarian at the primary school, OSC, and the elementary school. Ms. Skelton, (usually called Miss Skeleton,) is the library assistant and helps classes with their book checkouts, among many other things!
We have had a few lessons this year, with some good read alouds, and have quickly gotten back into the swing of things. We’ve also ordered many new books, and it’s been exciting getting them out for everyone! Students can check books out for 10 school days. They can check out 3 books a day and 6 total, but we encourage them to take what they need and treat the books like treasures. We reminded them to not put their books in their backpacks with a water bottle, as that’s how we get the most, damaged books.
We are looking forward to a great year!
Feel free to contact me at any time if you have any questions at goodamy@lodischoolswi.org.
Happy reading,
Ms. Good
LES/OSC Music Teachers
OSC Music Class
We have been having a wonderful beginning of the year in the music room! Currently, students are getting familiar with the new music room culture and expectations. Students have been singing as a class, using instruments and body percussion to keep a steady beat and create patterns, exploring ways our body can move through space alone and with a group, and playing singing games to develop our musicianship and sense of community.
LES Music Class
LES musicians have been focusing on the theme "Traditions". We started with Lodi's school song, made our circle bigger for Wisconsin, learning On Wisconsin, and experiencing Polka (the state dance) now expanding to the US. 3rd graders are singing folk songs with dances and exploring instruments. 4th grade is singing with America, This Land is Your Land, and Tideo with instruments and 5th grade is listening to and singing the armed forces songs.
What can you do to help your child at home?
Have a conversation about musical traditions you have and take some time to make music as a family!
Mr. Cody Endres ~ Physical Education Teacher
Physical Education classes at LES/OSC have gotten off to a fast start as we hit the ground running (literally) as soon as school began. The first few days of classes we focused on getting our heart rates up and understanding how to measure our heart rates using our pulse, fingers, and a clock. Soon enough we will introduce our Heart Rate Monitor system and continue to educate students on the importance of exercise and elevating our heart rates daily during exercise.
Question to ask your student: Ask them to check their heart rate after exercising at home and to see how many beats per minute their heart is beating.
During the course of the first few weeks of school we got to know one another through some exercise quizzes and also reviewed classroom and recess expectations. We spent time in PE class reviewing all of the recess rules as well to allow for successful recess time.
Question to ask your student: What is GaGa Ball? Have your student explain the general premise and concept of the game.
Currently we’re working on our volleyball skills and teaching students not only how to play volleyball but breaking down the specific skills (serving, digging, bumping, setting, spiking) that enable for successful back and forth rallies during class.
Question to ask your student: How many hits does a team have to get it over the net in volleyball. (three) You can follow that question up with asking them if a team has to use all three hits before hitting the ball back over the net.
Mrs. Katie Greer ~ Reading Specialist
One of the areas that we focus on in Literacy is "fluency." The National Reading Panel defines fluency as the ability to read text with accuracy, appropriate rate, and good expression.
How can you help your child at home?
Partner Reading: You and your child take turns reading. Be sure to select reading material that is at your child’s success level--if your child struggles to sound out more than 5 words on the page, the material is too difficult for fluency practice. Keep in mind, you are the model for both fluency and personal expression. Have fun!
Newsletter from Taher Foodservice
Welcome to Fall!
We are scheduled for our Great Apple Crunch to take place on Thursday October 10th . We hope you will help us celebrate our local apple growers. We will be using all locally sourced apples for our crunch. We have crunch coloring pages for the students to color and hang up in the cafeteria. Make sure to put
your names on your artwork! I can’t wait to see the pictures!
Our Harvest of the Month for October will be Apples, Cinnamon and Kale. Watch for our menu items
that feature these items. Also, we will have a new menu item, a marinated and oven roasted chicken leg, roasted honey cinnamon chickpeas, warm cinnamon apples, kale salad along with many of our regular favorites. Also remember we do allow for seconds on entrée items as long as you do not have an ala carte block on your account.
We are also featuring a hot Chicken Breakfast Biscuit for breakfast. Please stop down and try it. We have breakfast everyday so feel free to come down and say good morning and grab a breakfast. We would love to see a lot more students come down and start their day off right with breakfast!
We look forward to trying new foods this year and we hope you will give them a try!
Have a great October!
Diane Lueck
Taher Food Service Director
Food Service: Breakfast and lunch will be available for students. Please take a look at the important information below:
- For information on determining free and reduced meal eligibility, see this information from the Department of Public Instruction.
- Breakfast: Students will have the option to have breakfast in the cafeteria when they arrive at school. Breakfast will be served from 7:45 am -8:00 am daily
- Costs:
- K-5 Breakfast is $1.85
- K-5 Lunch is $3.10
- Milk is $0.85
- Here is the link to the Food Service Website where you can learn how to check your account balance, make a payment or view the monthly lunch menu.
Ice Age Trail Campus Designation Celebration
On Wednesday, October 23rd, 2024, the School District of Lodi and the Ice Age Trail Alliance will celebrate the district’s designation as an Ice Age Trail Campus. The School District of Lodi is the first K-12 district to receive this designation. The celebration will run from 4 pm - 6pm highlighted by a ribbon cutting ceremony to be held at 4:30 pm behind Lodi High School to celebrate the new addition of the Ice Age Trail. This new segment will connect the City of Lodi Segment of the trail with a new trail extending from the high school bridge to Industrial Drive. As part of the celebration, there will be self guided trail walks and informational booths inside the Lodi High School Commons.
Of special note is that the new section of trail is the only segment of the Ice Age Trail that was completely student-built in Wisconsin. We will be honoring the work done by students in the School District of Lodi, along with the numerous community clubs and volunteers that have made this partnership between the Ice Age Trail Alliance and the School District of Lodi possible. We hope to see you there!
Lodi School Forest
Did you know Lodi has a School Forest?
Our School Forest, which was established in 1936, is available for anybody to use at any time! Located just outside of Lodi on the way to Harmony Grove the School Forest provides 40 acres of trees, trails, and nature for you and your family to explore!
Here at LES/OSC we have a goal to get EVERY student to the School Forest each year!
We also encourage students to take their families to the School Forest year round as well.
For more information on the School Forest please use the link below that will take you to our website. We have also attached a map of the School Forest for you to use as you explore the woods.
Growing together: A time to plant, and a time to harvest at the School Forest
Much excitement has been growing surrounding the revitalization of outdoor learning and increased use of Lodi’s School Forest, located on County Road J near Smokey Hollow Campground. Over 600 of our kids grades 4K-12 visited the outdoor classroom last year to build their academic skills while immersed in nature. The School Forest committee of teachers, administrators, and community members remains committed to the long term goal of each School District of Lodi student visiting the Lodi School Forest every year for outdoor learning. Plans for curricular adaptations, teacher training, and infrastructural and accessibility developments are being outlined and intentionally implemented to further improve outdoor learning opportunities for Lodi’s students.
Of the many aspects of stewardship of the school forest, ecosystem health is a primary concern. Hand-planted by students in the 1960s and 70s, the red pine stands are now ready for harvest. The School District of Lodi is working with DNR foresters and professional loggers to selectively cut timber. Students have also been actively involved in this process, learning by doing, in tree selection and invasive species removal.
In the long-term, harvesting is an important step in making way for new generations of trees, and ridding the area of invasive species and disease. In the short-term — well–– it might look a little ugly. Luckily, forests are resilient and regenerative plant communities that require this sort of maintenance to thrive and endure. Leo Olson, LHS Science Teacher and School Forest Coordinator says, “We’re excited to continue the legacy of sustainable forestry in Lodi as a learning opportunity for our students. Acting as responsible stewards of the land is a part of our civic commitment to caring for our School District’s amazing resources.”