The Early Childhood Center
March 2024
Upcoming Events:
March 4 - 8 Book Fair
Wednesday, March 6 Family Event 4:30-6:00 p.m.
Wednesday, March 6 PAT Tool Time 6:00-7:00 p.m.
Thursday, March 7 PAT Playgroup @ 9:30
Friday, March 8 End of 3rd quarter
Monday, March 11 No School - Professional Development
Thursday, March 14 PAT Playgroup @ 9:30
Wednesday, March 20 Spring Picture Day
Wednesday, March 20 ECC Night at Culver's 5:00-8:00 p.m.
Thursday, March 21 PAT Playgroup @ 9:30
Thursday, March 21 Major Saver shaved ice party
March 25 - 29 Spring Break
Monday, April 1 School is in session
Kindergarten Round-Up
Kindergarten enrollment for the 2024-2025 school year will begin in May. Current preschool students will be screened while they are at school during the month of April. A copy of the screening sheet will be sent home to parents following the screen. A packet of paperwork will also be sent home with students for parents to complete. State-issued birth certificates are already on file, but we will ask that immunization records are updated and submitted to our office as soon as each student receives their “kindergarten shots.”
Students who are new to our building and will be 5 years old by July 31st, 2024 will need to sign up on our website for a screening appointment which will take place during the week of May 6-9. There will also be a link for parents to download the enrollment packet to complete. Packets will be available at the screening appointments for those who are unable to access them electronically. To complete the process, a state issued birth certificate and updated copy of immunizations will be required as well.
Preschool Enrollment
Preschool enrollment for the 2024-2025 school year will take place in May. Children who are actively enrolled in Parents as Teachers will enroll for preschool classes on May 10th and children new to our building will enroll on May 13th. All preschool students for the upcoming school year must be 4 by July 31st, 2024. To enroll, a sign-up will be available on our website by April. Parents will sign up for a time to bring in paperwork, birth certificates and immunization records. Paperwork can be accessed from our website or will be available at school during the enrollment process. Students do not need to attend as they will not be screened until the week of August 19th. Preschool classes will begin on August 26, 2024. There will be morning classes from 8:50-11:25 and afternoon classes from 12:50-3:25.
Things to Remember:
- Bring Photo Identification when visiting the building or signing a student out.
- Car riders can be dropped off starting at 8:20 a.m.
- Call the office by 3:00 with transportation changes.
- Do not send medicine to school with students.
- Please send students with appropriate clothing for outdoor play when the weather is cold.
- Please remember to post student names in windows when picking up car riders at the end of the day.
- Please pull around to assist with seat buckling if your child is unable to do this on their own.
- Breakfast is served from 8:20-8:50 a.m.
- All preschool students will enter the building through the north doors (those closest to the preschool classrooms). If students arrive after school begins or must leave before dismissal, you will enter the building with your photo identification at the main doors.
- Parents as Teachers hosts a playgroup every Thursday morning at 9:30 am. at the Harrisonville Community Center
- Preschool Enrollment for next year will begin on May 13th. The sign-up will be available on the website. Screenings will be completed in August before school begins.
Monthly Awards
Kindergarten students are recognized each month at ECC. These photos and video will be posted on the school Facebook page.
Awards are given each month for being a Terrific Citizen, Kindness, Math, P.E., Art and Music. Terrific Citizen awards are sponsored by the Harrisonville Kiwanis' Club and the Math awards are sponsored by The Community Bank of Harrisonville.
Daily school attendance is important because students are more likely to succeed in academics when they attend school consistently. It is difficult for the teacher and the class to build their skills and progress if a large number of students are frequently absent. Data from a California study found that children who were chronically absent in kindergarten and 1st grade were far less likely to read proficiently at the end of 3rd grade.
Please have students to school on time so that they can get their day off to a good start. Try to make appointments for as late in the day as possible. Call and let the office know if your child is ill and will not be able to attend.
Showing support for our friend Owen!
Valentine's Day talent
Cool kids celebrating the 100th day of school