Panther Press
Friday, June 7
Dear RBES Families,
The Running Brook staff is looking ahead to the 2024-2025 school year. As part of this process, we would like to give you the opportunity to share some information that you would like for us to consider as we begin to make class groupings for the next school year. This consideration form is for you, as parents/guardians, to relate specific information about your child that you feel would be beneficial as our teachers meet to determine next year's placement.
When placing students, the staff, and administration utilize a wide range of criteria that are supportive of the Howard County philosophy of heterogeneous grouping. Some of these criteria include, but are not limited to:
- the personality of the child - the balance of female and male students
- math strengths and needs - written output
- test results - reading strengths and needs
- special education requirements; IEP goals - structured versus unstructured needs
- peer relationships - information from previous teachers and school counselor
There are certain concerns that we cannot consider as part of this Consideration Form, therefore, we ask that you not use this form to propose the following:
- specific teacher requests - grouping based on siblings’ experience
- grouping based on friends - grouping based on hearsay
Your input on this form will be used in our planning for your child. Your response is OPTIONAL but is a valuable source of information to the school staff and to the next teacher.
A paper version will also be sent home on Monday. If you choose the paper form please return it by Friday, June 14th, the last day of school. The electronic form closes on June 21st. Thank you for your help.
Have a wonderful summer,
Mrs. Spivey
Important Dates
June 11
Last Day of School for 1/2 day Pre-K & RECC
June 12
School's Close 3hrs. Early
June 13
School's Close 3hrs. Early
June 14
Last Day of School
School's Close 3hrs. Early
July 30
Popsicles on the Playground
(Rising Kindergarteners) @ 10:00am
August 13
Popsicles on the Playground
(Rising Kindergarteners) @ 6:30pm
August 23
Pre- School & Pre- Kindergarten
Open House @ 9am
Kindergarten Open House @ 9am
August 26
First day of School for Students
August 29
First day of school for half-day Pre-K/RECC students
Wellness Workshop and Supports Summer Series
In partnership with Backpack Healthcare and Congruent Counseling/Integrative Counseling, HCPSS presents a spring/summer series of "Wellness Workshops and Support for Parents". All HCPSS parents are invited to attend any or all of these free, virtual evening workshops. Sessions are from 6-7 p.m. on a variety of dates. Wellness Workshops and Supports for Parents Flier
RBES Night of Excellence: The Red Carpet Gala and Student Talent Show
Students have been working hard all year and the time has come to showcase their talents and celebrate their achievements. Please join us for our annual Red Carpet Gala on Monday, June 10th from 6:00-7:00. Students should dress their best and come ready to walk the Red Carpet and join in some fun interviews with “Staff Paparazzi.” Parents and students can then visit classrooms and tour the school to view student work on display. Then be sure to stick around for some impressive performance art at the Annual Student Talent show from 7:00-8:00. The Talent Show never disappoints as students share their amazing talents and unique abilities in front of a live audience. While visiting, be sure to stop by the Kona Ice Truck and cool off with a tasty treat. We hope to see you at this fun annual event.
If you have any questions, please contact the GT Resource Team: Steve Gangloff at steven_gangloff@hcpss.org or Stephanie Noonan at stephanie_noonan@hcspss.org.
Girls on The Run (GOTR)
Congratulations to our Girls on the Run Spring participants! They did a wonderful job during practices this year and rocked their 5K on Sunday. We are so proud of them! Way to go girls!
From the Media Center
Running Brook Families, Thank you so much for the support of the spring book fair! We raised over $2,000 in scholastic dollars to put towards purchase of new media books!!!
Running Brook students be on the lookout for new titles in the fall.
Also, we have had readers, readers, readers this year in the media center. Our top book borrowers for this school year are:
5th grade: Matthew Dorsey, Jayla Holmes, and Alary Joosten
4th grade: Mariella Loza-Torres, Katelyn Ferguson, and Sophie Perez Perez
3rd grade: Jathniel Addie, Evelyn Misner, and Kaylah Banks
2nd grade: Clay Lebro, Samara Zilber, and Naila Watkins
1st grade: Joli Condrey, Addy Scott, and Jesse Yi
Kindergarten: Adrian Torres, Aislynn Westerman, and Miko Jones
Health Room
As the school year draws to a close if you have medications in the health room they must be picked up by the last day of school. If your child is attending summer school at a different school the medications must be picked up and taken to that school by a parent or guardian. A new doctor’s order form is required EACH school year for medication to be given at school. Click below for the form.
If you have not turned in your student’s physical, lead, or dental forms here they are for your convenience. All forms are required to be turned in once during the student’s time in HCPSS.
Look here for more forms:
Please contact the health room with questions.
Or by phones @ 410-313-7442.
Thank you!
School Supplies Request for 24-25 SY
Get ready, get set...for the 2024-2025 school year at Running Brook Elementary!
If your child will be attending RBES and you think you may need school supplies, we can help!
Please complete this form by June 21st!
Kindergarten Registration
We need your help in spreading the word regarding new Kindergarten registration for the 2024-2025 school year.
Registration for incoming kindergarteners and newly enrolled first graders is now open. As we prepare for our upcoming school year, it is important to have your child registered to ensure we have the correct amount of teachers for our students. Please do not delay! Help us with the process by registering your new kindergartner or first grader as soon as possible.
Children must be 5 years old by 9/1/24 in order to enroll in kindergarten next school year. Every child who is 5 years old by this date must be enrolled in a kindergarten program this fall or have an approved waiver. HCPSS kindergarten is a full day program.
Please make certain you are on the screen for 2024-2025 if registering for the next school year.
Parents or guardians are to register students at the school serving the address where the child’s parent or guardian resides. Information on neighborhood schools can be found through HCPSS School Locator.
Complete your child’s registration online by providing the documents listed below. The registration process will be more efficient if you upload the required documents during online registration. Otherwise, you will be asked to submit the required documents via email as pdfs, or you may contact the office to make arrangements to bring the documents in and we will copy them for you. The following documents are needed for registration and should be submitted during the online registration process: Click here for a checklist for registration.
Child’s evidence of birth (i.e. birth certificate, baptismal certificate)
An authorized record of immunizations
Proof of residency in the form of your entire signed lease/deed including signature pages.
Current utility bill with your name and address that has been issued within the last 45 days. (cellular device bills not accepted)
Photo ID of parent/guardian
Additional Documents to bring if applicable to your child:
Proof of custody - only if there is information the school must adhere to during school hours (full document including the signature pages)
Individualized Education Plan (IEP) for Special Education Services
504 plan
Psychological report or related services reports/plans
English Language Learner (ELL) plans or previous assessments
These forms should be completed by your child's pediatrician and dentist and emailed to our Health Room prior to the first day of school or as soon as your child has their 5 year check-up
It is recommended that you work on a laptop or desktop to complete registration. Cell phone registration is not recommended. Please call our front office at 410-313-6893 if you have questions and/or need support with the registration process.