Huntley Happenings ~ November 21st
Family Newsletter
Hello Huntley families,
Well, the snow has officially arrived! This is just a friendly reminder to start sending in those snow pants, winter jackets, boots, winter hats and gloves/mittens. Our snow playground rules are as follows:
- Students in K, 1, and 2: Snow pants and boots are required to play on the field at all times when there is snow (including sports in the field).
- Students in 3rd, 4th, and 5th: Boots required if only playing sports on the field, however, if playing in the snow (sleds, snow forts, snowman building, etc.), they are required to wear boots and snow pants.
We will not be sending out a message next week due to the shorten schedule (no school Wednesday, Thursday and Friday), but wanted to express our gratitude for your partnership and support this school year. May you find time to relax and reflect on all the things you and your family are thankful for. Enjoy the break!
-Mrs. Strohfeldt, Mrs. Kimball, and Mr. Bernhardt
Huntley Roadrunners exemplify strength, courage, stamina and PRIDE in every STRIDE.
Dates at a Glance
November 22nd- Blue and Gold Dress Up Day
November 25th- Comfy Cozy Dress Up Day
November 26th- Fall Colors Day and Appleton Christmas Parade at 7:00
November 27th-November 29th- No School- Thanksgiving Break
December 5th- Jersey/Sports Dress Up Day
December 10th- PTO meeting from 6-7pm Huntley LMC
December 10th- Band Concert~ Einstein and Friends 7-8:30 at Appleton West
December 16th- Comfy/Cozy Day
December 17th- Sweater Day
December 18th- Red and Green Day
December 19th- Winter Character Day
December 20th- Hat, Sock, and Tie Day
December 23rd through January 1st- No School- Winter Break
January 2nd- School Resumes
Upcoming PTO Fundraisers
Holiday Giving Tree to help restock our classrooms
Kwik Trip Cards
Art Updates
Hello Family,
Coming home to you soon is your child's custom catalog for the Square 1 Art fundraiser catalog - featuring their own name and art on the cover, WITH FREE STICKERS OF THEIR ART!
Get a head start, and start ordering keepsakes and gifts featuring your child's art online NOW, if you like! Simply search for your child's art using Art Search, and enter state, school name, and your student's name. Your student's art and code will appear, and you may order! NEW - *Ship to Home FREE. (*Customer pays a small processing fee at checkout and order ships to home.)
Order by: 12/4/2024
Upload additional art if you like, using Art Upload!
If you have questions, or need anything at all, contact customer care online .
Thank you for supporting our school!
Nicole McCurdy
Square 1 Art fundraiser coordinator
Huntley Elementary
Art Newsletter
Spirit Days
Lunchroom Supervisors Needed
We are looking for parents and community members to help staff our lunchroom! If you know anyone who is interested in working at Huntley during the lunch hours (11:00-12:45), please encourage them to fill out the application below and turn into the Huntley School office.
Looking for more information about events and volunteer opportunities? Check it out by clicking here.
Follow us on Facebook or send us an email at: huntleypto@gmail.com
Huntley Elementary School
Jamie Kimball- Ọmọladé Principal & Associate Principal of Huntley
Joe Bernhardt-Sandy Slope Principal
Email: huntley-elementary@aasd.k12.wi.us
Website: https://huntley.aasd.k12.wi.us/
Location: 2224 North Ullman Street, Appleton, WI, USA
Phone: 920-852-5495
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HuntleyElementaryAppleton/