PBIS & SEL Monthly Newsletter
We A.R.E. OHVA! Accountable, Respectful & Engaged
Do you have a teacher or OHVA staff member who means so much to you?? Do you have a friend/classmate who deserves a shout out? Nominate them here!
School Wide Expectations
We expect our staff and students to be:
*Accountable: Follow the OHVA Code of Conduct, only share appropriate personal information, dressed appropriately while on webcam, log in and be ready to learn
*Respectful: Adhere to OHVA's expectations, be kind and courteous, be a good friend, help your teachers when asked
*Engaged: Keep up on daily school work, attend all your classes, work hard in your courses, participate
What is PBIS?
*PBIS stands for Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports. We want to reward our students for practicing positive behavior in school!
Rewards will be given as in-class rewards, gifts from Snappy, certificates, and much much more!
The company we will be using to send tangible rewards is called SNAPPY! It is so fun!
Any student who receives a Cardy of the Month certificate will be entered in a drawing to receive a gift from Snappy!
Rewarding Our Students
Through our SEL and PBIS Programs, we are able to reward our students throughout the year! We will be holding drawings every month for students to receive a reward for positive behavior!! If you receive a Snappy, choose your favorite gift, and it will be sent directly to you!
Cardy of the Month
Staff can nominate students at the beginning of each month for radiating positive behavior! If/when nominated, you will receive a personalized certificate!
Want to share a photo of yourself with your Cardy of the Month Certificate?!?! Add one on our Padlet! Before adding, have your LC complete the permission form!
Social & Emotional Learning
7 Mindsets
- The curriculum we use to teach Social & Emotional Learning
- Students will meet monthly or bi-monthly with Advisor and/or School Counselor to discuss the monthly Mindset
January Mindset: Everything Is Possible
K12 Zone Schedule @ OHVA
The K12 Zone is an interactive virtual campus that turns online school into an open-world experience. Hang out with classmates, participate in activities and clubs, and access learning resources in a safe, welcoming environment.
Zone Expectations: No bullying will be tolerated. School appropriate language. Kindness shown towards all staff and students, at all times. Unable to follow these expectations and it could lead to being banned from Zone.
How to log into the K-2 & 3-5 K12 Zone
How to log into the Middle School & High School K12 Zone
Check out all of our face to face events!!!!
Want More SEL? Explore ALL Student Clubs!
Here is the main website for ALL student clubs. Please click on your students' grade level, to find the offerings for each. Students may sign up for up to three, be positive and earn rewards, and enjoy making new friends.
OHVA Behavior Matrix
Email: rharvey@ohva.org
Phone: 419-482-0948, Ext. 5050