2nd Grade Newsletter
Important Dates
1/29 report cards go home
2/6 Class picture Day
2/7 Spirit day
2/14 early dismissal
2/17 No school for students
Learning Targets for the Week
WE can sort words based on open, closed, magic e, vowel team, and r controll syllable types.
WE can solve 2 digit addition and subtraction problmes, using number lines and expanded form.
WE can solve addition and subtraction problmes with start unknown, change unknown, and result unknown.
WE can add three 2 digit numbers togther.
WE can discuss narrative structure (characters, settingm beginning, middle and end )
and point of view.
WE can write a 1st person narrative.
Classroom News and Reminders
The class has been hard at work learning how to read 2 digit word problmes and also how to write an equation to represent each. In addition they have been learning three different ways to solve these problmes: drawing it out, number lines, and partial sum. None of these are the algorithym adults most often use. Later this month we will be moving on to 3 digit addition and subtraction as well.
Wit and Wisdom
We have been working on Module 3 of Wit and Wisdom. This module looks at what injustice means and how we as citizens can fihe (peacefully) against it. We have already looked closely at the March On Washington, during whihc Martin Luther King gave his I have a dream speech, and we are now looking at how Ruby Bridges faced intergration challenges,
Student Reading Progress
At this point I have concluded parent conferences. If you have not met wtih me and still wish to please send me a message on Remind. My big push for all of March is getting students fluency up! Fluency is accuracy, speed and expression. 100 words per minute is considered on grade level. Also, I will start implementing the STAR Reading assessment once a month. This is similar to the testing students will see next year, and prediction comprehenshion as well as decoding. I consuder my job to be teacing the 2nd grade curriculum, but also making sire each child is ready for the next school year.
Please sign off on reading homework each night. I am differentiating math homeowrk a bit. Each student will be getting work that pushes them as learners. I am SUPER impressed with each of the students on their spelling test results!!
Snacks and Water Bottles
I have had quite a few students come to school with out snacks, so I have started buying snacks for the kids. If you care to contribute to this pile of goodies, that would be super helpful. Needed snacks include: chips, crackers. pretzles, etc.
Daily Schedule
8:10 Phonics
8:35 Whole Group Reading
9:40 Small Group Reading
10:30 Ecore
11:05 Lunch
12:05 Math
1:15 Snack
1:20: Interventions/Enrichment
1:55 Recess
2:25 Social Studies or Science
Zoom Access
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