The CL Courier

December 3, 2024
Principal's Post
Crooked Lake Families,
The cold really came on quickly in the last couple weeks. Please have children prepared for going outside for recess in the cold. We go outside if the temperature is 0 or above. (Or the windchill is -10 or above.)
We finished up our first trimester, and had some great growth to celebrate at our trimester celebration with our students and staff. Report cards will be uploaded to ParentVue on December 9 and be viewable at this time for families. Thank you for partnering with us to help your child reach their potential, and please reach out to your teacher if you have questions.
We have a fun annual tradition of our students going to a play at Coon Rapids High School before our Winter break. This year's production will be a new adaptation of The Mitten on Wednesday, December 18. We want to thank our PTO for taking care of the expenses (bussing and tickets) for this great experience for our students. (If you do not want your child to participate in this, please let the classroom teacher know.)
Movie night was a really fun night once again. A special thank you to our staff, families, volunteers> A special PTO thank you for coordinating, efforts, and giving your time for this experience for our students again.
The last week before winter break we coordinate some fun days for students. Stay tuned for what those will be in the coming weeks.
Take care.
Sam Anderson
Crooked Lake Principal
Upcoming Events
- December 12: Eagle Choir Field Trip
- December 16-18: Grade 4 Map Testing
- December 20: Staff Development/No Students
- December 23-January 1: Winter Break!
Follow this link for more upcoming events:
You can also find more information when you visit the Crooked Lake Elementary website here: https://www.ahschools.us/crookedlake
Family Movie Night Success
Thanks to everyone who showed up and made this night possible.
Reedy's Report
Hello Crooked Lake,
The holidays are here and so is the cold weather. Please remember to bundle your little ones up in weather appropriate gear. If you are in need of hats, gloves, scarves, coats, snow pants, or boots, please let someone at the school know. We will work to ensure that your child is provided the appropriate winter gear.
Anxiety management is a major concern for many families. Here are a few basic tips to think about if you or your child is struggling with anxiety:
1. Anxiety is managed, not cured. It is important to help your child have the correct understanding of anxiety so they do not become discouraged when they try something and it doesn’t make the anxiety symptom go away completely.
2. The most effective way to manage anxiety is to follow basic health guidelines. That means getting adequate sleep, eating a healthy diet, sticking to a clear routine, getting plenty of exercise, and limiting screen time. Following these steps will also help with other issues like low mood, inattention, and emotional outburst.
3. The most important thing to do when dealing with anxiety is to face the anxiety producing activity. In other words, avoid avoiding that which the child wants to avoid. In some sense, anxiety is the feeling of self doubt. If the child avoids it, they automatically learn that they can not do it. If they try, there is at least a chance they will learn they can do it. The self doubt can only be overcome by proving to the child that they are capable.
4. If these steps are not enough, please consider seeking professional help from a therapist or medical provider. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and certain medications can help a child learn new skills and cope with the symptoms of anxiety.
- If you have immediate concerns for the physical safety of a friend, a family member, or yourself, call 911.
- Dial **CRISIS from your cell phone to be connected with county mobile crisis services.
- Anoka County Mobile Crisis: 763-755-3801
- Hennepin County Children (up to 18): 612-348-2233
- Hennepin County Adults (18+): 612-596-1223
- National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255 (English) or 1-888-628-9454 (Spanish)
- Crisis Text Line: “HOME” to 741741
Tyler Reedy
Nurse's News
This year around the nation we have been seeing high rates of Mycoplasma Pneumonia (also known as walking pneumonia). People with pneumonia caused by M. pneumoniae can seem better than expected for someone with a lung infection. With mild symptoms, people may not stay home or in bed. Thus, the phrase "walking pneumonia" was coined. Here are some things to be aware of:
Most cases of Mycoplasma pneumonia are mild, seem like a chest cold and can be fought off by the body’s immune system. Sometimes symptoms are more severe and need antibiotic treatment.
It is spread through droplets and prolonged exposure. It can take 1-4 weeks from exposure before you get symptoms.
Most common symptoms include cough, fever, headache, fatigue.
If your child has been coughing for a week or more, or if you see a pattern of them getting better and then they get a fever again, it’s a good idea to get them checked out by their pediatrician.
If your child has difficulty breathing, is confused or is severely dehydrated, go to the ER.
Prevention strategies: wash your hands, cover your cough, and stay up to date with your immunizations!
Please direct all questions about your child’s health to your primary care provider.
Click here for information from the CDC about Mycoplasma Pneumonia
Thank you!
Katelyn Salwey
Licensed School Nurse, PHN, BSN, RN
Amanda Kerns
RN, School Nurse
Cook's Corner
The state’s Free School Meals program continues for this next school year. Every student may receive one breakfast and one lunch at no cost during the school year. The state’s Free School Meals program will cover the cost of one breakfast meal and one lunch meal for every student daily, however the cost of a la carte items, such as milk, other drinks, or extra meal items will not be covered. Students will need to have funds in their meal accounts to purchase any additional food items. If your family needs access to any other educational benefits available to your student, please visit ahschools.us/freereduced to complete an application.
The enrollment window for the 2024 Applications for Educational Benefits begins Aug. 1, 2024. Anoka-Hennepin asks that all families complete an online application to provide additional school funding to support all students in the district. By filling out this application, your school can earn funding and you can save money. Educational benefits include:
- Athletics fees: Eligible students may qualify for fees to be waived or reduced.
- SAT, ACT, AP Fees: Students may be eligible for discounted fees for academic tests and some lab fees.
- Other high school activities: Students may qualify for discounts on speech, debate, theater, band and others.
- Additional benefits and cost savings: Chromebook device protection, Comcast Internet Essentials discount, Amazon Prime membership discounts, discounted bus fares with Metro Transit, Xcel Energy account assistance, discounts at museums and theaters.
Lauren Green
Child Nutrition Site Supervisor
Library's Latest
Hello from the Library!
Our library has been bustling with activity! Our students have collectively checked out over 6,000 books so far this school year—what an incredible testament to their love of reading!
Big Thanks to the PTO!
The PTO has generously donated sign holders and book bins, which are already making a big difference in the library! The sign holders help to clearly mark our different library sections, making it easier for students to find what they’re looking for and navigate the space with confidence. The new bins in our graphic novel and series sections have brought a sense of order and structure to these highly visited areas, making it easier for students to browse and discover new books. These improvements not only keep our library organized but also give it a polished, professional, and welcoming feel. We’re so grateful to the PTO for helping us create a space where every reader feels inspired and at ease.
Cleaning Up Before the Holidays? Donate to the Library!
As the holidays approach, you may be cleaning or reorganizing at home. If you find any hardcover picture books, graphic novels, or chapter books in like-new condition, consider donating them to our library!
Here’s why your donations matter:
Making the Library More Inclusive: Donations help us offer a wider range of books that reflect diverse stories, topics, and perspectives, making the library a more inclusive space for all students.
Expanding Our Collection: Your donations enrich our ever-popular series collection, as well as other genres and topics, giving students more options to explore. While we may not always be able to acquire the latest titles right away, these donations help us grow the library in meaningful ways.
Supporting Long-Term Growth: Donations provide essential support that allows us to gradually build a more complete and varied library collection. With your help, we’re working toward ensuring our library continues to evolve and meet the needs of all our readers.
Donated books must be hardcover and in excellent or like-new condition. While we may not be able to add all donations to our collection due to our district’s selection policy, we’re exploring a future book swap project—donated books that don’t make it to our shelves will be saved for that. It’s a wonderful way to give books a second life and help students explore more stories!
How to Donate:
You can send in your donations with your child, who can bring them to the library and leave them on Ms. Z’s desk with a note that says something like, “Donated to CLS Library.” Thank you for your support!
A Big Thank You to Our Volunteers!
We are so grateful to our library volunteers for their ongoing support. From shelving and straightening books to helping with workroom copying and cutting projects, their time and effort make a huge impact. Thanks to them, our library runs smoothly and remains a welcoming space for all students.
Thank you for continuing to support the Crooked Lake Library. Whether through donations, PTO involvement, or simply encouraging your student’s love of reading, you’re making a big difference in our community.
Happy reading,
Your Crooked Lake Library Crew
Kristin Zelazny
Library Media Specialist/Core/ITT
Amy Postigo-Kocak
Library Media Assistant
Volunteer Voice
It is hard to come up with adequate words to describe how much volunteer efforts mean to our school. The dedication, passion, and positive energy of our volunteers is an inspiration and these volunteers make an unforgettable difference. As we approach the holiday season, I wanted to take a moment to send a heartfelt thank you to all the Crooked Lake volunteers. I’m incredibly grateful and enjoy working with each of you. May your holidays be filled with memories that will last a lifetime. Please take a moment to view the upcoming volunteer opportunities at Crooked Lake. Click the links for more details and to sign up if you’re available to help.
December Volunteer Opportunities:
- Book Repair Volunteer
Book repair can include mending torn pages, restorning covers, binding repairs, etc. No experience is needed. Volunteers will be given directions from Mrs. Zelazny. - General Help
Volunteers will help teachers with various projects such as copying, stapling, laminating, cutting, etc. Volunteers will complete projects in the workroom. - Gingerbread Boards
Volunteers will cover boards with aluminum foil so students can use the board to build their gingerbread house. - Hanging Artwork
Volunteers will hang student artwork throughout the school Volunteers must be comfortable with using a step ladder. - Media Organizer
Volunteers will help with various tasks such as straightening, organizing, and dusting bookshelves. - Media Workroom Volunteer
Volunteers will help with various workroom projects such as cutting bookmarks, making copies, sharpening pencils, etc.
ALL volunteers are required to complete/update the 2024 - 2025 Crooked Lake Elementary Volunteer Application form and Criminal History Record Release form.
Melissa Hayek
Volunteer Services Coordinator
Crooked Lake PTO
The Crooked Lake PTO would like to thank everyone who came out to our movie night on November 8th! We had a lot of fun and lots of positive feedback about having the two movie options. Thank you to our volunteers for donating their time to make the night successful! We appreciate you so much and could not have these events without you!
We are so thankful for our parent volunteers! The Crooked Lake PTO board is made up of CLS parents, just like you, who volunteer our time with the board and our school, bringing together the community at events and fundraising to support our school. Events like the Community Picnic, Walk-a-Thon, Eveland Farm, Movie Night, and more are planned and sponsored by the CLS PTO board.
We are grateful towards our school for allowing us to host these events on school grounds and assist in getting communication out to the CLS families. These events would not be possible without the support of the CLS parents. We would like to thank the CLS parents who have donated food, drinks, and supplies to help make our events possible. We are grateful for the CLS parents who volunteer their time helping plan, coordinate and work at our events. Without you, these events would not happen. Stay tuned for future event planning needs. We'd love to have you!
Spirit Wear has been updated on the website so take a look! The ordering deadlines for delivery in time for Christmas is November 30th for shipping to the school and December 4th for shipping to home.
There will be no PTO meetings in December. We hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving Break!
The next PTO General Meeting will be January 14th at 6:30 pm at the school. Free child care will be provided at the meeting.
We have some fun events coming up in January so stay tuned!
Follow us on Facebook at the CLS Parents group on Facebook!
Crooked Lake PTO Board:
Nicole Rutt-Livgard-Chairperson
Beth Emmel- Co-Chairperson
Sandra Anderson-Treasurer
Jonathan Conyers-Co-Treasurer
Katie Coulter-Secretary
Nicole Schumman- Co-Secretary
Angie Siddons- Board Member at Large
Danielle Husnick- Board Member at Large
Community Education
Community Education is excited to offer new and fun classes this winter. Our upcoming opportunities include:
- 12/6: Pebble Art Ornaments
- 1/13: Grandmasters of Chess
- 1/16: Floor Hockey Camp
- 1/21: Art Memes
- 1/23: Snow Slime
- 1/28: Robotics: Nature 'Bots
View Crooked Lake offerings and register here!
Abby Kowles
Community Ed Programmer
Late Arrivals & Absences
Bus Information
What if my child's bus doesn't come in the morning and/or my child doesn't get off the bus in the afternoon and I am unable to reach the school? This is rare, but if this does happen, please call your child's bus company. The bus company will assist you in the morning and also take the lead and contact you in the afternoon when they locate your child.
Kottkes' 763-755-3100
Busses: 11, 30, 39, 68, 69, 461, 516
First Student 763-421-3199
Bus: 301
Transportation App: FirstView
Attention Crooked Lake Families! There is an app called FirstView! This app enables families to get real-time information on regular bus routes - in the palm of your hand! Features include email, push, and text notifications of any route changes.
Simply download FirstView from your device's app store. On-screen directions walk first-time users through the easy set-up process. Choose Minnesota and then Anoka-Hennepin from the drop-down menus. After doing so, the app will direct you to A-HConnect. Log in with your parent/guardian username and password (if you've forgotten your parent/guardian username or password, please call 763-506-HELP), the app will then automatically populate your student's information.
Crooked Lake Elementary is on Facebook! Get the latest news by following:
Follow Crooked Lake's PTO too at:
Crooked Lake Elementary School
2939 Bunker Lake Blvd. NW | Andover, MN 55304 | P: 763-506-2100 | F: 763-506-2103 | crookedlake@ahschools.us | Translate
This e-newsletter is published by Crooked Lake Elementary School. Questions, comments or concerns about the school e-newsletter? Contact us.