November 2024

Straight From the Principal's Office
December is here, and we couldn’t be more excited! The halls of Lincoln Elementary are buzzing with joy as students share stories of family traditions and holiday excitement. The magic of this season truly fills the air!
Winter break is the perfect time to cozy up with your child and enjoy a good book together. Grab some hot cocoa, a warm blanket, and let imaginations soar! 📚✨ Adding books to holiday wish lists is a great way to keep the joy of reading alive.
As we embrace the winter chill, please ensure your child has a warm coat, hat, and gloves—students will go outside for recess if it’s above 15 degrees. Snow pants and boots are essential for snowy recess fun. ⛄ If your child needs winter gear, don’t hesitate to reach out.
From all of us at Lincoln Elementary, we wish you a happy holiday season filled with love, laughter, and special moments with your family! ❤️💚
Student of the Month
Student of the Month
Board Student of the Month 🍎
Arlo Sondles
Chamberlyn Kufchak, Sadie Emmi, Isley Nadeau, Gracelynn Ely, Lizzie Fajt, Hunter Welfley
Ms. Willis Wrap Up
Dear Families,
This month, I’m excited to be pushing into classrooms to work with students on the important character trait of empathy! While teachers are using the Character Strong curriculum, I will be supporting lessons using Second Step, focusing on helping students recognize and understand their emotions and the emotions of others. Specifically, we are exploring how to:
- Recognize emotions in ourselves and others
- Understand body sensations linked to emotions, such as feeling hot, crying, or experiencing tense muscles ect
- Interpret body language and facial expressions to understand how someone is feeling
- Know that emotions change and that it’s okay to feel differently at different times
- Show care and concern for others by offering support
- Manage uncomfortable feelings, such as frustration or sadness, in healthy ways
These lessons are designed to help students develop stronger emotional awareness, manage their feelings, and build compassionate relationships with others.
For a great home connection, ask your child to share what they’ve learned about empathy! You can discuss different emotions they may have felt during the day, what their body felt like when they were happy, sad, or frustrated, and how they can offer support to someone who might be feeling upset. These conversations will reinforce what we’re learning in class and help them practice empathy at home.
Small Groups
I’m excited to announce the start of two new groups: a Grief/Loss Group and a Family Changes Group. These groups will meet once a month and provide a safe space for students to share their experiences and find support during difficult times. If you’d like to sign your child up for either group, please reach out to me or click HERE !
Looking forward to supporting your child(ren)!
Weekender Bags
Lastly, a friendly reminder about our partnership with Feeding Medina County’s Weekenders program. This wonderful initiative provides a bag of healthy food for students to take home each weekend. The bags will be discreetly sent home at the end of the week and will continue throughout the school year. If you’re interested or if your family is in need of assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me.
Food tastes better when you eat it with friends 💖
Cheers to friends, food, and good vibes ✨
Feast mode: ON 🟢
Change War for Charity 💰
Our 4th-grade student council members led the Salvation Army drive this year in a "Change War".
December 3 - Picture Retake Day
December 5 - Caldecott Book Club (8:00 am)
December 6 - School Store (open during student lunches)
December 9 - Board of Education Meeting (7:00 pm)
December 14 - PTO sponsored Donuts with Santa
December 16- 20 - Spirit Week: Count Down to Winter Break (See image below)
December 19 - Bookmarker Book Club (8:00 am)
December 20 - Winter Classroom Parties
December 23 through January 6 - NO SCHOOL (Winter Break)
- January 6 - NO SCHOOL (Records Day)
- January 7 - Lincoln PTO Meeting (6:30 pm)
- January 13 - Board of Education Meeting (7:00 pm)
- January 16 - Caldecott Book Club (8:00 am)
- January 20 - NO SCHOOL (MLK Jr. Day)
- January 23 - Bookmarker Book Club (8:00 am)
- January 24 - PTO Sponsored Lincoln Chili & Soup Cookoff (6:00 - 8:00 pm)
Grateful for our heroes. #VeteransDay
United in honoring our brave heroes
Thank you, veterans! #Respect #VeteransDay
At Lincoln, we have a “treat free” birthday policy. In conjunction with our wellness policy and various allergies.
They can however celebrate their birthday by donating a book to the classroom or our school library. Books will be identified with the student’s name and birthdate and shared with the class. In addition, student names are announced in the morning and they receive a birthday pencil from the office.
We appreciate your cooperation with this policy.
Contact Information
Email: edillemuth@wadsworthschools.org
Website: wadsworth.k12.oh.us
Location: 280 North Lyman Street, Wadsworth, OH, USA
Phone: (330) 335-1460
✨ Underground Spirit Week 🥤
A Royally Awesome Crew 👑
Cheers to 1st Grade Friends
A Message from Mrs. Zakany 📢
The holiday season and the cold is a great time to snuggle up and read familiar books with and to your child. What are familiar books? Familiar books are books that children have read before.
Here are some key strategies to help you use familiar books:
1. Choose books that your children enjoy reading
2. Read with expression
3. Ask open-ended questions
4. Focus on details
5. Have your children read aloud their favorite parts of the story
6. Talk about the story after you read it
7. Have a set routine to read with your child
Familiar books are important for children to read over and over again for the following reasons:
Help children read more fluently.
Focus more on comprehension as the children know how to read the story
Help children develop new vocabulary words
Strengthen bonds with your children
An excellent way to share your favorite books with your children
I hope that you and your wonderful holiday season!