CCOG Newsletter
Weekly Updates
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Reflections from Pastor Jennifer
What was the only thing that the disciples asked Jesus to teach them? They specifically asked Him to teach them how to pray. They recognized that they would need a heavenly connection if they were to accomplish all the things to which they had been called. The same is true of all believers. Throughout the book of Acts, we read that the early church was regularly engaged in times of prayer. It is prayer that will change us, our families, our country, and even our world. I encourage each of us to become people of prayer. We tend to admire those we know who we call "prayer warriors". How do you think they became such? They prioritized prayer over less important things. The effectual, fervent prayer of a righteous person... gets a whole lot done!
School supplies are important for educational success. This is why we would like to bless the kiddos with plenty of great items. Pencils, notebooks, glue sticks, scissors, etc. are great items to include. Also, shipping costs and boxes are a big help.
August Focus
There are many ways that we can be part of the mission of God. One important way is to pray for our lost loved ones and those of our church family. We also encourage you to bring diapers/wipes for the Lake Norman Crisis Pregnancy Center; and bring tarps, tents, or sleeping bags for Watchmen of the Streets.
YouVersion Bible App
Be sure to choose CCOG as your church on the Bible App. A new devotion will be posted every month. It will relate to our monthly church focus in some way. The posted devotion for this month addresses the needs of countries and mission fields around the world. We are being encouraged each day to pray for Christians around the world.
We take our witness with us ~
Because I am *mildly* obsessed with the Olympics and the stories that have come from them, I include this bonus video. The Olympic team from Fiji went viral, not for their athletic performance, but for their worship. Many videos were posted from the various competitors, listening to the Fijians sing praises to God while staying in the Olympic Village.
What is a life on mission?
There is an old Latin term ‘Missio Dei’ which means the “Mission of God” or the “Sending of God”— It refers to God’s great mission to restore humanity to Himself (by sending Jesus) and His call to us, His Church to take part in the mission. It is a mission that has been at play for thousands of years and still continues today.
Jesus is key to this mission. It’s through Him we are granted access to take part in this. Jesus not only made a way for us to be reunited in relationship to the Father, but to also be an example of what life on mission would look like.
The ‘Great Commission’ given in Matthew 28:18-20, is our call and exhortation from Jesus. This being that, “all authority has been given for you to go and make disciples teaching people to obey everything that Jesus has commanded you to do”.
This isn’t just a call for some, it’s a personal command for you as a follower of Jesus. This can seem like a heavy task, and in some respects it is, but you are never called to do this alone. Quite simply put, it’s living as a Christ follower everywhere you go, and opening your mouth to tell people about the hope that you have. Everywhere means not just some parts of your life but every part.
That’s why it’s super important to know God for yourself. When you know someone, you understand their ways, their character, and you have an intimate and close friendship with them. You want to spend time with them and do life with them.
Sometimes life on mission looks grand and other days it looks grubby. Some days it is done with others and some days it is done alone, but it is never done without the Holy Spirit. He is center to the strategy. In fact, it is our obedience to His prompting and guiding that ensures we are "mission-effective".
Life on mission isn’t a task, rather it’s a lifestyle and a commitment we embrace when we accept Jesus. Accepting Jesus is accepting the mission.
We are given both identity and purpose when we accept Jesus. We are both ‘saved’ and ‘called’ according to His purpose and mission. If you have ever questioned what your purpose is, look to Jesus. He has already shown you! You are called to join God in His great mission of restoring humanity to Himself. The question is, are you being effective in your mission and obeying?