LISD Expect Excellence Newsletter
May 6th, 2024
Hello Levelland ISD.
It is a great day to be a Lobo! Thank you to our heroes in our cafeterias. Your work comes from the heart.
Our five campus principals are nothing short of amazing. Thank you for striving to Expect Excellence for all your students. The end of the school year is coming upon us quickly. Your students might be excited for a break, but it will be hard for them to say goodbye to you. You make a difference in their lives and they will miss you!
Go Lobos!
Expect Excellence
Sincerely, Becky McCutchen
All Things LISD..................
National School Principal's Day
Lunch Hero Day
LISD celebrated our Cafeteria Ladies last Friday on School Lunch Hero Day! We dedicated the day to the women who make our cafeterias a delicious place to be! They rise early to get our campuses started and do thankless but essential jobs for our kids! These ladies contribute to the well-being of every child. Even though delicious food is their priority, they also help keep our students healthy so they can learn! You are our Heroes!
LHS National Honor Society Inducts 58 Members
LHS welcomes 58 new students to National Honor Society. These students took their oath and signed the NHS Registry to become members last night in a ceremony hosted by Mrs. Katie Pena and Mrs. Cristal Isaacks! The New 2024-2025 NHS Officers were also installed to take over the leadership next year! We look forward to seeing how these students lead next year and in the future! Congratulations to all these amazing students!
Capitol Career Day!
Capitol's Career Day was "electrifying" and a little "wild" yesterday. Counselor Mrs. Barbara Utley tells students that it's never too early to start thinking about the future. Capitol students learned about careers that might interest them. They learned about various career choices from an author, a taxidermist, a restaurateur, the police, some musicians, a banker, the firemen, a veterinarian, a car sales lady, and SPC counselors. Our children are our future and days like this enable them to decide what they want to pursue after high school! Thank you Mrs. Utley! It was a great day! https://files.gabbart.com/462/capitolcareervideo_facebook_video.mp4
South Program
South Elementary is presented their last program of the year under the direction of Music Teacher Jennifer Turner! Third grade learned so much in music, and showed a few of the skills they've learned this year! https://www.facebook.com/LevellandISD/videos/763792209188354
Forensic Science Sets Fire
Fire! LHS students in Coach Munoz's Forensics Class were engaged in an arson inquiry lab yesterday! Mrs. Munoz #expectsexcellence and challenged her students to create a structure, set fire to it, and observe the structure's behavior as it burns. Their learning target was to investigate the fire's behavior as it burned to predict the point of origin of the fire, therefore forming a beacon of truth to solving the crime at the scene. Don't worry. Our local fire department was on hand for the lab! Thank you Coach Munoz, for a great lesson!
Stress Relief
Mr. Joshua Randol shares that LMS 5th Graders enjoyed some free time last Wednesday, after STAAR testing. Coach Sydney Ramirez arranged to allow all of the 5th grade the chance to have fun on the Football field. The kiddos both deserved and loved every minute of it after a stressful week.
Choir Banquet Honors
LHS Choir Director Amy Bayer and the Choir Parent Club #expectexcellence and hosted the Annual End-of-Year Choir Honors Banquet earlier this week. Students were given awards for accolades earned throughout the year. The choirs performed and spread the idea throughout the entire banquet that these students are going to be successful after high school. They sang songs that even said, "Watch what happens now." They also sang "What Was I Made For?" by Billie Eilish, but they were assured they could go out and conquer the world because of their LHS experiences! These students are amazing and have achieved great things through choir. Thank you Mrs. Bayer, for giving them so many opportunities.
Band Banquet
LHS Band Director Michael Cason and Assistant Director Matt Tolentino hosted the annual End of Year Band Banquet. Many accolades were given throughout the evening to students who worked hard throughout the year in various aspects. Congratulations to all these deserving students.
Migrant Graduation
LISD is so proud of these four Migrant Graduates. The LISD Migrant Program helps newcomers to Levelland find the resources necessary to access the information needed to be successful. These four littles were escorted by graduating seniors. These students learn in Spanish and English and can recite many things in both languages. They focus on early learning concepts such as colors, numbers, and setting goals for being a successful student at Levelland ABC. Thank you to our Migrant Program for making a difference in students' and parents' lives!
Cinco de Mayo!
LISD celebrated Cinco de Mayo and children all over Levelland ISD celebrated with homemade Mexican Food, Dancing, Feasts and Fiestas, and Cultural celebrations everywhere! There were lots of giggles and fun involved all day long among students and teachers! https://files.gabbart.com/455/cincodemaayovideo24.mp4
BBQ Team Attends State Cook-Off!
Our BBQ Team members were up before dark practicing their craft, many days before they headed to the State BBQ Competition! They cooked ribs, chicken, brisket, beans and dessert. Our LHS kids joined 98 other teams in Round Rock. They got up way before the sun and started cooking! Their beans brought home the 16th ribbon, their dessert came in 25, and their ribs earned the 26th spot! We are so proud of this program that offers an opportunity for students after high school. Thank you to Mrs. Khris Oaks for all the hours you've put in to help these kids learn and to Mr. Sid Gerber for your help sponsoring the State trip!
Capitol GT Presentation!
Capitol Elementary Gifted and Talented students present their end-of-year research projects! Great job kids! Third grade learned about broadcasting and video. Second grade presented their research in pizza box biographies. Fourth grade presented their study on mosaics!
Special Needs Prom
Everyone had a great time at the Special Needs Prom last weekend. There was food and dancing. A Prom Queen and King was also chosen. We are glad these kids had a good time!
Tennis Champs!
LHS Coaches Braziel and Lawson #expectexcellence and send congratulations to their Varsity Pack Tennis team! They finished up district play yesterday. Coach Braziel says, "many of our players playing the best tennis they have all year. The hard work, and effort they have put in since last June has really paid off. This team is made up one senior, two juniors and the rest of the team are underclassmen. The future is bright for this program, and as coaches we couldn't be more excited to see what it holds. Next week at regionals for our boys doubles and next year for the 15 returning players." https://files.gabbart.com/456/tennischampsvideo.mp4
Results are:
The boys are the Overall Boys District Champions (with every boy returning next year)
Boys Doubles District Champions (Regional Qualifiers)
So. Nathan Ellis and So. William Canon
Mixed Doubles Third Place
(Regional Alternates)
Jr. Ryeton McMahan and So. Alexis Sanchez
Fourth place Girls Doubles
Fr. Fabiola Hernandez and Fr. Daniela Perez-Garcia
Lone Star Honorable Mention Team
Our LHS basketball coaches congratulate Emery Smith on being named to the Lubbock AJ's Lone Star Honorable Mention Team. Emery is a junior and works hard on the court and in the classroom! Congratulations to you Emery! We can't wait to see what you do next year!
Basketball Honors!
Congratulations to these two guy for being named to Lubbock AJ's Lone Star Teams. Senior Jayden Castillo was named to the Varsity Second Team and Junior Eryk Jones was named to the Honorable Mention Team. Congratulations to both of these Lobos!
Thank you!
Thank you for making Freshman Jake Potter, the winner of the Lubbock AJ Athlete of the Week! He hit a walk-off sacrifice fly in the 11th inning against Estacado to clinch the final playoff spot from District 5-4A.
Bill's Backpacks!
Ravioli is the food of the month!
BBP is always accepting donations.
is the food item of the month!
Levelland ISD
Email: rmccutchen@levellandisd.net
Website: www.levellandisd.net
Location: 704 11th Street, Levelland, TX
Phone: 806-894-9628
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LevellandISD/
Instagram: @levellandindschooldistrict