North Side Family Flyer
January 2020
Teachers will be sending the benchmark results home with progress reports on Friday, January 10th. Please call the school or send us an e-mail if you would like additional explanation regarding the information.
Please remember, communication between home and school is vital to the success of your child! We are a team! Please contact us with any questions, concerns or valuable information regarding your child!
Thank you for sharing your precious loved ones with us!
"In the world of algorithms, hashtags and followers, know the true importance of human connection." -Anonymous-
At North Side, we have incorporated purposeful play/social time into the school day to support this needed social interaction with others. Students work on starting conversations with others, taking turns, learning to lose in games, using manners, showing empathy and respecting each other and their personal space. Students also learn to read each other's non-verbal expressions and to understand tone of voice.
These are all skills that you can reinforce at home. Not only will it provide learning and practice for your child, but it will show them that you support their social growth.
It is time to tell them - put that device down! Set limits on screen time and make family time a daily must where they can develop their social skills.
Second Grade Polar Express Day
Kindergarten creativity
Kindergarten fun
Reminders from North Side Office Staff:
Final book rental payment is due February 15th.
Now that it is winter time, please keep in mind:
For 2-hour weather delays, No Breakfast is served
If we have a 2-hour delay on a Monday morning, school starts at 10 a.m. like all other days
Reminder - If your child rides the bus, you can download "Here Comes the Bus" app to keep track of location and when it will arrive at your child's bus stop. this is handy during the cold months!
Bus Change Requests
If you need to change your bus location, please go to the North Side website,, and follow these directions:
Click on the "Menu" at the top of the home page. Click the “For Families” tab and then the "Transportation" tab. When the dropdown menu appears, you will see a link called “Transportation Change Request.” When you click that link, you will be taken to a form that you can fill out and submit electronically. It will notify transportation via email that a request has been submitted and they will begin working on fulfilling the request. Once arrangements have been made and confirmed with drivers, transportation will communicate the arrangements to parents.
Doors Open/Breakfast – 8:15
(Grab-n-Go Breakfast if arrive after 8:35)
School Starts - 8:45
School Ends - 2:40 (bell rings)
Tuesday - Friday
Doors Open/Breakfast – 7:30
(Grab-n-Go Breakfast if arrive after 7:50)
School Starts – 8:00
School Ends – 2:40 (bell rings)
Cafeteria News
Download our new district app. It gives you access to information, events and schedules for all buildings!
Happy New Year North Side!!
With having a few weeks off, I would like to remind everyone of some things to help ensure the safety of our students and a reminder of attendance as we start off the second semester!
Safety Drills
Each month our students and staff go through drills to make sure we are prepared in case any of these are needed for a real emergency. Our students this month will go through a fire drill and a lock down. Teachers do a great job of going over these procedures with our students to make sure everyone is on the same page.
Car drop off-line – Please remember to pull all the way to the end of the yellow line painted on the sidewalk when dropping off in the morning. This will allow more cars to drop off at one time and allow us to get kids into the building quicker. Also remember to stay in your vehicle and have your student(s) exit the vehicle on the right-hand side. This is a safety issue when parents get out of the vehicle and it slows our line down.
Attendance has been much better this school year! Thank you, parents, for making this a priority! Remember if your child is absent to call the office and let us know. If your child has been seen by a doctor, please return the doctor's note when they come back to school. Also please make sure your child is at school on time! Even missing a few minutes can throw off their day and they miss out on important information at the beginning of their day.
Counseling Corner with Miss Headley:
Winter time means shorter days, less sunlight, cold weather and less outdoor activity...........
To help beat the winter blah, try some of these things:
1. Get some physical exercise
2. Eat vegetables, fruit, protein and healthy fats.
3. Try meditation
4. Take advantage of and enjoy "Cozy Time" at home with family
5. Complete some things off of your "To Do" list
6. Make plans that you can look forward to...
7. Take advantage of the sunlight when it is available
Nurses Corner:
Illness season is in full force!!!! Continue to remind your children to cover their mouths, keep their hands away from their faces and wash, wash, wash those hands!!!!
The mobile dentist will be coming on January 9th to see those students they were unable to see the last time and to complete some restorations.
PLEASE follow our Arrival and Dismissal Procedures For Student Safety and your safety:
1. Drop off by car in morning at door 3, pull up to the yellow line
2. Pick up by car in afternoon at door 3, pull up to the yellow line
3. Bus drop off and pick up is at door 1, students should not walk between busses to go in or out of door 1
4. Please have your car tag visible when picking up students in car line. If you need a car
tag, please visit our front office.
5. PLEASE DO NOT walk between busses to pick up a student or drop a student off at school.
6. ALL end of day changes for students way home, must be called in to the front office by 1:30 p.m. If called in later, we can not guarantee the change will be made. Again, this deadline is for the safety of your child(ren)!
7. All walkers will be dismissed after the busses leave the school and ALL students will exit out the front door, Door 1, to head towards the crossing guard or to our staff who will cross students in front of the car line exit.
January PTO Events:
Join us for our PTO Meeting on Tuesday, January 14th at 3:30 p.m. to plan the February VIP dance.
Upcoming North Side Events:
Tuesday, January 7th - National Elementary Honors Society Meeting, 3-4 p.m.
Friday, January 10th - Progress Reports go home with students
Wednesday, January 15th - Student Council Meeting, 3-4 p.m.
Monday, January 20th - Star Club Meeting, 3-3:30 p.m.
Friday, February 7th - VIP Dance, 6-8 p.m.
North Side Elementary School
Location: 302 E. Harding St.
Phone: (260) 347-1354
Twitter: @NorthSideElem