SABE Family Monthly Newsletter
Volume 1 No. 8 April 2023
Principal/Executive Director's Message
Oh, the spring! There are so many reminders of rejuvenation that come with the spring season. We are happily returning from Spring Break and everyone is back ready for more learning and warm weather!
Over the past few weeks we have enjoyed watching our scholars participate in our PTA March Reading Madness. We want to thank these scholars, and all who encouraged and supported them, for their great efforts in taking part in the March Madness. We are excited for our Vocabulary Parade on Friday and seeing both Orbit and Piquito!! We appreciate Mrs. Herrera, our PTA team member leading the madness and the leadership of our PTA President, Mrs. Dionne. Mil gracias!
We are also wrapping up some state testing and swinging into the weeks of state testing. Thank you to Ms. Banks, who is our district testing coordinator, for all her work in attending all the trainings, providing the staff trainings, and organizing all our testing schedules. We just wrapped up the ACCESS assessment and Avant STAMP. Avant STAMP is a Spanish proficiency assessment that all SABE scholars take in as part of our data collection for our dual language program. ACCESS is only required of some scholars and you would have been notified if your child participated.
Upcoming assessments are the NM Measures of Student Success and Achievement (NM-MSSA) for all scholars in 3rd - 8th grade. This assessment is provided for math and reading. The NM Assessment of Science Readiness (NM-ASR) is only required of our 5th and 8th grade scholars.
Attendance is critical during these testing sessions to ensure we complete the assessments in a timely manner. There are two reading sessions and two math sessions. We also ask that you please encourage your child to get good rest and be prepared to "do their best on the test" before coming to school. We want scholars to be able to demonstrate the many skills they have learned this year. Please see the testing schedule below. Testing is held during the morning hours from 8:00am-11:00am. They do not test all day, nor everyday. However, some testing might happen during different hours and different days for other scholars. Your classroom teachers will provide you with more details on the exact times of testing for your child's class. Please see the links for articles and videos below on how to support and prepare your child!
We look forward to a very busy and productive rest of our school year. Thank you, again, for your great support of scholars and staff. We are all thrilled to be part of this big, marvelous SABE family!
Mrs. Rodriguez
Important Dates
- April 1: NM State Spelling Bee--GO SOPHIE!
- April 3: Dion's Summer Club Read Begins! through July 23rd
- April 4-24: NM State Testing Window Opens
- April 6: Explora Family Science Night and Open House
- April 10: Charter School Division Site Visit
- April 12: Middle School Bands Field Trip
- April 13-14: Teacher Inservice Days (No scholars on campus)
- April 17: La Esperanza Day Care on campus for school tours
- April 27: ABQ Zoo Field Trip for Grades 1 and 2
- April 29: New Mexico State Spanish Spelling Bee
Dion's Summer Club Read
This program is a great way to motivate your child or children to read during the summer. This helps maintain a love of reading and help them continue making gains in their reading skills. A pamphlet will go out on Monday with more details. There are amazing prizes including pizza and books. All information can be found at this link: https://www.dions.com/community/club-read-program
SABE Goes to the NM Spanish State Spelling Bee!
Our Spanish Spelling Bee winner is Rayne. Rayne is a 6th grade scholar at SABE. This is the second year Rayne represents SABE at the NM Spanish State Spelling Bee. She will be representing our school at the National Hispanic Cultural Center on April 29th.
Our second place winner is Nicole. She is a 5th grade scholar. This is Daira's first year at SABE.
Congratulations to both Rayne and Nicole!
Explora Family Science Night
Explora Family Science Night
Thursday, Apr 6, 2023, 06:00 PM
Sandoval Academy Of Bilingual Education, Fulcrum Way Northeast, Rio Rancho, NM, USA
SABE Open House
SABE Open House
Thursday, Apr 6, 2023, 05:30 PM
Sandoval Academy Of Bilingual Education, Fulcrum Way Northeast, Rio Rancho, NM, USA
SABE will be hosting an Open House event for new and prospective scholars on Thursday, April 6th from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m.
Our Student Ambassadors will be giving tours of our wonderful school.
2023-2024 Upcoming Lottery & Commitment to Re-Enroll
Please share the information and save these important dates!
- Monday, March 13th, 2023: Lottery Enrollment Window Opened for New Students & the Commitment to Reenroll forms were made available...scan the QR code to the left for the Commitment to Reenroll form or call and ask the front office for a printed form.
- Monday, March 27, 2023: RETURNING, SIBLING & STAFF ENROLLMENT FORMS DUE. If you have not submitted this yet, please do so to secure your child's spot for the 2023-2024 school year.
- Wednesday, May 10th, 2023: Last Day to Submit Lottery Enrollment form for NEW STUDENTS for the 2022-2023 school year
- Thursday, May 11th, 2023: Lottery held via Zoom.
If you have any questions, please email us at admissions@nmsabe.org or call us at 505.771.0555.
Student Recruitment
Thank you for those that have already volunteered and are helping out! If you are interested, please email Mrs. Reyes at freyes@nmsabe.org with our student recruitment efforts that are happening now. Not only do we need input and ideas on how to reach our communities, but see how you else you can help.
What do we need?
- Parents to take and drop off flyers at pre-schools, pre-K programs, child care programs
- Pass out flyers at community events
- Post flyers at community boards
- Go door-to-door and place flyers at homes in new communities
- Post flyers at your workplace
- Create social media posts to spread the word of our lottery
- Give us more ideas!!!!!
Things to Know
SABE Yearbook
SABE Yearbooks are for sale and are available starting at $16.60 for Softcover or $22.80 for hardcover until 4/2/2023.
You may purchase and edit your yearbook at: https://www.treering.com/purchase?PassCode=101622125030526
School Code: 101622125030526
5th and 8th-grade parents, you may also upload baby photos and purchase a shout-out (click the "Buy Yearbook Ad" button) to recognize your graduating student.
Spring/Summer Student Programs
Would you like your child to participate in a summer program with an academic twist? Below are some free NMPED community resources.
My Mealtime: Breakfast & Lunch Program Payments
Thank you to all the families that have already make their school supply fee payment. If you have not, please do so as soon as possible.
We have some great news out of our state legislature, and Governor Lujan Grisham signed the bill this week. All students in the state of New Mexico will have access to free breakfast and lunch for the 2023-2024 school year! We will still need the federal applications as part of the requirement, but it will ensure that all our students will have access to the meals provided at the school.
Everyone that had a balance on their account had recieved a letter of what was outstanding. We will be sending another notice home on Friday, March 31st. Please make these payments on MealTime. If you need guidance or have changing financial situations, please contact Mrs. Vaughn at the school and we can arrange payment arrangements.
Please click on the link to access your account: https://www.mymealtime.com/
If you need your child's school identification number, please call Mrs. Almanza, our school registrar.
School Program Contacts and Links
SABE Website: Mrs. Rodriguez, https://nmsabe.org
Meal Time Online Payments: Mrs. Vaughn, mymealtime.com
Before/After School Care: Mrs. Almanza, beforeafter@nmsabe.org
Bus Transportation: bustransportation@nmsabe.org
Admissions/Student Records: Mrs. Almanza, admissions@nmsabe.org
ClassDojo: Mrs. Reyes, https://www.classdojo.com
PTA Membership: Mrs. Dionne, sabe.memberhub.com
March PTA Information
Hi everyone!
Below are the PTA events coming up for the month of April:
· Fri, April 7: Read-A-Thon Packets DUE
· Fri, April 14: Read-A-Thon Prize Day
· Tues, April 11:
o Family Tech Talk - Online in English & Spanish (5‐6:15 PM)
Learn the risks your kids face online and learn about internet safety tips, PTA Meeting to follow afterwards
Link to Zoom: https://trendmicro.zoom.us/j/98886835373?pwd=STkvTW9pdTFzdFJ5ZEptQ01YYm1SZz09
Passcode 620158
o PTA April Meeting via Zoom Only (6:15-6:45 General Meeting & Officer Elections)
- Interested in being a PTA officer? Please email sabepta@gmail.com
Link to Zoom: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/89833328329?pwd=U2t3ekw0MFNRYUZTMHVGMXJXLzRLUT09
Meeting ID: 898 3332 8329
Passcode: 470593
· Tentative Events (dates & times not yet confirmed)
o Spring Spirit Wear Online Store (TBD)
o Book Fair (April 17-19 TBD)
o Healthy Minds Presentations (Thurs. April 20 TBD)
o Elevate Spirit Night (Thurs. April 27 TBD)
Ongoing initiatives:
o Monthly Duolingo Challenge (Questions? Email aimelovesbeto@gmail.com)
o BoxTops Donations (Questions? Email cristinadecornejo92@gmail.com)
o Enroll your Smith's account with their inspire initiative to donate a portion of your purchases back to SABE PTA: Visit: http://www.smithsfoodanddrug.com/inspire
Once logged into your Smith's Food & Drug account, search for SABE PTA or JQ003 and then click Enroll
o April staff lounge snack donations: 7th grade families
We are asking 7th grade families (if you are able to) to donate snacks & refreshments to the staff lounge during the month of April. Thank you to 6th grade families for donating during the month of March.
Thank you for supporting SABE PTA!