The Buzz
Davis Elementary School
Welcome Yellow Jackets!
This time of year is always so exciting! Everyone is buzzing around preparing our school for our bright and energetic Yellow Jackets. I want you all to know that each of our Yellow Jackets are special to us, whether they are a first time student or they have been here for years. Our small school size allows for our staff to know students all over the building. We are a family, and we will help our families in any way that we can.
Your student will be most successful when they know we are all on the same team--rooting for them! That's why we offer a variety of ways for you to be on campus with your student(s). You may walk your child to class the first week of school. You may also eat lunch with your child. We ask that you message your student's teacher in advance to let them know to expect you. Our PTO also offers 'Bee Good Cafe,' so watch out for an invitation this year. Our procedures are that all visitors check in through the front office. Our new system will ask you to scan your identification, so be sure to have your license on you. Please see our PTO table at Open House if you would like more information about being involved at Davis.
Lastly, be on the lookout for a letter from your child's teacher with information about the upcoming year! Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns as we make our final preparations for our Yellow Jackets! You can call 706.657.6300 Monday-Friday 8:00-3:30 or email me at -Mrs. Barton, Principal
🚗New Car and Bus Procedures🚌
Due to construction all car riders will be dropped off and picked up in the front circle. All bus riders will be unloaded and loaded in the bowl parking lot. No cars will be allowed in the bowl parking lot during these times. Middle school and high school students will NOT be allowed to ride the bus from Davis in the morning or back in the afternoon. This includes middle school and high school students who have Davis siblings. Please click the photo above for a video regarding these changes.
💻Online Registration🏫
✏️School Supply Lists📓
Davis Open House
Come meet your child's teacher(s) on Wednesday, August 7th! Drop in between 3:00-6:00. Feel free to bring any school supplies that you have already purchased. We are looking forward to seeing everyone!
Wednesday, Aug 7, 2024, 03:00 PM
5491 Georgia 301, Trenton, GA, USA
Cars will use the front circle in a single file line to drop-off students in the morning. Mrs. Barton and Mrs. Howard will open doors and help your child(ren) out of the car.
Pre-kindergarten and Kindergarten families have the opportunity to do early car pick up at 2:45 in the front circle. No older siblings will be dismissed at this time.
Late car riders will be dismissed at 3:30 from the gym. Parents will line up in a double car line around the front circle of the school. Parents should enter the car line from highway 301. Due to early car rider dismissal, families should avoid entering the front circle for late car pick-up until 3:05 pm. Students that are dismissed via car riders should be picked up by 3:50 daily.
No student will be released from the gym to parents who walk up to the doors. Students' names will be called, and they will exit the gym and make their way to their vehicle with the assistance of the line monitors. 2:30 will be the latest a student may be checked out from the front office. For the safety of everyone, please follow the afternoon car riding procedures.
✅Attendance Policy🏫
Only six (6) parent notes for student absences will be accepted throughout the school year without medical documentation.
After 2 days of unexcused absence, the parent/guardian will be contacted by the child’s teacher with a reminder of our attendance policies.
After 3 days of unexcused absences, the counselor will notify the parent/guardian of our policies and request parent and/or medical excuses.
When a student misses 4 unexcused days, the parent/guardian will be sent a letter regarding the attendance policy and a request for parent and/or medical excuses.
When a student has accumulated 5 unexcused absences, the principal will call a meeting with the parent/guardian to discuss Georgia law regarding attendance.
Upon the 6th unexcused absence, the parent/guardian will receive a certified letter, sent by the judicial system informing them of the time and date they are to meet with the Dade County Truancy Treatment Team. A plan for attendance for the student will be developed at that time and a contract will be signed.
If the contract is not followed and another unexcused absence occurs, the parent will be referred to the judicial system.
Acceptable excuses:
Student illness (Parent notes will be accepted for 6 days of absence only)
Serious illness or death in the immediate family
Court order
Observation of religious holidays of the student’s faith
Conditions which render attendance impossible or hazardous to student’s health/safety
If your child is in the hospital or has a doctor’s note stating that he/she will be subject to an extended period out of school due to his/her illness; please contact your child’s teacher, a counselor or an administrator as soon as possible.
**Excuses must be in writing and turned in to the student’s homeroom teacher or front office.
8/6: Pre-K Orientation 5:00
🎉8/7: Open House 3:00-6:00
8/9: Students First Day--Doors open at 7:20, and class starts at 8:00
8/16: PTO Boo Hoo Breakfast for Pre-K/Kindergarten 7:30-8:15
8/7-8/14: PTO VIP Parking Spot Ticket Sales
8/19: PTO Back to School Bash 6:00-7:30🎉
8/23: Free / Reduced Lunch Applications Due
Quarterly S.O.A.R. Reward Criteria
Our Yellow Jackets who are recognized for their Safe, Organized, Accountable, and Respectful behaviors are rewarded with a quarterly S.O.A.R. reward. To be invited to this event a student must:
1. Earn a SOAR card during the quarter
2. Have less than 3 unexcused absences including tardies and early check-outs (3 tardies/checkouts=1 absence)
3. Be in good academic standing
4. Have ZERO office referrals
Davis Elementary School
Location: 5491 Georgia 301, Trenton, GA, USA
Phone: 7066576300
Twitter: @DavisElem