February 5th - 9th
Important School Dates:
2/5 - 3rd/4th Battle of the Books
2/5 - After-School Skiing
2/6 - 5th/6th Battle of the Books
2/6 - Learning Lab
2/7 - After-School Skating
2/8 - After-School Forensics
2/8 - Learning Lab
2/9 - Pajama Day
2/9 - Early Release Day
2/12 - After-School Skiing
2/13 - Learning Lab
2/14 - After-School Skating
2/15 & 2/16 - P/T Conferences & Book Fair: NO SCHOOL
2/19 - After-School Skiing
2/20 - Spring Picture Day
2/20 - Learning Lab
2/20 - Site Council Meeting @ 3:15
2/21 - After-School Skating
2/22 - Learning Lab
2/22 - After-School Forensics
2/23 - Community Council Parent Task Force Meeting @ 8:30am
2/26 - Talent Show Orientation
2/26 - After-School Skiing
2/28 - After-School Ice Skating
2/29 - After-School Forensics
***Volunteers Needed: 2 parent volunteers for Spring Picture Day (volunteers will receive a free picture packet)
Spelling Bee Champion
Congratulations to our spelling bee champion, Hadley Darr, and runner-up, Brantley Erickson! Great job to all the students that participated in this year's school spelling bee.
Battle of the Books Competitions
Pajama Day
Student Council is sponsoring Pajama Day on Friday, February 9th. Join the fun!
Early Release Day: Friday, February 9th
Parent/Teacher Conferences & Book Fair - Feb. 15th & 16th
Conference notices are being sent home this week with the date and time of your child’s parent/teacher conference. If you are unable to attend at the scheduled time, please call the school office by Monday, Feb. 12th to reschedule.
Conferences are an important communication tool. We really appreciate your efforts to attend so we can visit about your child’s progress in school. There is NO SCHOOL for students on these days. We will also have our annual book fair set up in the main hallway during this time. We hope to see you here!
Spring Picture Day: February 20th
We will have our spring picture day on Tuesday, February 20th. You can click the Lifetouch link below to place a picture order using our school ID: EVTBP9KBX
Site Council Meeting: Tuesday, February 20th
February Spotlight Students
The following students have been selected as Spotlight Students for the month of February: Roan Galbraith, Elsa Kaufmann, Hunter Stevens, Ekaterina Kuzmin, Ayla Drake, Orin Darr, Kibah Jones, Ruslaan Kandror, Ezekiel Lyon, Maggie Maurer, Alexander Martushev, Rasmus Peel, Jessie Landmesser, Theodore Lukin, Vasilisa Kuzmin, Reed Conley, Mari Bacher and Quinn Blackstock.
Parents are invited to join their child and Mr. Swanson for lunch on Thursday, February 22nd at 11:55.
Spotlight Student forms are being sent home with these children tomorrow. Please return them as soon as possible so they can be placed on our Spotlight Student bulletin board.
Thank you!
McNeil Community Council Talent Show and Auction
Community Council will be holding a parent task force meeting on Friday, February 23rd at 8:30am and an orientation meeting for this year's talent show on Monday, February 26th at 12:30pm. The orientation will be an informational meeting for students and talent show permission slips will be handed out. A reminder to parents that in order for this to be as successful as years past, we need all hands on deck! Many hands make light work and has also proven to make our talent show super successful. Please reach out to Tiana Hopper at (907) 317-7444 or Click the link below and plug in via the Community Council group chat so that you can view meeting topics, volunteer needs, fresh updates on event news, and council voting topics.
See upcoming talent show dates below:
* February 23rd: Parent Task Force Meeting @ 8:30 am
* February 26th: Orientation for interested students @ 12:30
* March 20th: Talent show auditions @ 12:30 (students must have their signed permission slips at this time)
* April 4th: Dress rehearsal after school
* April 5th: McNeil Canyon Elementary Talent Show @ 6:30pm
Dragon Café - February Menu
McNeil Canyon Elementary School
Location: 52188 East End Rd, Homer, AK, USA
Phone: 907-235-8181