Alan Shepard Weekly Newsletter

January 24, 2025
Message from Mr. Ruth
Alan Shepard Families -
Not a ton of new updates this week. Below are reminders about Bingo Night and our Early Childhood Informational Night. With the colder temperatures this week, we didn't have outdoor recess, but next week's temperatures look much better. Please remember to send your child to school with all of the necessary items to be outside.
Join Lancer Productions on January 31st and February 1st & 2nd for James and the Giant Peach, the Musical. All productions will be at the North Scott High School Auditorium. They will have several kid-friendly activities, including the Book Fest 2025. Visit the link to get more information and purchase your tickets. All 4th graders at Alan Shepard will be seeing the show next week during school on the 30th.
Have a great weekend!
Chad Ruth
Family Bingo Night - February 1st
Alan Shepard Families -
Family Bingo Night will be on Saturday, February 1st from 5:00-7:00 pm at the Eldridge Community Center. Please save the date for this fun family event and fundraiser for the Alan Shepard PTO.
The PTO is seeking donations for themed raffle baskets. Below are the themes for each grade level. You can support the PTO by purchasing items that fit the theme and donate them to the PTO. Items can be dropped off in the office at Alan Shepard.
K | The Great Outdoors
1 | Lights, Camera, Action! (Movie Night)
2 | Snow Day Survival Kit
3 | Game Night!
4 | Super Sports Fanatic
5 | Why So Tense? (Spa / Mani-Pedi Day, Self-Care)
6 | Dine Around Town (gift cards for local restaurants)
We are also in need of volunteers to help with setup, raffle baskets, and registration. If you would be interested in helping out, you can sign up here.
Alan Shepard PTO
PTO Bundt Cake Fundraiser
Bundt Cake Order Forms were sent home today with your child. Please return them and the money for the order to the office by February 3rd. All orders will be sent home or picked up on February 13th. This will allow everyone to get them before Valentine's Day!
2025-2026 School Calendar is approved
The North Scott School Board approved next year's school calendar for the 2025-2026 school year at the January 13th board meeting. It may be viewed and downloaded here.
Mrs. Kelley's School Counselor Newsletter
Iowa Open Enrollment Information - Due March 1
Open Enrollment allows Iowa students to attend a public school outside their resident district.
Key Information:
- Application Process: The application and detailed instructions for the Open Enrollment process are typically found on the open enrollment application itself.
- Submission:
- Submit copies of the completed application to:
- Your child's resident school district.
- The school district where you wish your child to attend.
- Submit copies of the completed application to:
- Contact Information:
- Find contact information, including addresses and fax numbers, for each school district on their respective websites.
- Iowa Department of Education: Do not send your application to the Iowa Department of Education.
- Due Date: The application deadline for Open Enrollment in Iowa is March 1st.
Note: This information is for general guidance. Always refer to the most up-to-date information and specific instructions provided by the Iowa Department of Education and the relevant school districts.
Early Childhood Informational Night - March 3rd
A Message from the Nurse
Please look over this letter from our school nurse, Kristi Lindsey to review the school policy on illness and when to keep your child home from school.
Reach out with any questions!
New Attendance Guidance
The North Scott Community School District believes that good attendance is essential for students to fully benefit from the educational opportunities available to them. Frequent absences can hinder students' ability to develop important skills, impacting their success in academics and beyond. Unfortunately, students in this situation may struggle to achieve their full potential, and some may even drop out of school.
Please click this link to access Mr. Stutting's video explanation.
With the passing of Senate File 2435 and changes to Iowa Code Chapter 299 Compulsory Education, we want to provide you with our updated procedures for responding to student absenteeism.
5 days of absences (5% of a semester): A courtesy letter will be emailed to inform caregivers of excessive absences.
9 days of absences (10% of a semester): The state defines this 10% mark as "chronically absent." An email and certified letter will be sent to caregivers to notify them of "chronically absent" status and the county attorney's office will be notified.
14 days of absences (15% of a semester): The school will contact caregivers to schedule a required School Engagement Meeting, where an Absenteeism Prevention Plan will be created.
18 days of absences (20% of a semester): The state defines this 20% mark as "truant." The school will notify the School Resource Officer, who will consult with the county attorney's office. Truancy charges may be filed.
What Parents/Caregivers can do to foster good student attendance?
Establish consistent daily routines for your student, including having dinner, completing classwork, getting a good night's sleep, and eating a healthy breakfast.
Discuss with your student the importance of attending school every day and how regular attendance positively impacts their well-being.
Whenever possible, schedule nonessential appointments outside of school hours to avoid disrupting their learning.
Encourage your student to participate in meaningful after-school activities, as this can boost their engagement and sense of connection to the school community.
Maintain open communication with the school to understand attendance policies and seek support when needed.
Support your student's mental and emotional health, and collaborate with the school to address any concerns.
Remember, school is about more than academics; regular attendance helps students develop social skills and access valuable resources.
North Scott Elementary School Parent/Student Handbook
This handbook provides district-level information consistent between all elementary schools. It outlines several school and district policies and procedures.
2024-2025 School Calendar
The 2024-2025 school calendar has been approved and posted on the district website.
- First Day of School: Friday, Aug. 23
- Winter Break: Monday, Dec. 23 - Friday, Jan. 3
- Spring Break: Monday, March 17 - Friday, March 21
- Last Day of School: Tuesday, June 4
Community Resources Hub
We strongly believe in the well-being and comfort of all children and families. We want your experience at Alan Shepard to be a happy, healthy, and positive one, so please don't hesitate to contact us at any point during the school year.
We have put together resources that contain links to support right here in our community. We are also happy to help families confidentially navigate these resources.
Your Alan Shepard Resource Team
School counselor: Kelly Kelley, 285-3406
School nurse: Kristi Lindsey, 285-3116
School principal: Chad Ruth, 285-3114
Safe Snack List
When bringing in items for birthday treats, holidays or special occasions make sure to check if they are on the NS Safe Snack List. If you have questions please refer to our school nurse. The most recent list is always linked to our district website.
Important Alan Shepard Dates
31 - 2 Hour Early Dismissal
- 1 - Bingo Night, Eldridge Community Center
- 5 - 6th Grade Music Exploration, 8:30-11:00
- 6 - 5th Grade Augustana Geology Museum and Planetarium Field Trip, 8:30am-1pm
- 7 - 2 Hour Early Dismissal
- 10 - Bookmobile 9:00-11:30 am
- 10 - Community and Culture Building Activity, Commons
- 13 - PTO Bundt Cake Pick Up
- 14 - 2 Hour Early Dismissal
- 14 - Valentine’s Day Parties, Time TBD
- 17 - No School
- 18 - K-2 Music Program, PM Rehearsal
- 20 - PTO Meeting, 3:15pm Alan Shepard
- 21 - 2 Hour Early Dismissal
- 27 - Symphony Day, 4th grade field trip
- 28 - 2 Hour Early Dismissal
- 28 - End of the 2nd Trimester
Continuous Notice of Nondiscrimination: It is the policy of the North Scott Community School District not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, religion, creed, age (for employment), marital status (for programs), sexual orientation, gender identity and socioeconomic status (for programs) in its educational programs and its employment practices. There is a grievance procedure for processing complaints of discrimination. If you have questions or a grievance related to this policy please contact Ms. Erin Paysen, Equity Coordinator, 308 N. Main Street, Donahue, IA 52746. Telephone: 563-282-9627